Chapter 14

In order to figure out what to do with me, I was sent back to the phareon. I was given my own room but unlike my other "prisons" I was placed in, I had freedom of movement. The rooms in the Phareon were almost like apartments more than a hotel room. Since I was just waiting for Mr. Morrell, Captain Stinson and his Lieutenants to review the data stored in my capsule, I decided to kill time by looking up the history that has been recorded so far.

The last thing I remember is being stuffed in the capsule and being moved around. The capsule was sealed really well since I heard nothing after being in it. I had just my thoughts to occupy my time for more than a century. During that time I theorized how I myself can make a battle suit. In my youth I loved robots like any child would. If it wasn't G.I. Joe it was Power Rangers, for me it was the Power Rangers, it was based off of Japanese live-action shows but I liked it, especially their robots. Since seeing Iron Man come to life in the theater I thought that it was a matter of time until I see it in real life.

During my time the technology kept improving but since it was me I wasn't given much to protect myself. I have seen the weapons and armored suits that other units used and thought that they were really bulky. I had the knowledge literally downloaded into me about anything from the past since I needed to bypass security, guards, soldiers, ships, planes and other modes of transportation to get to my target. I had the plans in my mind, the technology here is advanced enough and I had the time to start, I just needed access to the tools.

I know I will get a different reaction from the Captain and his Lieutenants when they see the files but it mattered little to me. The files were literally Petabyte to Exabytes large considering the years, the videos, the samples, logs and experiments. The information will have to be broken down so, by now the information will prove too much for the Lieutenants, even the ship doctor, and they will have to get the scientists from Epsilon to go through it all. My wait on the ship will probably take as long as the repairs, give or take. Since it wasn't my ship I asked for permission to use the tools, equipment and supplies.

Before I gained permission to move about the ship, I started on the programs for my armor. I started on an Artificial Intelligence Neural Network to have set as the main program to control the suit similar to the A.I. program JARVIS from Iron Man. When the program gained A.I. consciousness I named it F.A.I.N.N., my First Artificial Intelligence Neural Network. I gave it a female voice with a British accent like I had when people used IPhones. I have no imagination when it comes to acronyms but it was not much different than Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. In this point in time there were many programs that had A.I.'s in them so I took some of their algorithms as a base and improved on it. Once the brain of the suit was done I just had to rework the main function of the suit. I cared little for air to breathe so it wasn't a big priority, plus it will keep other people from using it.

Even though I say suit, it will be larger than simple body armor. In a way, it will be bio mechanical, made with nano machines that function as its blood. Since it will be almost like a living thing, it will be capable of regeneration but to what extent remains to be seen. I started on my project but once it began to reach the building phase, I needed the parts, which the material synthesizer could not provide. From my own memories, I can get the initial materials from the material synthesizer but it could not give me the materials in the matter that I described, I had to do the smelting, mixing, refining and metalwork myself.

The moment I went to ask the captain for the space, tools and materials, he came to get me for the decision that they came up with regarding my situation. Lieutenant Erickson and Mosby escorted me to Epsilon then to a huge building in the middle of the city. We walked into a conference room where, I'm assuming, all the top brass or top people of the planet are gathered. Some were even holograms because they were managing things on the other side of the planet. "So you are the person that they found on the Phareon. We are the known as the council, I am Robert Garcia" "Let me guess, on the surface appointed by the people but secretly run the world?" I said. "I am surprised that you can speak our language so fluently after awakening from cryo-stasis. But no, we do not secretly run the world, we outwardly run the world. We were chosen by our minds not which one of us can articulate or be the most popular. We are the top minds of the planet and the people gathered around us. We are not politicians for they are not needed. We let the top minds run the world for the betterment of our society." Robert Garcia stated.

"The last time I heard a speech like that, a man covered in Dorito dust was the president of the United States. How are the best minds any different? The moment your ideas, solutions and answers differ from one another dissent will grow between you." I said. "I can only speak for myself when I say, you are absolutely right. Our progress slows when we cannot agree and speeds up when we do. Our solutions may be different but even with the slowed down progress is better than regressing." Robert Garcia replied. "Why am I here? I already made it clear to Mr. Morrell and Captain Stinson, I prefer my freedom. Anything that stands in the way of my renewed life will be terminated. I can tell from your stares and nervous sweat that me being here became a hot topic among the medical society." I said with slight intimidation in my voice. "Hello I am Mortimer Smith and I am in charge of the medical society. Like you have said, you have become a hot topic among us but we will not make the same mistakes that the world you have lived in. We have thought that the great Subject Zero was lost to us."

"Again, I find myself in a room with scientists, some within killing distance, looking at me like a fucking lab rat. How are you any different from my old world?!" I said with an elevated voice. "Fff-rom the data we have gathered from the previous studies and the data that was in your capsule we have enough make many cures and advances in the medical field." Said Mortimer Smith in a frightened voice. "But" I said "But we still need some samples since the ones we have are outdated" Mortimer Smith finished. "In the end I am nothing but precious material in your eyes. I guess you all are looking for immortality as well and are disguising it as a cures for your current sicknesses. I guess I should end you all before you turn out like the Earth."

"I knew he wouldn't listen to reason" "Please Dr. Forze, don't make him angry" Said Mortimer Smith. "I knew that he wouldn't help humanity, he is nothing but a cold blooded killer." The hologram of Dr. Forze said. "And who do you think made me this way? Was it not the orders that scientists like yourselves carried out by power and money hungry people? Was it not you scientists that used me to your hearts content when you were told to do anything to me? If I remember correctly I never did get to kill the first head of the scientists, Dr. Forze, which experimented on me. If you are related to him, then I guess had much more dignity as a man of science than his progeny." The hologram of Dr. Forze was frozen in fear as he gnashed his teeth with no rebuttal. Any more nonsense out of him would spell death like all the scientists before him, especially after reviewing the data that was in Lance Muertezo's capsule.

Since Dr. Forze's outburst the other scientist heads had to tread carefully. If children had the boogieman the scientists had Subject Zero. According to the teachings of up and coming scientists within the Epsilon society, Subject Zero was considered myth since such a perfect specimen existed, but it was also treated as a guide of what not to do when conducting experiments, that not being ethical and just within ones experiments will lead to one's own destruction. Most likely these scientists considered it a joke when they were in class but to witness the bloodthirst of the very example of what can go wrong right before them, made them look back on how they carried out their experiments.