Radio Star [P6]

//2 Days Later~//

A small group of people walked down an empty paved road with two silvery white lines streaking down it's center. Tall pine trees and rocks dotted sparsely on the sides.

Rick and Grim were carrying heavy camping backpacks, their weapons places securely in easy to reach places. Following behind them were Laura, Jyn and Mary who were carrying small bags of their own.

On their journey towards East star city, they had they luck to come across a small group of four vagrants.

They followed them to their camp site and waited till dark to ambush them. They had decided to divide the kills between Laura, Jyn, Mary and Grim with Rick missing out on his own insistence. Mary was not happy with the outcome, but stayed silent under her father's stern stare.

Everything was going as planned until a misstep by Grim caused a sound which alerted the vagrants. A firefight ensued and what they had planned fell apart. Rick was forced to kill one of the vagrants, while another fell to Grim.

After that heated shootout, the other two were wounded severely and captured. There was a brief discussion about who would kill the remaining vagrants before it was decided that Laura and Jyn would finish them off.

Rick would take responsibility and offer himself to Mary if they could not find another, his only request was that Grim honor the promise he made in the truck several days ago. Mary protested the decision greatly, but under her father's persuasion, she relented, though her eyes said the opposite.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Jyn complained, he was looking a little thin and had bags under his eyes.

Grim looked at his son and ruffled his hair. "We only have to walk a few miles to reach the next city, just a little longer."

"We can stop for some lunch can't we?" Laura asked, she was worried about how thin Jyn had gotten.

"Grim, we should stop. Mary needs a rest." Rick was lending his shoulder to Mary who seemed a little wobbly, she was pale and her body spasmed in pain. She seem used to it as she only gritted her teeth not letting out a sound of complaint.

"I guess we could rest for a while, we have been walking since morning." Grim nodded, noticing Mary's pained expressions, he assured Rick. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find someone soon. Mary will be fixed up in no time."

Rick could only respond with a weak sigh.

Hearing Grim, Mary attempted a faint smile. She replied. "T-thanks for the c-concern."

The group found a large tree to the side of the road and settled under it. The day was especially hot so some shade from the overbearing sun was welcome.

The Five sat and began unpacking their bags, locating their lunch.

Their meals consisted of several canned foods, beans, corn and beef. Nobody bothered to heat the meals up and just dug in with their spoons.

Rick took out a pocket radio, he turned it on after adjusting the frequency. He's been hoping Fiona would be on air, but had been disappointed for the last several days.

"Heeeeellloooo, heeellooo, hello! haha! This is your dutiful housewife Fiona here coming at you from.. Uhh.. I forgot...gahahaha!" A drunk sounding voice echoed from the radio.

Rick smiled. He hadn't heard from his favorite radio host for over a week now.

"Today's recipe isssss.. drumroll!" There was a tapping in the background, as if someone took couple pencils and drummed on something wooden.

"Gunpowder and lead! Hahaha!" An audible cocking could be heard in the radio background, Fiona's soft giggling accompanying it.

Rick frowned, Mary, Laura and Grim had all focused on the little radio. Only Jyn was ignoring it as he nibbled away at his can of beans.

"O-o-outside are were creatures everywhere, so we were trapped...I had no choice!"

The radio was silent for a while until a soft weeping came. "I-I-I can't do it anymore! *Sniff* My two lovely daughters.. I killed them.. t-to keep the buzzing beast away, but it's back! I can smell it, feel it's breath on my neck.."

"N-no longer in the corner of my eye, I see it..." Fiona whispered as she sobbed.

Fiona started crying loudly through the radio as she shouted. "I-I shouldn't have done it right? I shouldn't have! I shouldn't have!-I shouldn't have!-I shouldn't have!-I shouldn-"

Fiona continued to repeat her self for a while, a weak banging in the radio background as if someone was hitting their head against a desk.

"I can't.. anymore.. Mommy is sorry.. so sorry, will they forgive me?" Fiona asked over the radio.

Several seconds passed. There was no answer, only the occasional static interference.

"...I don't deserve it." Came a whisper that was barely audible. The next thing heard was the sound of metal knocking on teeth.
