Birth of a God! [P1]

Within the endless nothing a boundless light shone, it grew in size as it tore through the void at unfathomable speeds in all directions. So bright and luminous it was that exploding stars were like fireflies to be swept away before the its radiance.

"Oh..." A sigh of pleasure resounded through the void.

Ariel's body had disintegrated with nothing at all remaining but she didn't notice it, even without her body she felt an unprecedented amount of fulfillment. She knew it, she could feel it; she had become a god!

As she began to feel out the extents of her new powers, suddenly, a burst of information flooded her mind.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" A scream came from the startled Ariel, so powerful it was that it rippled throughout all time and space across all the myriad dimensions and realities.

The change happening to her was enthralling but also caused her endless despair.

She felt stretched beyond imagining like she was everywhere and nowhere, within every particle in every space. She knew all the past, present and future all the way till the end of eternity and beyond. Every cause and effect and the movements and thoughts of all conscious and unconscious entities in existence. It was driving her to the brink of madness but within the chaotic madness was serenity, clarity like she had never felt before. It threatened to swallow her whole forever in it's embrace.

Within the torrents of limitless information Ariel heard a voice.

Although she felt like her mind was slipping away into a state where she knew she would not return from, that faint voice continued to grow louder and louder until she could hear it clearly in her mind. "Listen to my voice Ariel, focus...yes that's it. Think of a switch, forget everything else just focus on that switch!"

The voice was hypnotic and familiar, her mind was slowly being drawn away from the madness. She struggled with difficulty but eventually formed a switch in her mind.

"It's only purpose is turn off the noise that's scrambling your mind, to block your powers of omnipresence and omniscience! Focus Ariel! Now take your hand and use your finger to flip it! Turn it off!" The voice shouted.

Focusing as hard as she could, the switch in her mind finally flipped off with the help of her imagined hand.

Ariel was successful but the damage was done. She felt listless and devoid of any emotion or feeling. She was a god but so what? She now knew every secret the infinite realities had to offer, every action and every consequence. Every being with intelligence, their tales and stories, future and pasts and all the possible paths their lives could take with or without her interference. Any thing or being she thought of creating before, she now knew their outcomes and everything she should could experience, pleasure or pain, Ariel felt that she had already encountered them an infinite number of times through the lives of those who existed.

It was like knowing what would happen in a TV show after watching it a million times. The surprise and expectation you had watching it the first time was now gone. The mild enjoyment you had watching it 29 times after that? Gone. The tolerance to watch it 40 times after that? Gone. All that was left was emptiness.

Lain flew close to Ariel and gently cupped her in the palms of her hands. Currently she was just a blob of blinding light as large as a tennis ball.

"You need to forget Ariel, I can't do it for you. Only you yourself can. Forget all you've learned, all you've recently experienced. Only remember who you were before. That young girl on that small blue planet, she wasn't yet a god but just a human like any other, the you before I threw you in here. Remember her and become her again."

The blob of light slightly rippled.

"Regain yourself!" Lain was shouted loudly, her voice echoing in Ariel's mind with unparalleled strength.

Like an explosion, Ariel's mind was whipped into action. All her memories from after she was thrown into the crack in reality were being locked away behind a colossal metal gate.

Once all the memories were locked away successfully, the gate shut with a thundering clap and glittering chains resembling billions of stars wrapped around the door securing it in the deepest depths of her mind.

Lain smiled brilliantly, a feeling of accomplishment and relief rose up in her heart.

Ariel was feeling groggy and her mind was muddled like she just woke up from a long dream.

"Mhm.. what happened? I was looking at that weird crack in the sky and then.. I can't remember." The light ball waved from side to side as if her head was shaking in confusion.

"Can't you feel it Ariel? You're a god now! Nothing is in the realm of impossibility for you now." Lain replied with a laugh.

"What! I'm a god?" Ariel shouted in surprise.

Closing her nonexistent eyes she began to sense the boundless infinite power within her. With just a breath she could shatter existence or birth a universe.

Ariel laughed in happiness, her desire which had consumed her life was now satisfied.

"But wait a minute...Something feels strange, like a feeling of deja vu. How odd..." Ariel looked towards Lain for answers.

"I'll tell you later" Lain waved her hands in a helpless manner.

Changing the subject, Lain looked towards Ariel with a sly grin. "Well, now that you're a god aren't you gonna create yourself a new body? Your other one kinda.. heh.. kicked the bucket."

"Eeeh! How did that happen!?" Ariel cried out in alarm, now that she noticed her arms and legs are gone. Creating a mirror with a thought, she got a good look at herself.

"Ahh! What happened.. I'm a damn light bulb right now." Ariel wanted to cry but no tears would come, probably because she had no eyes.

Lain giggled and replied. "It was part of the process so it couldn't be helped now go on, hurry up! I'm curious what your knew body will look like."

The little blob of light gently floated away from her and began expanding into a humanoid shape.

The shape gradually turned into a skeleton that had a crystal like sheen. The bones themselves were see through and within them were countless galaxies that formed a shimmering marrow.

Various tissues, organs, veins and muscle grew over the skeleton until all that was remaining was a naked woman around 5ft'10.

The woman had legs that were long and grew curvaceous at the thighs, a willowy waist, perfectly shapely rear along with velvety fair skin showing no imperfections. Her bosom was truly grand, voluptuous and perky. Mount Everest would have to bow his head in shame for his peaks could never reach the heights of this woman's chest.

Long silky blonde hair that was bordering gold with a few specs of white flowed down her back to her feet. Her face was the very picture of the most beautiful of angels, holy and sacred. Her nose was elegant and straight, jawline perfect as if it were sculpted by Michelangelo himself and her lips were soft and rosy, the upper lip a little pouty and the lower lip succulent and sweet. Her eyebrows curved gracefully like 2 white phoenixes soaring through the skies.

