"Are you satisfied now?"

Business tycoons were arriving at the prestigious yet exclusive venue of the country's annual grand business gala. Even the media were restricted to get inside so they have to be contented to get stories outside as their privilege.

Tonight will be the gala's tenth year in a row! It must be one of a kind!

A black Mercedes Benz stopped at the entrance. Reporters were waiting for someone to go out from the car. And they all went crazy when the car spit out a majestic and refined man in his black suit. What made them even crazier was that he was with a beautiful, glamorous lady. The bodyguards immediately surrounded them. But before the media could take pictures, the man's eyes looked around with a glimpse of warning. The mask may have hide his face but his cold eyes cannot be contained.

Zakki could have driven the most extravagant car in the world but he did not want a show off. He does need people to recognize his riches because he already knew himself and what he's capable of.

The couple immediately went inside. Zowie looked around and was caught herself in place filled with people in the high class. She was a bit suffocated.

The host automatically acknowledged the presence of Zakki Araneta, from his built and aura, anyone could tell that it was him! But for the first time, he was not alone. Zakki and the lady's presence in the venue were unquestionably exuding.

Zowie could feel the envious eyes of women in the place peeling her off, desperately wanting her position. She tightened her grasped on Akki's shoulder. People around them may have been in shock with her, being with the mightiest and most influential tycoon in the country.

Zakki held her hand tightly which made her calmed down for a little. "Relax, the show is about to start!" He whispered on her. Then, he smiled.

His gesture was so sweet from a far. Anybody would tell that they may have something special.

Zakki and Zowie had finally seated calm. But hot eyes were still on them.

A woman in the next table had been watching and scrutinizing Zowie from head to toe! She could not believe it! The woman was with Zakki Araneta! For her, she seemed to be an ordinary escort with no class, magically dressed for one big night!

It was Alicia Han, Zakki's obsessive fanatic. She was delusional, thinking that she and Zakki belonged together. However, Zakki did not know it yet.

Zakki begun to discuss deeply with his business associates. He really did not like it because businessmen will always be businessmen. Either they'll be good allies or the other way around. But because he was also a businessman, he must be flexible and considerate as much as he can. This was how this kind of world worked for him!

After dinner, men begun to talk and mingle on each other.

Zakki did not want to leave his wife alone. But a trusted business partner Mr. Lou approached him together with his wife. Mr. Lou's wife can only speak Italian so she was really not enjoying the night. Gladly Zowie saved him, since she knew how to speak the language so she kept Mrs. Lou accompanied.

Zowie and Mrs. Lou were already sitting and chatting comfortably when a sophisticated lady in her backless gold gown meddled in their conversation.

"Hi, I am Alicia! Enjoying the beautiful night?" She was smiling uncontrolably. She was definitely drunk.

Mrs. Lou tried to give a smile and Zowie was thinking of how to keep Mrs. Lou away from the scandalous woman.

"Hi Ms. Alicia, the night is indeed beautiful surrounded by beautiful ladies like you!" Zowie directly replied while smiling, trying to aid the situation.

But Alicia was not happy with her words. She was annoyed and slightly laughed.

"You must be a great expensive escort to be with Zakki!" She was trying to get her humiliated.

Mrs. Lou could not understand what they were talking so she was still innocently smiling with them.

'You got some nerves to call me as an escort! And addressed Akki as if you knew him that well!' Zowie was boiling from within. She did not say a word to avoid making a scene. She tried to search for Akki for a help but before she could find him, a lady's voice got everybody's attention.

It was Alicia again! She was holding the microphone.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention please!" She was really making a scene now.

"For this 10th year special celebration, Mr. Zakki Araneta had brought an escort. And with her great honor, she will be giving us a short entertainment! Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome the Silver Lady!" Alicia proudly announced addressing Zowie as the Silver Lady out from her gown.

Everybody was clapping their hands. Zowie composed herself and excused herself to Mrs. Lou who was also surprisingly clapping her hands as well.

Zakki heard it right, his wife was in trouble! He attempted to make a move to save her but he paused as he saw her confidently walking to the stage. He was worried but he could also tell by her aura that she knew what was she doing so he gave her the chance.

This will be a good time for her to prove what she's capable of.

Zowie went to the operator and set herself on stage. She was on the center stage with the microphone stand!

Zakki was observing her closely! 'Is she singing? She sings? How come?' He was nervous from within.

With her mask on, Zowie was fearless! People will not recognize her after tonight.

"This song is for everyone." Zowie sounded.

'She will be really singing!' Zakki was totally dumbfounded.

The music begins and the hall was waiting for her to sing.

"This is a man's world, this is a man's world.." A sweet, soulful voice conquered the whole place. Every word that came out from her mouth was touching everyone.

Zowie was a totally different person as she sang.

For a moment, she was living her dream. She never imagined she could have this moment ,at this instant. She was singing heartily. All emotions she had keep within were into her singing.

Above all her trainings and setting her mission aside, singing was her secret love. Singing was the only dream she ever wanted for herself! She dream of becoming a great influential singer but she had to put it aside for her mother. Even her mother did not know about it.

This will be a once in a blue moon evening that she will be very thankful of in her entire life. This was the very night, she was free to be herself!

Zakki could not help himself but be amazed with his wife. She was a totally different person in his eyes now. A talented singer with a deep heart connection! She was making his heart flew away!

"This is a man's world

But it would be nothing, nothing , not one little thing,

without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness

He's lost in bitterness, he's lost lost"

The song was not hers but she sang it like it was. She was singing it with her own original taste. It was heartfelt and timely with the occasion. With her outfit , ambiance and singing, she was destined for such one of a kind act.

As her last word echoed in the place, a complete silence followed. Then, in split second it was filled with tremendous sound of clapping hands.

Alicia on the side was the only one who was not impressed with her. Zowie really took everybody's attention but not as she had planned it to be.

Zowie get herself back and then went to Mrs. Lou who was so impressed at her, praising her unendingly. She was still emotional out from the song and she did not even noticed her husband coming.

Zakki and Mr. Lou were also back at their table.

"That was great!" Zakki sweetly whispered on her.

Zowie was surprised and teasingly smiled. "Are you satisfied now? Don't forget your word!"

Zakki did not give her any reply. He just looked at her.

After they bade goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Lou, Zakki gestured Zowie for home. But as they tried to go out, media men were already flooding outside.

They must have heard what happened.

It was a big story!