"I hope you keep yours"

"Good morning Zowie dear!" Akki cheerily greeted. He was definitely in a good mood.

"Good morning Mr. Araneta." She formally replied without a hint of feelings.

Akki's mind was muddled. She was a bubbly and sweet mischievous woman last night. But now, she seemed to be a totally different person with a little sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong Zowie dear? Are you not feeling well?" Akki tried to lift up her mood. Though he was really bothered by how she's acting now.

"I'm fine. Let's just get straight to the business Mr. Araneta." She looked away.

He was a bit annoyed by how she addressed him. "Business? You are not just a business to me! And I don't see marriage as a business dear." He became sad.

"Really Mr. Araneta? Then, why me? What's your purpose? I am an ordinary woman! What can you get from me?" There was too much stillness in her face. She was testing him.

There was a moment of silence in the room. Akki was not expecting the question. Before last night, he was ready for it but now it was hard for him to answer.

"What's wrong Mr. Araneta? Did you cut your tongue?" She added.

"First, will you please stop calling me Mr. Araneta! Second, why not you Zowie dear? You are the only woman I got attracted to in my whole life! And I want to give it a try!" He irritatingly explained. He was trying to convince her with his sincerity so she would not get any suspicion about his true purpose. But it was somehow real to him now.

"Marriage is bonded by love and not just a simple attraction Mr. Zakki! You know that I was engaged right. That was a different situation than what we have now. We have just met for a short time." Zowie tried to reason out, for him not to suspect her of anything by just accepting his offer.

"What we have is indeed different from what you had with that cheater! You two may have started with love before jumping into engagement but I don't think marriage is a product of such monotonous system. With our case, we may start without love but may possibly have it in the process. And we will know when we get there!" Akki breathtakingly reasoned.

'Really Akki? Do you understand what you are saying?' He was taken away by his emotion.

Zowie just looked at him intently.

"Besides, you are wanted by the gangs in every part of the country. And I will be your best option to could protect from them."

Zowie remained silent. She realized he was right.

"And if you agree on marrying me, I only have one condition. After a year, if we don't see our marriage working and you want a divorce, I will give it to you. You will also have one hundred million pesos as immediate compensation. Then, we can both live our lives separately." Akki continued. He felt sad upon thinking of the divorce.

'Is that my worth for you?' Zowie gave him a strange look. 'It doesn't matter Zowie, what's important is that you will have one year to get your mission accomplished. And you don't need to be emotionally attached with him.'

"Okay, let's get married!" Zowie finally talked.

"Thank you dear Zowie!" He gave a winning smile.

"On one condition!"

Akki was surprised. " Well, anything for you dear! What will that be?"

"Call me Zowie. Nothing more, nothing less. No other names or extra sweet names!" She straightforward ordered.

"But why?" Akki was wondering. However, he thought it will also be good for him. He will not be that so sweet to her. "Okay, but let's make it more challenging. Whoever slips his/her tongue saying those magical words will pay it with a kiss." He teasingly smiled. "You're the first one who started it last night!"

"Wait! What? Then, what if you are just intentionally saying it? You can't fool me with your trick Mr. Zakki!" She replied irritatingly.

"Okay, let's make it this way. If I will call you with endearments, you will kick me but if you call me Mr. Araneta or Mr. Akki again, you will kiss me! What do you think? This way, we can both control ourselves."

Zowie thought of it as not a bad idea. 'I will definitely not lose on this!'

"Okay, It's a deal!"

"Now, when do you think we can get married?" Akki instantly asked.

"Well, I don't think we can have a grand wedding because it will be very controversial on your part. And I don't like too anyway. I also don't think we can both go to a judge as well so why don't we just signed our marriage contract here right now." She was still emotionless.

"Then, I'll have it registered afterwards." Akki added.

He took out a paper and a pen. " I am sorry, I was not really prepared with such idea so I already have the contract with me a while ago dear." He grinned.

Their eyes looked each other meaningfully.

"Oh really! Not prepared huh? You must be really excited to marry me." She took the paper and pen, then signed the contract.

Akki was happily smiling, thinking that she had forgot about their deal a while ago. He tried to take the paper but it was not that easy.

"And by the way, you should be thankful of my situation now. You owe me a kick Akki!" She devilishly grinned and let go the paper.

He was a bit shaking when he finally signed the paper. 'She must be a hard kicker! What did you get yourself into Akki! You are doomed by your own idea.'

"Yeah, I better prepare myself for your kick when you're completely healed and capable." 'Sounds so dangerous for me.'

"And we are married now!" He showed her the paper with their signatures on it. "Once this will be registered, we will be officially and legally married." Akki said it proudly.

"Yeah, we are." Zowie was not happy nor excited about it but was looking forward to get everything she needed to do as soon as she can.

"Zowie, can I asked you something?"

Zowie became curious. "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Do you keep your promises?"

Zowie was puzzled to be asked by such out of a blue question. 'What's this about?'

"Yes, I do." She simply replied.

"Me too. And I promise to be a good husband of yours." He stood up and brought his face closer to her ear. "I hope you keep yours" , he whispered.

Zowie froze out of confusion. She was wondering when and where did she give such promise.

" I better have this registered immediately before you change your mind. Get well soon my wife. " Akki gave her a meaningful smile and walked out of the room.

Zowie was still wordless. She was tracing her memories and suddenly grasped herself when she had remembered something.

She was so weak when a man carried her in his broad arms. She set her face on the man's shoulder, leaned on it and whispered. "I promise to be a good wife of yours."

Realizing it was him, she became alarmed.

'Zowie you are such an a**hole!' She patted her head. ' Well, there's no turning back now! You have come so far!'