Upon her head was a crown of golden light that shimmered like the stars in the sky adorned with many jewels that shone with a supernatural radiance, within supreme jewels were what looked to be tiny universes. Two white feathered wings sprouted from the her head and they spread wide like a proud peacock, they flapped in a cute manner.

None of her previous traits remained, all that remained was a woman perfect in every sense, a being crafted beyond the limits of beauty.

As her body finished forming, a beautiful pale robe with archaic designs of ancient and mythological beasts covered her naked body hiding her voluptuous curves from sight. The beasts moved around the robe like they were frolicking through endless fields, valleys and gigantic mountains, it seemed as if an entire world was within the robe and those beasts could live happily in it.

Only her busty cleavage could barely be contained as they threatened to tear the robe apart and burst free from their restraint. The poor beasts on the robe were scared silly as her chest rose and fell, an audible tearing sound could be heard from the robe like their little world would be torn apart and cease to exist but luckily no such rip appeared as if it were only an illusion.

As her eyelids slowly opened they revealed a pair of untainted golden eyes, pure and free of the burdens of life.

Lain rolled her eyes in disdain. "A little too much if you ask me."

"Humph! I'm a god now, can't I spoil myself for once?" Ariel glared at lain.

Lain snorted. "Spoil yourself? Have you no decency as an almighty god? You don't see me walking around looking like Aphrodite."

"Don't see you walking around looking like Aphrodite?" Ariel's beautiful golden eyes narrowed as she mumbled in thought.

"Suspicious, I still don't know who you are and why you helped me. Come, you're going to tell me right now." Ariel waved her hand and the surrounding were replaced by white room with a cafe table and two chairs. Ariel sat in one of the chairs and gestured for Lain to accompany her.

Settling down in the chair, Lain attempted to get comfy but unfortunately the chair was cheap and hard.

"You could at least have made a more comfy chair! Are you trying to break my ass?" Lain said angrily and looked towards the smug Ariel who was smiling like a cheshire cat. Immediately she noticed that Ariel's chair had changed and was now the very picture of comfy, it also seemed to be faintly vibrating.

Lain gave Ariel an evil eye before muttering "Cheapskate."

She snapped her finger and the bargain bin chair was now replaced with a grand throne, a soft cushion supported Lain's plump bottom.

Ariel crossed her voluptuous legs as a coffee cup appeared in her hand. Taking a sip she looked towards Lain and asked. "What are you?"

Lain summoned a can of soda. "Just like you, I am a god and not just any god...I am one of a possible 7 who hold reign over all existence!"

Ariel was shocked. "Wow you were a god huh. I'm curious, one of 7? What does that mean?"

Lain nodded then gulped down some of her soda. "There are many beings in existence that could be called gods but against the might of the seven they are nothing more than ants."

Lain's voice became grand and dominating, like anything and everything could be subject to her will. "Before true omnipotence all who claim to have power can only cry out in fear and become our playthings to be moved around, manipulated or destroyed according to our desires if we wish it so.. "

Ariel had calmed down but the joy in her heart had risen. One of the 7? True omnipotence? She was not just a god but thee god!

"Listen here Ariel, you are now the fifth to become one of the seven and one of the only two who are active."

"What happened to the others? They couldn't have been destroyed right?" The mention of the inactive gods had poured a bucket of water over her feelings of elation, snuffing them out.

Lain scoffed. "Of course not, once one of the seven, always one of the seven. We are eternal and imperishable even to others of the seven, our powers would merely cancel each other out. No, the other three are alive but merely in a different state of existence from our own. A state that you recently experienced and escaped from with my help."

Ariel's heart shuddered. "Escaped from?"

Lain's carefree expression turned serious. "Omniscience and omnipresence.. they are powers that would make you lose yourself, your personality, your being. Everything would become pointless just like tits on a fish and as soon as you become one of the seven you will gain those abilities immediately. You'll be too distracted to notice the immense burden they are. The three before me were not so lucky and have been trapped since their ascension, they are probably.. beyond saving."

"How are you the exception if no one was there to help you?" Ariel asked curiously.

"I.. " A rare hint of solemness overtook Lain before she sighed and regained herself. "I am unique, it relates to my origin and I will not discuss it."

Ariel knew when to back off so she changed the topic. "Why did you do it? You could have been the only true god but you made me."

"Why? Because it's interesting and I'm bored, it would have happened eventually anyway so I might as well speed it up." Lain shrugged.

Ariel felt like Lain wasn't telling the her the real reason and took a guess. "You want to see what happens when all seven seats have been filled."

Lain let out a small chuckle. "Smart, there's no flies on you."

Letting the curiosity get the better of her, Ariel asked. "How do you know there can only be seven and how did you even figure out how another one of the seven could be created?"

"Inherent omniscience, to know anything one chooses to know. It's not like the power is completely forbidden to us so if you want to know everything about a few things it isn't hard. I could only find out that only 7 could exist and no more, strangely, I could not find out what would happen when all seven are gathered." Lain cupped her chin thoughtfully.

"As for how I found out a way to make you possible? I didn't do something as boring as using inherent omniscience. I created an ultimate calculator and deduced a way! It took a while but it was really fun gathering all the data." Lain hummed happily with her chin up, she looked towards Ariel as if she expected praise.

"Um, uh.. Well done! Congratulations!" Forcing a smile Ariel gave Lain a weak clap of appreciation.

With a smug grin Lain graciously accepted the given praise. She noticed something and asked. "You have some unfinished business?"

With a distant look in her eyes, Ariel nodded and replied. "Yes, I'm going to make someone's wish a reality."