
Chapter six


After the incident at the Lake, I avoided Eric. It was strange due to the fact it happened today and I was acting like a rape victim. The assault was real though.

Eric, on the other hand, would not be put down so easily. He got his opportunity when we arrived home.

I went to my room to be just by myself but apparently I didn't shut my door and he came in.

"Hey, Can we talk?"


I wasn't ready to listen to whatever he had to say but if we were going to talk, I needed the door wide opened.

I nodded in approval and went for the door, pushing it wide open.

"What do you need to say? I'm pretty tired so can we just get to it."

"Sure. First, I want to apologize about what happened this morning."

He just mentioned it brought back all the memories I had locked away.

"Is that all?" I quizzed.

"And...I also wanted to thank you for saving me."

Why was he so awkward?

He was so sure if himself by the lake, it was almost like he had become a completely different person.

"You're welcome."

Doubt troubled my mind. Something didn't seem right here.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I summoned the courage to ask.

"I felt it was right and I...want us to be friends." He disclosed, stretching his hands for mine.

What game was this?

"Is this some kind of joke?" I blurted out.

I mean...people just don't have a sudden change of attitude.

"Of course. So what do you say?"

I slowly stretched my hands and they clasped.

I felt my body tingle slightly as vibes I had never felt before surged through me.

I stared into his dreamy blue eyes.

I could see my beginning and how this was going to end.

But my heart sang louder than my reasoning.

I guess you never know what infatuation was until you became its slave.

I wanted to know Eric.


Four days later

He held me unto him and I stuck to him like a leech. His heartbeat was the perfect music I needed to hear.

The water was warm just having him ignite the fire in me.

"I'll be going soon Maisy." He revealed, stroking my wet hair.

"Stop saying that!" I punched his rock hard chest and broke away from his cuddle.

He had reminded me since the day we began our affair and has harsh as it was, He would be leaving me soon, For the castle and other girls.

He pulled me closer once again and planted kisses on my neck.

"I'm sorry. I don't want this to end too but my people need me." He cooed me but I refused to be pacified by those worthless words.

I reminded myself I had nothing to lose. He hadn't taken my dignity but I would miss his tales and company.

Why was I lying to myself?

Truth be told, I would literally die if he left me. Eric had visualized a beautiful world for my mind eye and given me Love my father could never give.

"But what can I do?" I mused.

"You know I love you right?" He whispered to my ear.

I didn't doubt his love nevertheless, I couldn't follow him to Nodith.

I hadn't told my father about us, I feared his hate for the Clarke's would cloud his judgment and I would lose Eric faster.

"I know Eric."

I turned, face him and put my arms around his neck.

"So let's tell your father."

I instantly panicked. There was no way I was going to reveal to my father that I loved Eric.

He was beginning to soften on Eric these past few days but Father never forgot his enemies.

Eric would always be a Clarke in his eyes.

"I can't Eric. We should go."

I got out of the river and clothe myself. Eric joined me soon after.

"I know he'll understand Maisy."

I badly wanted to believe what he said but I knew better.

"No Eric. Fate has put this boundary for a reason. Maybe we're not meant to be together."

"Don't say that." Eric countered.

He placed a kiss on my cheek and got dressed.

  "You are spending time with him lately. Should I be worried?" Father asked when we got home.

"Stop it, Dad." I tried shaking him off.

Knowing my father, He would never forgive me for hooking up with a Clarke. He would feel bettered and I didn't want that.

Eric entered afterward and my father threw a strange question at him.

"When will you be going, Eric?"

Eric turned in my direction but I avoided his stare.

"Soon." He replied and proceeded to his room.

But my father stopped him yet again.

"It's been three days Eric. I've got a horse ready for your travel back to Nodith. It is surprising but I have a feeling you don't want to return home."

I got the scares. My heart began to thump hard for two reasons.

I didn't want Eric to reveal us or give in to my father's demands.

He briefly looked and me before returning his attention to my father.

"Mr Quinn, I'll be going tomorrow."

My heart dropped and I felt something pull it out.

"What!" I blurted out.

My father turned to me, confused. I shut my damn mouth shut and excused myself.

I remained at the corner watching Eric torture me.

That could only be it.

He never mentioned that he would be leaving tomorrow. Was that why he kept pressuring me to tell my father about 'us'.

Tears escaped my lids as I watched the only thing that mattered much to me recently slip away from me.

"That's a good idea." My father commented.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Eric appreciated and left for his room.

I took the opportunity and took him by the collar before dragging him to my room.

"What was that about?" I whispered after locking the door.

"I was going to tell you." He breathed.

I couldn't believe him. I wiped away the hot tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"But I don't want you to go," I mumbled, barely audible.

"Then tell your father about us." He coaxed, "I'm tired of hiding my feelings for you. I want you with me all the time Maisy."

His eyes were dark with passion and I could sense the truth in his words.

I badly wanted to spew the words he wanted to hear but this was a tough choice for me.

To break my father or to break Eric

"It's now or never." His haunting voice reminded me.

"I..." I couldn't do it. My feelings were intertwined and it was difficult to choose one of them over the other but I couldn't keep my secret forever.

Even if Father wasn't going to accept Eric as the man I loved, I had to tell him. He deserved that much.

So I said the words,

"I'll tell him."

Eric pulled me close and embraced me.

"I love you Maisy." He said to my ears.

My tears slid down to his shirt, leaving them moist. I took a deep breath and locked my arms around him.

This was going to be the hardest thing I would ever do but I had to.

"I love you too," I said back but deep, deep down, I was torn.




The past few days had been hectic for me. Dealing with transformation changes since the ingredients needed for the pills were becoming too costly.

The threats of war were even worse and I needed a break.

This was one reason I never wanted Father's legacy. It was nothing but trouble.

A messenger came into my Chambers and bowed as the customs demanded before telling me the purpose of his visit.

"You have a letter, My Lord."

Good Lord, I grumbled within me.

It could be another death threat or a mortgage of the properties we owned. I guessed it wouldn't be long before Conrad has his way. We were literally falling apart and Eric was nowhere to be found.

The messenger handed me the letter and took leave.

I broke the candle wax seal and unwrapped the contents to read.

I was surprised to learn It was from Eric. Hopefully, he had some good news.

It read,

"My dear brother,

I have found Tatia's surviving sister and have gotten her to fall in love with me. If all goes well, I will be arriving home very soon."

My heart leaped in joy. Count Cedric's other grandchild was real. He wasn't just a bitter old man who created his own reality to cope with Tatia's murder.

That meant we stood a chance against Conrad, We would be rich once again.