
Chapter fifteen


"Unhand him!" I yelled to the guards as I raced to father.

They looked dumbstruck but they obeyed me.

At least I had that kind of power.

"He doesn't have an invitation." One of them commented.

I faced him, struggling with the desire to slap him dirty for handling my father roughly.

"This man happens to be my father. So let me ask you, Do you need your job?" The authority in my own voice made me cringe.

He kept his head down his submission and muttered his apology inaudibly. I ignored them and took father inside.

He hugged me when we were away from the gates.

"You're safe." He mumbled.

I wanted to tell him what I was facing right there but, What was he doing here?

"What happened?"

"Are you happy here?" He inquired, quite unexpected.

I was silent. A part of me wanted to tell him he was right but that would also mean I was wrong, That I was still a child and I couldn't face my own mistakes.

"Yes, "I replied.

His face turned serious, the lines on them was disturbing.

"Is anything wrong?"

"I have to tell you something Maisy."

He was pale, I could tell something had gone horribly wrong.

"Ewan...I sent him here..." Father mumbled shaking. He was incoherent and I couldn't make out a word he said.

"Father, You have to calm down. What happened to Ewan?"

"Something attacked him, Ewan is dead."

I felt my heart constricting in its cages.

"What?... How?" The words just came out, I wasn't really saying them.

Ewan was dead and I was numb to the head. I was already facing a lot and now this.

"I was worried about you since you didn't message at all so I sent Ewan to you. He came back but he was attacked... right in front of me and I could do nothing."

He couldn't hold the pain and he burst into tears, holding me for support.

"If Ria hadn't come. I might have died too."

While he said those words, I blamed myself for Ewan's death. My stupid choice had cost someone his future.  Tears escaped my eyes just thinking about it.


I caught on but what father said hardly made sense. How could Ria have saved him? She was just a horse.

" Ria isn't just a horse. She's a mystic."

I had heard tales of mystic. Mother had repeated them to me several times till I hated the stories and would what father said, They might actually be real.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's stabled outside. Do you want to see her?"

"I can't. They won't let me." I blurted.

Shut up Maisy!

Father became suspicious.


"I... We should go to the party."

"Okay." He welcomed.

On the way back to the party, my mind remained unsettled.  Father didn't know that he had another daughter who was now dead. I couldn't just bring myself to tell him. Why? I had a feeling I was taking the path she took and if I truly was, I might end up like her.



"Who's that?" Anthony inquired pointing right at Maisy.

She was walking hand in hand with her father.

Why was he even here?

"That's her father," I answered absentmindedly.

"Do you think he's come to take his daughter back?"

"Anthony, You really have to stop this pessimistic view of life. It's really affecting everyone around you."

"You have to be prepared for the worst Eric, especially if you're going to be King."

I ignored him and walked up to Maisy. Even if Spencer had any such plans, there was absolutely nothing he could do. I was legally married to Maisy.

"Spencer, it's a pleasure to have you here." I greeted.

Spencer smiled and returned the commentary.

"It's nice to see you're treating Maisy well. She looks gorgeous tonight."

I glanced at Maisy. She was indifferent but I knew she was screening 'public show' deep inside.

"Yes. A Queen has to look her best and deserves the best."

I watched her clench her fist, releasing them and taking deep breaths. That meant Spencer wasn't being sarcastic. Maisy hadn't told him yet. I wondered why.

"Well since you're here. It would be nice to make up for lost time. Your father I law is right there."

"I don't think it's necessary... I'll be leaving soo..."

"Nonsense." I cut in, "I'm sure he'd like to see his son in law after such a long time."

Spencer finally gave in and left leaving Maisy and me to talk.

"So you didn't tell him? Why?"

Maisy brushed her hair behind her ear before defiantly saying,

"I don't answer to you."

I smirked.

"Where did the sudden courage come from Maisy, You were broken hours ago." I teased her.

It was a pleasure watching her stare at me with nothing but hatred. at least that what she thought she was doing. Her heart sang to me, it held love letters only mine could read.

"You might hate me now Maisy but you'll learn to forgive me."

I ran my finger from her neckline to her inviting lips, the way she bit them was so seductive that my wolf was literally gaining control.

"Forgive you? I can't wait for the divorce once you get the money you want."

"What makes you think that's all I want?"

Yes, Wolfie was out now.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She pulled away from my touch.

"Why did that make you cringe Maisy?"

"Just stay away from me." She breathed and turned to leave.

I was having none of it. I held on to a hand and threw her in my arms.

"And what if I don't want to stay away from you? What happens then?"

"I don't get you. You're sick, This—is sick! One minute you're cold and the next you're acting like a lovesick puppy. Do you still care about me?"

I leaned to her ear and whispered,

"If you hate me so much. Why do you care if I care?"

She pulled away in disgust and stormed off.

Drama queen, Our drama queen.



I had spent years avoiding Katherine's father and now I was heading right for him. I took deep breaths as images of the torture I went through in his hands mirrored.

He saw me before I reached him and I could tell he was surprised.

"It's nice...to meet you again." I awkwardly stated.

"Sit down Spencer." He obliged.

I sat. His voice sounded croaky, not the dominating one I was used to.

"How are you?"

"Good. You?"

"I've seen better days."

This conversation was getting nowhere, I hated to admit but I had way too bad memories with this man to even sit comfortably with him. This was a man that would have shot me down if he had the chance in the past. I knew I should let go of the past but I just couldn't let go of the hate.

"I'm so sorry Spencer." He apologized, surprisingly, "I caused you so many troubles in the past."

He seemed genuine and I was moved to pity. Time was the only thing that broke men.

"It's okay. You were just trying to protect Katherine. I would do the same and frankly, I think I understand more now."

Mr Quinn gave a weak smile, turning silent.

A girl I didn't know from Adam's came towards us.

"Who's this grandfather?"

Mr Quinn introduced me.

"This is Spencer, Maisy's father, and Spencer, this is Lucy."

"It's nice to meet you." The girl said.

It's usually nice to meet new people but I had a gut feeling this girl was bad news.

"How are you coping Mr Spencer?" She continued, "Losing two people in your life. It must be hard."

I tried to comprehend what she was saying but it was strange. I only lost Katherine and of course, Ewan but nobody here knew him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sympathizing with you, Mr Spencer. Losing your wife and daughter must be hard."

"Daughter?" I quizzed.

At this moment, Katherine's father began to act strange. I caught him sending eye signals to Lucy, begging her to shut up.

I searched the party with my eyes. I stopped when they spotter Maisy. She was very much alive.

"Maisy is alive, What are you talking about?"

"Her sister, Tatia." Lucy retorted.

What was she saying?...