Special showing..

As they made their way up the stairs, Zel was still thinking to himself about what advantages he could use in the game. He didn't know a lot about video games, so he thought asking his uncle to train him might be useful for when New Orbis came out. Combat was very different in New Orbis compared to other games according to Zel's knowledge, so learning how to fight was definitely necessary. But outside that, he had never played in any other games so he didn't realize some features he added weren't available in even the most high end games that were out now. Zel's bodies original owner never really played more than once and after that he wasn't interested.

"Ok Zel come over here" as Zel's grandfather walked over to Kai and Zara. Zel almost couldn't help but stare. However thinking he would be watching something important, he quickly narrowed his focused.

"Hey Kai think you could do something for me it'll probably be good training for her anyways". his grandfather said while having a little glint in his eyes.

"It's up to her, she just finished a couple warm-up fights against some AI were discussing what she wants to work on" Kai voice came out emotionless and cold like an eerie melody.

"it's fine" Zara voice rang out pleasing Zel's ears.

"Great" His Grandpa exclaimed. "You two are just gonna fight but Kai don't hold back and no skills".

Zel didn't see how this would change anything but chose to observe anyway, while Zara's eyes lit up at the opportunity. You might think this is weird, but she had only decided to start training there to learn a couple combat techniques and footwork. So much of what she was going to practice only need supervision by someone who knew how to do them and a couple step by step walk throughs while the actual combat practice could be handled by A.I. Plus this was only her first training day, but as she was almost at the pro level she had plenty of her own techniques she needed to work on.

As they stepped into their pods, Kai loaded a small vile of F rank energy fluid into one of the fluid slots meant for long term play. As they loaded in, Zel's grandfather turned on the Holo-arena and set it to spectate. Quickly two figures materialized, a male in tight black leather armor and pants with a black mask, long, black hair and two curved daggers set to his side. On the opposite side, a stunning female in light, silver armor with black pants and elegant long sword on her waist appeared.

While they were getting ready to square off, his grandfather quickly pulled up screens showing their brain activity charts - these weren't extremely necessary to have but every pro team used them. This was because it was essentially a test of a true pro. Having steady brain activity during combat meant you were thinking actively while major jumps up and down meant you weren't thinking clearly. If you experienced the latter often chance of you being a pro was extremely low to non-existent while the other didn't guarantee you E-sports fame it made it more likely. There was also one more thing, it helped look out for an event that happened naturally most athletes would call it "getting in the Zone". But holding onto that focus for long periods of time was extremely tiring and usually only happened in high pressure situations and only to people who could maintain normal thought process in other situations already. General people didn't know how to read these graphs, but how could Zel not? He was a genius as Quinton, but he also studied this phenomenon due to many reasons.

As the fight started, both graphs spiked even with the fight slowed down so you could see whats happening they moved extremely fast. Bladework and foot techinques were matched together almost seamlessly from Zara. Her cool demeanor was striped away and replaced with an aggressive warrior while Kai kept his emotionless attitude but the atmosphere around him seemed even colder than normal, he was dodging blade strikes by centimetres while sparks from his curved daggers and Zara's blade flashed every so often, but to Zel, while this was extremely breathtaking, his eyes were glued to the Activity graphs because he was shocked by what he saw.

"He's a body master!!!" Zel thought as he watched two very distinct graphs one was high but steady and slowly increasing, but ultimately capped at a certain point and would dip and rise within a few points this was Zara's but on the other side Kai's had four times her activity!! As an example, say Zara could think of an action and do it one time every second Kai could do four in one second. That was only basically, in actuality he was processing info four times as fast this was similar to being in "The Zone" where people would say things would slowdown but even more impressive this was super human brain activity!!! With all the genetic engineering, humans have gone through being smart, in shape, and good looking wasn't exactly impressive - but being a Body Master simple made you a dragon in a room full or sheep, good looking sheep but sheep non the less.

As the fight was going on, his grandfather watched Zel's surprise and chose to explain although Zel didn't need him to he let him do it anyways.

"Hehe Kai's a body master". Zel's grandpa switch into an almost lecture mode as he explained. "He's able to control his brain to an elite level. The degree of focus and brain activity he can maintain and create isn't something normal people can do. He's essentially forcing his brain into a hyper active state. At the first level of mastery this is all you can do, but it makes fighting people who can't seem like they are moving in slow motion. People at the first level can dodge bullet they see shot at them, but being in this state consumes a lot of energy so we use Ranked energy to supplement the output D ranked could probably let you keep it up for about two days. F rank essentially just mitigates the possible damage. At levels 3, D rank or higher would be your staple diet every couple days because just your passive activity consumes a lot of energy. If you had enough money you could drink C rank and you'd be fine for a couple of week unless all you did was fight".

As he explained, Zel remembered why fluids ranked higher than C couldn't even be consumed by normal people. It was like putting Diesel into a regular car it might work, but most likely your car wouldn't even be able to process it before it stopped working. The only way normal people could use them was in small doses over time, like if they were spending months inside a VR pod, but C rank could let a normal person not need to eat for about a month. So buying something more potent would seem over the top, especially with how expensive they were. All the real benefits came at the B rank, so many people were missing out on a lot. Zel had done studies on this while he was Quinton, but the research was largely hidden from the general public - only the true elite understood how it was essentially a super serum. Still, taking it with out the necessary energy usage was dangerous.

Zel's grandpa continued to explain some of the nuances of being a Body Master most people didn't know as the fight in the background was quickly turning into a one sided beat down courtesy of Kai "The second level is a lot like the first, except the activity jumps double when the state is active and the passive activity becomes a little higher - meaning that the brain functions better and general control over the body increases while you also gain the ability to control your senses either heighten them or lowering them to mute. At the third brain activity, takes another jump. You essentially have mechanical control over your body to be able to use individual muscles to create optimal force application, can heighten sense to extreme levels, your thoughts become attuned to every action your body is doing at this stage, You could get your body to start healing faster and aging slower, this is happening at every stage but especially the last."

Zel's grandpa finished with a grin then frowned. "The problem is, that VR games that are out can really only show the first stage the body control is there but it isn't as effective as is in real life. The levels after that can't even be shown how powerful they are in the games." His grandfather sighed at the inability of Full dive VR tech to truly emulate life...