Grim and Jyn stood there silently. Jyn's mouth kept opening though no more words came, he finally understood the truth.

Suddenly the hard earth beneath them rumbled with a deafening roar. Dust flew up as ground began to shake, Grim and Jyn's legs trembling in response. It was like the world was being ripped apart.

Grim ran over and held Jyn in an embrace. The ground continued to shake up and down like the waves of the sea. After a while, the ground split open and the two fell downward, screams leaving their throats.

The fall only lasted a few seconds before they landed on a hard, solid surface. After landing they felt an immense raising feeling that left butterflies in their stomachs.

The hole where Grim and Jyn fell burst apart with a thundering clap. Smoke and chunks of earth spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

Out from the massive pillar smoke and debris arose a grand pyramid as white as the clouds, it was decorated with gems the size of cars. Glowing runes were engraved onto every massive house sized stone brick that made up the massive structure.

Grim and Jyn held on for dear life as the Pyramid rose higher and higher into the clouds and continued beyond, the scenery blurring before them.

After a while, the structure they were on finally stopped moving with a loud clank.

The both of them felt lightweight as if they had lost a 100 pounds.

"What the!?" Grim looked around in panic, he was currently looking at what used to be the blue sky and all he saw was countless stars and the infinite void of space.

"Where are we?" Jyn looked around vigilantly, he took out his pistol and held it close.

The two were standing on a pearl white platform about 10 meters squared. Grim walked slowly to the edge and gasped. Down below he saw his world, his home, Telos.

It was once a lush green world, he had seen many pictures of it through his home computer though now it was completely unrecognizable.

It had become a barren rock, a dead world. The surface was a myriad of dull colors, and the vast cities that could once be seen from space were no more than massive craters.

As Grim inspected the platform, he discovered that it was actually a pyramid that stretched all the way down to Telos and they were currently residing at the very top!

It was an impossible feat of engineering even for the greatest minds of the Eruba. Only a God could build such a structure.

Grim eyes narrowed, he pulled his son in closely and unstrapped his rifle.

"Show yourself Azure God!" Grim shouted loudly as he looked around vigilantly. Even though they were in the void of space, his voice echoed as if he were in some grand hall.

From nowhere resounded a melodious laughter. "Congratulations my creations, you are the last two left."

As if a mirage, a woman materialized in front of them hovering a couple meters off the ground. A faint white light radiating from her body.

Grim swallowed audibly. He was absolutely stunned, even though he loved his wife dearly and claimed she was the most beautiful in his heart this woman in front of him was beyond comprehension, there was no comparison.

Her beauty could make all men turn into rabid animals that would tear apart anyone or anything just for a glance from her, though that would be difficult considering there was a mist concealing her eyes.

The woman giggled as she observed Grim's dazed appearance. Her absolutely tyrannical bust shook from her laughter, the beasts on her robe quickly hid away as her dress threatened to tear. Many of them shivered as if they had been experiencing some unending trauma.

Grim regained his composure, even though this woman was so beautiful even he felt swayed, he shook away those feelings in disgust and steeled his heart. This was the woman who ended his race, put them through unending suffering and caused the situation that lead to the death of his beloved.

"What do you want Azure God?" Grim said coldly as he glared at the goddess.

"Azure god? I have a name you know, I am the infinitely powerful Ariel!" Ariel laughed as she spread her arms out and lightning streaked behind her in a grand display.

Grim snorted as he gripped his rifle tightly, even though he knew it would be useless against the tyrannical Goddess, it still made him feel a little safer.

"This is truly a wonderful day, one of you will be given the chance to ascend and become a god! Ahh, time truly does fly." Ariel clapped her hands in glee.

"One of us?" Grim's pupils constricted

"Ah yes, only one. The other has to die." Ariel said nonchalantly.

Jyn held his fathers coat tightly and shivered.

Grim pointed at Ariel, hate and grievance shone in his eyes in equal measure. "Why? Why are you doing this? You're an almighty god right? why couldn't you just create some random person and make them a god? Why did you create us and make us suffer!!"

