"Nozomi. Don't say that. I already told you the full story it's not like that what you think he was always there for me when I need help. How many people will you find in this world who will go out of their ways and help you the answer is not that much. I do admit at first there wasn't that much of a love but after leaving so many years with the person you come to love their little bit things even if it's annoys you you still fall in love with those behaviour habits and sometime you might fall in love with that guy it's all in time I don't expect you to understand because you are still young I am just telling you this because one day you will might understand that after living with someone so many years it just become something more something special something that can't be described with words. Enough about me tell me more about yourself do you have a girlfriend or someone you like. You can tell me come on don't be shy ". "Akio. yeah yeah I get it. I don't have any girlfriend I did get a proposed by lot of girl but someone stole my heart a long time ago and then someone still her from me I mean before I could say anything to her but one day I will get her back .Just because I am young that doesn't mean that I am dumb I will have you today. are you okay you are moving little bit strange". "Nozomi. OH that's so awful I am so sorry to hear that don't give up on her if she isn't happy with him you should try your best to make yours. I think I am may have too many drinks. I dont know whats happening to me suddenly my body feels so hot it's like inside of my body is burning slowly. is it because I didn't do it with shiro like a month because he wasn't home is my body desire getting best of me? if if this keeps up I might attack or throw myself to Akio. No it's not good I have to get away from him I think may be taking a shower will help my body to cool down. Akio I think I had too many drinks I think I will go and get a shower and some rest can you please clean this up for me and if Yoko comes please tell her I prepared dinner in the table but if she had dinner then please tell her to put those thing in the fridge please". "Akio. Okay I will do that if she comes and don't worry I will take care of everything you just go and take rest. Now it's my chance I think the drug is finally taking some effect on her". "Nozomi"its no good after taking a shower I thought I will feel a little bit better but the warm feeling in side my body it's getting stronger and stronger I dont know whats wrong with me if this keeps up I don't know what will I do. Mayby I should change into my sleeping outfit but but I don't feel that good now decide if I move that much my body might get even worse and decide who will come to my room this time I will just sleep with the towel. I hope no one will to disturb me I better get some sleep I think I'll be fine tomorrow morning". "Akio. Aunty I bought you some medicine to said you are not feeling good take some medicine you will feel better. Aunty what"?