Birth of a God! [P3Final]

Two women appeared from the void, in front of them was a colossal swirling mass of chaos.

Lain spread her arms proudly. "Have a look! This here is a universe in it's infancy and certainly one of the more interesting ones. Unlike your previous boring universe this one will spew fourth an energy that will allow the inhabitants to become powerful beings with godlike powers and mysterious abilities! There's even a chance for the universe to form a consciousness and that'll make things real interesting." Lain giggled with glee.

Ariel's eyes sparkled. "Good! I can definitely use this. I'll build my universe alongside this one."

"Ehh? You still want to create a universe? But that's sooo much work! Isn't it easier just to wait for a universe to form and just mold it to your wishes?" Lain thought about how much work it took to create a universe and it gave her the shivers.

"I've already got a plan in mind and it involves this universe and the one I'll create." Ariel replied.

She looked towards the mass of chaos. "One naturally formed and one artificially created.. I wonder how they'll clash? It'll definitely be fun!"

Lain sighed and shook her head. "Well if you're gonna go through with it, you might as well practice first. It's not as easy as the copy paste job you did with that parallel world."

Ariel nodded with a thoughtful expression.

"Well I've got stuff to do, I'll see you later!" Lain was certainly not gonna stick around and watch the fumbling around of this newly ascended goddess. Turning around to leave she was interrupted by Ariel.

"Lain wait, before you leave could I borrow your finger for a minute?" Ariel asked with a mysterious smile.

"What? My finger? What for?" Lain asked cautiously, looking at the weird smile plastered on Ariel's face she felt something was wrong.

Ariel chuckled. "Don't be like that, I just need you to put your finger through this right here." Ariel half clenched her fist leaving a small gap between the index finger and her thumb. The gap was like a small tunnel, the inside seemingly leading to a dark place that could not be seen with the naked eye.

Lain looked at Ariel's fist and frowned, inside of her clenched fist was a hole, without using her powers she could not see where went. It could lead to the center of a star or into a slimy bog she saw on a planet many years ago. She didn't like using her powers for everything as that was very boring, it was nice to get surprised once in a while.

"What, are you scared? Come on, come on, put your finger in and see where it goes." Ariel spoke like a shady man in a white van offering candy to children passing by.

"Scared? Humph! I'm a god! There's nothing that scares me!" Lain was very suspicious but her curiosity got the better of her.

Putting her index finger through the little tunnel, it felt like she broke through something.

Startled, she heard a moan coming from Ariel's lips.

The inside was warm, moist and sticky. It clenched her finger tightly and strangely, she could feel that her finger had changed into something unfamiliar. It was long and sturdy and was giving her a pleasant feeling she could not describe, an alien feeling that she had never felt before.

Lain's beautiful face flushed red, she wanted to extricate her finger from this weird hole but the feeling rising from her as if something was about to burst prevented her from doing so.

Many thoughts were rushing through Lain's head at the moment. They were telling her that this was very strange and she should escape immediately but the immense pleasure blocked all of her reasoning out.

It was truly an obscene sight, two women standing in the void of space. One moaning in pleasure, her peerless features revealed a seductive expression and a happy smile, her curvy body swaying from side to side and her thighs were clenching as if trying to prevent the escape of something.

The other woman's face was flushed red and her breathing heavy, her wolflike gaze was locked onto the other woman's hand like it was the greatest beauty she had ever seen.

Lain was moving her arm back and fourth, her finger in and out of the Ariel's half clenched fist.

She could feel something rising up deep within like a fire hydrant no longer capable of suppressing the intense water pressure, it was ready to explode!

Suddenly, something spurted forth from her quivering finger like a fountain shooting deep into the depths of the mysterious hole with great ferocity. An intense explosion of pleasure occurred within Lain as her eyes rolled back, she shivered and a loud moan escaped from her mouth.

Ariel gasped loudly. She was shaking in climax as her body arched backwards and her little head wings twitched madly. Her twin peaks were truly a sight to be seen as it seemed as if they would sprout forth any moment.

An absent-minded expression appeared on her flushed face and her lips perked up into a satisfied smile.

The two women floated silently in the void for a time, their expressions were dazed and their bodies limp.

Ariel looked towards her stomach with expectation. Suddenly her belly swelled up, becoming large and round. Her dress stretching to accommodate. The terrified beasts on her robe screamed in fear. Had the end of days finally come?

A chuckle came from Ariel's lips as she looked towards Lain coquettishly. "Lain my love, you're so virile! Four children in one shot, you truly surprise me."

Recovering from her blissful stupor. A dawn of realization over what just happened hit Lain like a freight train. She was horrified and ashamed, pointing at Ariel with her still wet and sticky finger speechlessly. "You- you- VIXEN! HARLOT!" Her face was as red as a tomato as she shouted obscenities at Ariel.

"You shouldn't treat the mother of your children like that, right? Papa?" Ariel replied with a laugh, stroking her belly gently.

Lain felt violated and afraid, this shameless woman was driving her insane!

"I'M LEAVING!!" Lain screamed in embarrassment before shooting off into the void at impossible speeds, her mind was a mess and she needed time to collect herself.

"Be sure to visit my love, I'll keep our beautiful children safe." Ariel shouted while waving towards the fleeing Lain.

An intelligent gleam shone in Ariel's eyes as she continued to stroke her swollen belly, she whispered. "You, my lovely children will help me rule over the universe I create."

Standing up in the endless void, Ariel stretched and cracked her knuckles causing the void to ripple slightly.

"Now, I should get ready for these little ones." Ariel disappeared into the void.