Meeting of Kings [P4Final]

Watching from atop the mountain, the small crowd saw a huge cloud of smoke blanketing the distant horizon.

Pazuyu's pupils constricted as he gazed at the cloud of smoke. With his godly eyesight, what could not be seen by others was laid bare for him.

"..Numbers.. uncountable!" Pazuyu shouted in fear, what he saw was an endless tide of viscous beasts far surpassing any number he had seen before.

"Maybe we can escape using the ships?" Bael suggested with a cold sweat running down his back.

Pazuyu shook his head as his hands cupped his face in fear. "Too many sky beasts, they'd catch up and tear our ship to shreds.. "

As the beast tide come closer, fear and panic began to spread like a viral cold. Only Helel and Marx had noticed something strange about the beasts coming towards them.

Marx looked towards Helel with a serious expression. "Did you see it?"

Helel nodded and replied. "The beasts seem to be running from something, something that has them absolutely terrified.. "

"What could have so many beasts this scared?" Marx whispered as the thought of such a being gave him the shivers.

Helel's fists tightened into balls as he replied in a grave tone. "Something far beyond our abilities.. "

The gigantic tide of beasts that came in many shapes in sizes finally reached the base of the mountain. Contrary to the belief of those present, the beasts didn't climb the mountain in an attempt to devour them.

They merely parted and passed by the sides of the mountain which were shallow hills at the most, even the flying beasts didn't dare attempt to scale the tall mountain in fear of their speed decreasing.

The group watched with mouths agape as the frightened beasts ran around the tall mountain in droves, the intense shaking caused the sturdy mountain to rumble and shake, many loose rocks detached from the sides and fell down the steep slopes.

While everyone else were focused on the endless swarm of beasts, Helel had his sights fixed on the horizon from where the beasts came from. It was there that he saw something which made every hair on his body stand up and make him shake uncontrollably.

"W-what the.. " Helel's eyes were bloodshot as he spoke with a tremble in his voice.

Noticing Helel's strange behaviour, both Pazuyu and Bael looked at what he had spotted. The moment they saw it, they too began to shake in fear.

Marx was the last to turn and look, what he saw frightened him to his very core.

Above the distant horizon, in the vast sea of clouds were collossal shadows of humanoid figures. The sizes could only be described as beyond understanding since Helel and the others had nothing to compare them to. Everything they had seen before, the largest beasts, the tallest mountains.. all were insignificant to these mighty giants.

The beings in the clouds seemed to be fighting in a ferocious battle, one that caused disturbances that the group had only begun to notice. If one focused enough they would find that the very world itself was trembling, not just the earth or the heavens but space itself!

The attacks themselves were simple but the within each move was a depth and profundity that was nigh incomprehensible, the laws of the universe exploded forth from their very bodies let alone their attacks.

The group was spellbound by the sight, unable to move their gazes away or even utter a word. They could only watch in awe and abject fear as clouds rippled and heaved under the intense battle.

Moments passed as the battle came to an end with a scream of pain that pierced through the barrier that separated these godly figures from the 3rd heaven. The scream was so powerful that shattered the eardrums of Helel, Marx and everyone present.

Helel clutched his ears as a wave of pain and dizziness overtook him, along with the ringing, his legs felt like jelly.

It took him a moment to gather himself as he looked down at his palms and noticed they were soaked in golden blood. He stood there stunned in disbelief.

"All it took was just a scream.. to deafen me." An immense fear began to take hold within Helel, one that shook his proud and aloof self to the core.

"I.. I must become stronger.. I must..understand." A firm resolve eclipsed the fear that brewed within him but only barely. Looking upwards again, Helel saw another sight which shook his being.

The tip of a severed gigantic finger was falling from the heavens towards the earth like a fiery meteor. Although it was an inestimable distance away, it's impact would have serious consequences considering it's size.

"We are certainly within it's destruction radius.. I must warn Elysia!" Helel looked towards his people, the weaker guards had passed out. Others were on the ground holding their heads as they grimaced in pain. Marx's guards were in a similar condition.

Only Bael, Pazuyu, Marx and his top subordinates still stood.

"Grab the incapacitated! We must return immediately!" Helel shouted towards Bael and Pazuyu who barely managed to hear him. With their abilities, their wounds were already healing at a rapid pace.

Marx was doing the same as he was adamant about returning to their homes immediately.

Helel gave Marx a brief nod before departing on Pazuyu's ship back towards Elysia at the fastest speeds it could travel!