Judgement Day [P2Final]

The town closest to Grim's farmstead was small yet bustling, only housing several thousand people. The buildings were reminiscent archetecture from past days, mainly brick and wood, with a few new building made from reinforced concrete.

At it's center, there was a large church, taller than most of the surrounding buildings. Painted bright white and having a pointy coned roof, it stood out in the rather bland town.

In the church, a few people were sitting and listening to the pastor in the purple robe. The church was quite new as if it had been built only recently. The room was bright and it had various decorated windows including a rather expensive looking stained glass window depicting the king Orion ascending to the Azure god's side.

On the church's altar, the old pastor John, wearing a magnificent purple robe and sporting a long white beard stood before two young teenagers who were looking into each others eyes deeply.

In one of the seats was a familiar middle aged man. Rick sighed as he looked at the two on the stage. "There was no time at all so I couldn't get a nice dress for Mary, what a shame."

The old lady beside him chuckled. "Youngsters are eager nowadays, back in my time, the man would have to court the lady for several years before marriage was even a thought."

Rick shook his head. "Old Mag, I'm not listening to yer stories again. Last time you put me to sleep and I woke up with back pain."

Maggie snorted angrily. "Who you calling old? I'll have you know I'm only 71 this year, I'm still in the prime of my life! You're the old man; you look like you've got one foot in the grave! I feel old just looking at you!"

Rick felt like he had just stepped on a landmine, he had forgotten one of the ironclad rules.. never to mention Maggie's age or call her old.

He shrank his head back and didn't dare retort to the old woman, a few of the surrounding family members chuckled as they watched the poor Rick suffer.

"71? Peh! More like 101, damned old hag..." Rick whispered in an annoyed tone.

On the church altar, John looked towards the young man. "Jason, do you take Mary as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Jason nodded solemnly.

"Mary, do you take Jason as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

*Dong!* *Dong!*

Before Mary could reply the church bells rang and the surroundings suddenly went dark.

"What the?!"

"What's happening?"

"Who turned out the lights?"

"Mommy, I'm scared!"

Rick looked around too and was startled, the church which was well lit before had suddenly become dark as if it were night time.

Looking at his watch which was one of the fancy glow in the dark models, he gasped.

"It's- it's 12 O'clock!"

A few heard Rick's voice and whispered fearfully, there were even a few screams.

Suddenly a voice appeared in the minds of everyone present. It was a woman's voice as pure and sacred as a symphony of angels.

[I have come again, I hope you and your ancestor's have all had a fulfilling existence; but.. unfortunately all things must now come to an end. It's time for the test to begin!] The woman's voice sounded excited.

[Slay each other my creations, I demand it! I know there are many who could never harm another so I'll have to add a little...persuasion. Those who do not comply will suffer immense torment and death, those who do will be able to keep the pain at bay; but don't think you've warded it off for good my little creations hehe.. for if you do not continue killing, sooner or later you'll be swallowed whole!]

Even though the voice was still holy, as it continued to speak it caused those hearing it to shudder in terror. Such a sweet sounding voice speaking as if the killing and the suffering that would be inflicted was nothing but a casual stroll through the park made the people listening despair.

[At the end, the chosen will ascend to become as Gods! This is your chance, not even your ancestors could have fathomed such an end! Haha! Now go, I'll be waiting...]

As the voice faded away, the surrounding darkness became as thick as ink. It felt like one was swimming in water.

Various pained shouts echoed in the church hall.

"Argh, the hell is this stuff?"

"What the fuck!?"


"Gyah it burns!!"


Rick shivered in pain, the ink like substance surrounding them flowed into him through every orifice leaving a searing pain behind that made him scream for the first time in many years.

"Ahh! Papa!" Mary had collapsed on the church altar and was squirming violently in pain.

Gritting his teeth Rick called out to his screaming daughter. "Mary!"

The pain got worse and worse till the point Rick was pulling his hair out and banging his head on the wooden floor and as fast as it had come, the pain had gone and disappeared.

Rick groggily stood up, still reeling from the terrifying experience. He noticed Maggie who was beside him was on the floor, unresponsive. Her eyes were wide open in terror and a black substance was leaking out of them, her nose and ears.

Shivering, Rick put his fingers on her neck to check her pulse but it was as he thought. She was dead. Her heart had stopped beating.

After he finished closing Maggie's eyes, Rick heard a puncturing sound behind him followed by a sickening gurgle.

"AHHHH! JASON!" The scream of of his daughter Mary was heard.

Various gasps and screams were heard from the surrounding family members and guests.

Turning around he saw a horrifying sight.

John had taken a taken a letter opener and had stabbed Jason in the throat, his eyes were gleaming with madness.

John looked towards the church roof with his arms wide open grinning with happiness, his old face was serene and content.

In has right hand was a blood drenched letter opener and below him on the floor was a twitching Jason who was bleeding profusely. Mary clutched Jason's throat which was spurting blood out vigorously with tears running down her cheeks.


John looked towards Mary with a kind expression, the one he always put on during the weekly service.

"Don't worry my child, soon you'll be with Jason again."

He lunged towards Mary with great speed.

"I'll send you along!" John shouted as his eyes reignited with the light of insanity.

"MARY!" Rick cried out, he rushed towards the altar.

Before John could get to Mary, Rick was already on him like a savage animal.

Mary watched frozen in shock as her father rolled on the floor in a scuffle with John, swollen with tears.

"YER A DAMN MADMAN JOHN!" Rick grabbed ahold of John's arm which was gripping the sharp letter opener.

John was surprisingly strong considering he was in his 60's, Rick struggled to hold him back but kept his arm at bay and managed to land a few hits on the old man stunning him.

Noticing that the situation worsening as John was not a match for the younger Rick, he knee'd Rick in his gut before rolling to the side.

Gasping for breath Rick looked at John vigilantly while holding Mary close.

John looked at Rick and sighed dejectedly, he then began fixing his crumpled robes to the neat and tidy appearance he had before, only that now he had blood staining his robes. "The world belongs to the young, this old man has no more strength to continue..."

"Rick, Mary, I wish you luck for the days ahead." John smiled before kneeling down in prayer.

"O azure god, please accept this humble servant."

Rick looked at John in shock, he stretched out his hand and shouted. "WAIT!"

John took the blood stained letter opener and drove it into his chest accurately piercing his own heart.

Ricks arm slowly dropped down to his side, he looked around with a daze.

"Ah fuck! Get the fuck off!"

"You're crazy!"


The pianist and a few other members of the church had already started attacking everyone fanatically, brutally using any means they could to kill whether it be gouging eyes, choking or using any blunt instrument to beat others to death.

He held his daughter tightly, her eyes were red and the tears that had flowed down her cheeks had dried up. She absentmindedly stared at Jason's now cold corpse and similar to Maggie, black substance was now dripping out of him mixing in with his blood puddle.

Rick looked back towards the pastor John who's head had slumped to the side, blood poured from his wound that died his white beard red.

"Come Mary, we need to get out of here!" Rick pulled the shivering Mary along with him towards the exit skillfully avoiding the panicking people running around like headless chickens. He cared not for the others in the church. Many of them were just distant relatives, the safety of his daughter was all that he cared about now.

Leaving the church, Rick and Mary saw a hellish sight. Slaughter in the streets, men and women with mad delight in their eyes attacked each other viciously attempting to murder each other with anything they could get their hands on. Not even the children were safe as there were already several of them laying lifelessly on the walkways.

Scenes like this were happening all over Telos, it was absolute anarchy.

This bloody day was just one of many to come as the Eruba will discover how terrifying a curse that has been placed upon them by the cruel Azure God.

Their nightmares had just begun.