Canyon Battle [P3]

Helga chuckled. "Now that introductions are over, it's time for battle!"

Lilith narrowed her eyes, she whispered to those behind her. "Leave, you'll get in the way."

Emil, Lilium and Horace nodded before flying into the sky with a flap of their wings. Astrid also retreated a fair distance from Helga's side.

Helga and Lilith stared at each other intently while they gathered their strengths, as soon as one moved battle would ensue.

Horace gulped as she observed the two women's stare off, the atmosphere thick with tension. Apart from the burble of the river, there was nothing else but silence.

"Hah!" Suddenly Helga threw her arms forward as she roared. Blazing hot flames erupted from her palms like two volcanoes.

Before the the flames could even reach Lilith, she had already disappeared. Only dust and broken rocks were left.

Helga frowned as her flames struck the steep rocky wall harmlessly turning it into molten rock. "Where did she go? I couldn't see her." She wondered as she turned from side to side, because of her armor she needed to turn a lot more in order to look around.

"Watch out!" Helga heard Astrid's urgent shout, looking down, her eyes opened wide in surprise.

A metal foot was rising towards her chin at speeds she couldn't dodge.

Helga gritted her teeth, following her instincts she headbutted the foot with her forehead.


"Agh!" Helga rendered dizzy from the impact, her vision blurry. Raising her fist, she punched downwards towards the ground with tremendous force. The resulting shockwave shattered the rocks into dust and cleared the immediate area surrounding her.

Her strike had missed the target but she couldn't worry about that now as her situation was dire.

With her impaired vision, it would be difficult to locate her opponent who was so fast she couldn't even catch up.

Closing her eyes, she focused on her ears as she listened intently for any movements.


She heard a rock moving to the side, with an angry shout her powerful tail whipped in that direction. Unlike the rest of her slow body, her tail is unfathomably fast as it managed to hit something.


"Gah!" A surprised cry was heard and then a thundering crash.

Something had slammed into the nearby canyon wall causing rocks to detach from it's walls.

"Mistress!" Lilium gasped with worry, although she could not keep up with Lilith's fast movements she could tell it was her that just got hit.

Helga shook her head, the dizziness fading away and her vision returning. With a mad smile, fire left her hands and struck the spot where the stone wall had been damaged.

As the fire continued to strike the rocky wall, it turned into a red flowing lava.

Helga stopped her barrage of fire and vigilantly inspected the canyon wall. There was now a deep cave-like hole which molten rock flowed out from.

"Heh, I think she's a goner." Helga laughed as she clapped the dust from her hands.

It was at the moment that the earth began to rumble and shake. Large cracks spread from the edges of the hole and a flickering blue light radiated from deep within.

"Surrender Helga, your strength was not enough." Lilith's voice resounded throughout the canyon.

Helga trembled as she felt an immense power coming from the hole, it made her feel small and weak.

Her eyes glowed red with a fiery anger as she did not like this feeling, in fact she hated it!

"I'm not just gonna roll over Lilith, you hear me!" Veins on Helga's body pulsed with a dull red glow as ever spec of power within her body was gathered to her hand. Her red hair flailed wildly in the air.

"Oh no.. " Astrid whispered before escaping further away.

Her hand balled into a fist as it began to glow with a blinding light.

"That beast steak is mine!!!" Helga shouted angrily as she punch forward with all her might.

A crimson light exploded from her punch that was so bright that the surroundings went dark. Even Helga herself could not see properly as her eyes had squinted into two lines.


Helga's powerful attack hit the hole and it's impact was deafening, the rocky ground beneath her feet had been turned into a lake of lava just from the heat of her attack, the nearby river had evaporated into a foggy mist.

All her power continued to flow out towards the hole which had now grown several times larger and was still increasing in size.

Even with all her efforts, she still felt that terrible power from within the cavernous hole and it was coming right towards her!

"Impossible.. " Helga muttered hoarsely, an expression of disbelief clear on her tired face.


A slender fist surrounded by lightning had struck Helga's belly causing her thick armor to shatter into dust.


Helga vomited out blood before collapsing weakly to her knees, the molten rock below not effecting her at all.

Lilith hovered above the ground, a thick lightning aura covered her body like a thin net. The armor covering her body had many cracks and missing parts but overall, she was completely fine.

Helga looked up at Lilith with dim eyes and asked. "You've passed the tribulation? I really had no chance.. heh, a fool I was."

"You were strong, far stronger than many others. I look forward to fighting you again." Lilith replied with a soft tone.

Helga nodded weakly before her head drooped downwards unconscious.

Astrid landed beside Helga, she looked at Lilith with a hint of fear and an uneasy expression. "Thank you for sparing my sister."

Lilith laughed as she put her hands on her hips. "This was only a duel, not a life or death battle. Think nothing of it."

Astrid nodded her head, she supported Helga with her shoulder and began to hover in the air.

"Wait, before you go I have a gift for you two." Lilith pointed her hand at the massive dead beast causing it to float in the air separating itself from the stalagmites impaling it. Her finger glowed with the faint light of tribulation lightning and with a flick of her wrist, a leg separated from from the beast.

The beast's leg floated towards Astrid.

"Take it." Lilith smiled radiantly.

"Thank you, my silly sister will cry tears of joy once she sees it." Astrid looked thankfully at Lilith with her blue eyes as her lips raised into a faint smile.

Astrid waved her hand taking control of the beasts leg which hovered beside her and Helga. As they rose into the air, she gave a brief glance towards Lilith and flew away with Helga and the newly acquired beast meat.

"Wow mistress, you're so strong!" Lilium flew down and landed beside Lilith, her ivory eyes were sparkling with wonder.

As Lilium gazed at Lilith's dishevelled appearance, she noticed the beautiful jade skin showing through the missing parts of her armor. The more she looked, the more she discovered.

"Ah!" Lilium's eyes managed to faintly see a pink nipple through the cracks in Lilith's armor. He face immediately blushed bright crimson.

Lilith looked at Lilium curiously. "Why's this little girl blushing all of a sudden?" She thought.

Looking down at her appearance, Lilith gasped in embarrassment as faint blush covered her cheeks. She quickly snatched Lilium's cloak and covered her revealing spots with it.

After making sure that her body was thoroughly covered, she looked at Lilium with narrowed eyes. "Forget what you saw."

Lilium nodded absentmindedly, inwardly she was replaying those moments of Lilith's revealed body in her mind over and over again so she won't ever forget.

[Sorry mistress but I'm going to remember your beautiful body, that delicate pink nipple.. ] Her ears blushed red as she delved into her fantasies.

Lilith snorted as she noticed that the little girl was ignoring her request.