Grim's voice grew louder as the anger and resentment he kept deep within himself burst fourth like an almighty flood. "Why!? Tell me! Look me in the eye you damn monster and answer me!!"

"Oh?" Ariel chuckled in surprise.

Grim looked as the mist covering her eyes faded away, from the disappearing mist emerged vibrant golden eyes like two golden stars of ultimate power but there was something else. Something that almost shattered his fragile mind, something that gave him an instinctive feeling of terror.

Within her golden indifferent eyes was an abyss of absolute madness!

Ariel's once untainted Golden eyes were now warped and if one stared too long they would go insane. Grim shivered as he turned his head away, he didn't dare look.

Ariel tilted her head. "Why you ask? No reason" She smiled sweetly like a grinning devil.

Grim hoped for a better reason but as soon as he saw her eyes, he knew that this goddess was no monster, she was a pure evil demon. There was no real reason behind her actions. Probably only a morbid curiosity at best.

To her, Grim, his family, his entire race were just ants in an ant farm. Their lives or deaths, of no importance.

"Now, enough chatter! Hurry up and kill each other!" Ariel looked eagerly at the two who were shivering in fear.

Grim managed to get ahold of himself and stopped his shaking hands. He turned around and looked at his son with a gentle gaze.

He dropped his black rifle and smiled. Pulling him into a hug, Grim whispered into Jyn's ear.

"Jyn my son.. my child.. Your mother and me will always love you. The days we spent together before the calamity were the happiest moments in our lives and I hope you remember that too, in your heart." Grim patted Jyn's chest.

"Remember our love, our little farm, Beansprout. Forget the sadness, the hurt, the pain. Be kind my son." Grim looked into his son's eyes and wiped the tears away.

Grim turned around with his back facing Jyn. "You know what to do son."

Grim heard the cocking of a gun behind him, he smiled as he stared at the peerless madwoman in front of him. Her eyes no longer scared him and for the first time in a long time, he felt free.

"Dad.. I know now, the night mother disappeared, you gave me something to drink and I blanked out. I know now that to save me from the buzzing beast she sacrificed herself and I hate you both for it.. but.. I love you both so much.. I.. I can't! I can't kill you too dad! I'm sorry!"


Grim's mind went blank, he quickly turned around there lay his son, bleeding from his temple, limp and lifeless on the ground.

He ran over to his son's corpse, his trembling hand outstretched holding the lifeless Jyn in his arms.

"I.. " Grim didn't know what to say, disbelief, denial and emptiness filled his being.

Ariel clicked her tongue in disappointment, an unamused expression covered her face. "Tsk, could have been a little more exciting."

Grim held his son while rocking back and forth. His eyes were empty, his expression soulless.

"Little Jyn.. my beloved son.."

"Do you know the last words.. what your mother said before i.. i.."

"She said how much she would have loved to see the ocean again, with me and you by her side. The sandy yellow beaches.. the salty air., that maybe.. we could all go there again in the next life... "

Grim took the gun from his son's hand and held it to his head.


Ariel put her hands on her hips and giggled. "I can't have you doing that, you have a decision to make."


"Don't be like that, come on. You shouldn't get so worked up over such a small thing." Ariel smiled as she stretched out her lithe arm and wiggled her finger from side to side. It was as if she were scolding a naughty child.


Ariel sighed and decided to ignore Grim's futile efforts to kill himself. "Now, since I'm a benevolent god, I'll give you two choices. You can either become a god or you can refuse. Of course if you refuse you'll get to spend the rest of your life on your home planet, living out the rest of your days in peace or.. you could kill yourself. Doesn't really matter to me. Though.. "

Ariel looked at the barren world below and chuckled. "I wouldn't wanna live on that shit hole, so what's your choice?"


"Don't be so hasty.. " Ariel walked behind grim and whispered in his ear. "If you choose the first option I'll bring back your family."

Grim turned around with bloodshot eyes staring directly at Ariel.

"I'll do it!" He shouted as quickly as he could reply, afraid the terrible goddess before him would suddenly renege on her offer.

"Wise choice." Ariel nodded her head with a satisfied expression.