GOD HAND [P2Final]

40 Miles from the divine garden, there was a lofty golden palace that was situated atop of tall mountain. Inside, in one of the palace's many rooms there was a young man sitting at a long desk.

The young man could not be called handsome and was the very definition of average. He had black shoulder length hair, a hook nose, weak chin and black eyes that had a hint of viciousness hidden within them.

He sorted through the papers on his desk with swift precision.

As he was doing so, a knock came from the nearby door.

"Come in." He said in a grumbly voice, the monotonous work had clearly left him a little irritated.

A man covered in a black robe came in, his face was covered by a similarly black hood.

He bowed and said. "Clan Head Hai, Mistress Ruyan has left the realm through one of the imperial roads."

Qin Hai stood up from his desk with a furious expression on his face. "What!?"

The black robed man gulped then replied nervously. "One of the men guarding the gateway said that she looked to be with... child."

A vein popped on Qin Hai's forehead and his eyes shone with madness and jealousy, the desk was immediately shattered by a burst of uncontrolled power that radiated from his body.

The black robed man cried out in pain as he was forced back by the immense pressure, a drop of blood leaked from his lips.

Qin Hai looked towards the black robed man and shouted in a crazed voice. "INFORM THE BLACK GUARD AND FIND HER!! BRING HER BACK TO ME NOW!"

The black robed man bowed twice before leaving as quick as he could, he didn't want to stick around and be the punching bag for the enraged clan master.

"That whore...whoever fathered that child...when I get my hands on you...I'll cut your balls off and shove them down your throat! And that wench.." Qin Hai hissed vindictively as his hands clenched into fists, his expression gleamed with savagery.


In the void of space there floated a blue planet.

The surface was covered with wild forests and jungles, tall mountains and vast seas.

In a rather dense forest, beside a deep river there was a tall cliff of which a waterfall ran over. Buried in the cliff, behind the waterfall was a damp cave.

The inside was dim with barely any light, the walls were rounded into a dome shape. The only entrance or exit was through the waterfall. On a rock in the center of the cave, there lay a bronze bracelet that couldn't look any more ordinary.

Contrary to it's dull average appearance, this bracelet was not merely ordinary.

Inside the bracelet was a space which housed an island, a small star above illuminated the island in a gentle light. A sparkling sea surrounded the island and the beaches had soft white sand.

Small tropical jungles littered the island and located at it's center was an impressive gothic mansion.

This was a paradise!

Inside the mansion, in an ornate looking living room; Ariel sat on a extremely comfortable recliner chair that faintly vibrated.

A futuristic helmet with a visor covered her head as she lay motionless, she looked to be asleep with her bountiful chest slowly rising and falling.

Rong Xiaoman was standing next to her in her maid outfit, in her hand was a tray holding several tea cups and a tea pot which was being kept warm with her Qi.

Her expression was dull and bored as her eyes wandered.

It was truly perplexing to Rong Xiaoman. Ariel had created this amazing space with just a wave her hand and then taken her inside.

After settling in the mansion for a couple days, Rong Xiaoman following her usual routine and made some tea; she then found Ariel sitting in this chair with this strange helmet on her head.

At first Rong Xiaoman was confused and not wanting to interrupt her Mistress, she waited by her side ready to serve tea at any moment.

She thought naively that Ariel wouldn't take long but she was wrong.

Rong Xiaoman let out a sigh. "It's been several months now...when is mistress going to wake up?"

She had stood beside Ariel for months now but it didn't effect her at all, with her cultivation she could spend several tens of years in meditation without eating any food or drinking any water; surviving only on spiritual Qi alone which was extremely abundant in the enclosed space.


Rong Xiaoman looked back to Ariel and gasped.

Ariel had finally taken off the strange helmet and was now holding a cup of her tea, her eyes curved into crescents as she drank.

"You're getting better Xiaoman, keep it up." Ariel commented as she sipped the tea.

Rong Xiaoman nodded with intense curiosity glowing in her eyes. "Um.. Mistress.. what is that helmet for?" She asked as she pointed to the helmet sitting on the chair's armrest.

"Oh that? It's just my incarnation controller. It's quite the experience but being a baby can get boring." Ariel casually replied.

Rong Xiaoman eyed the helmet with a baffled expression. "Incarnation controller?"

Ariel noticed Rong Xiaoman's eyes attracted to the helmet, her lips rose into a knowing smile.

"You want to try?" Ariel got up from the reclining chair and gestured for Rong Xiaoman to sit. "Go ahead, give it a go."

Rong Xiaoman was truly curious, she sat down on the comfy chair and put on the helmet but nothing happened. All she could see was darkness, as if she had closed her eyes during the night. As she was wondering what was wrong she heard Ariel's voice.

"You need to press the button on the side of the helmet and when you want to leave, just think "Exit""

Rong Xiaoman nodded located the button that was beside her ear and pressed it.

Instantly her vision blurred as she lost all feeling with her body causing her to panic a little, it was only a few seconds later that she regained the feeling of her body but it felt different.

She felt small and cramped as if she were being held in a warm embrace, there was also a strange appendage where her womanly parts used to be. It was a strange feeling.

As she was getting used to the new body she heard voices, currently her eyes were closed so she didn't see who was speaking.

"Mistress Ruyan! The black Guards are catching up, you must hurry to the ancestral continent!" One of the voices said.

"It's no use, the way is blocked...hide yourselves, take Zhen'er and Tian'er with you! I'll lead them away, they won't harm me so don't worry." A voice coming from above said sorrowfully.

Rong Xiaoman slowly opened her eyelids, looking around her surrounding curiously she noticed they were in a dark forest that was nestled in a valley. The moon up above lit up the surrounding two mountains in its gentle light, their peaks reaching up high into the dark starlit sky.

A group of women who looked to be servants surrounded her

She was in the embrace of a beautiful woman who had tears running down her cheeks but there was a firm resolution in her eyes.

"Mama don't go! Please!" A little girl tugged at the woman's robe with a pleading expression, her eyes were beginning to moisten.

The woman stroked the little girl's cheek and replied in a choking voice. "Mama is sorry she can't go with you Zhen'er, please take good care of Tian'er for me?"

The little girl nodded as tears leaked from her cheeks.

The woman looked to Rong Xiaoman who was snuggled in her embrace. "Tian'er my son...I won't be there to see you grow up, to be there to protect you," The woman sniffled as more tears left her eyes. "But I know one day you'll grow up strong and rise up to the heaven realm....rescue mama when you do okay?" Those last words were like a whisper, a desperate hope that she would one day see her son and daughter again.

Although she was perplexed to the current situation, she had a vague understanding of it. Rong Xiaoman looked at her with pity in her eyes. "Poor woman, to be separated from her children is an unbearable thing."

The woman wiped her tears away and then handed Rong Xiaoman to a nearby servant, with a flash of her ring, a jade medallion appeared.

"Take it, it'll hide your auras. Once I'm gone, use it to leave the valley." The servant nodded as she gripped the medallion tightly.

After looking back at her children once more the woman leapt away and landed on one of the two nearby mountaintops. The young girl and the servants all had their eyes locked onto that mountain, deep worry filled their faces.

She shouted in a thunderous voice which resounded throughout the dark valley. "I Qin Ruyan am here!!"

Over a hundred men in black robes and masks appeared on the opposite mountain top, the one in the lead laughed in a hideous, hoarse voice. "Kekeke.. Mistress Ruyan, you truly lead us on a goose chase but now your luck has run out. Where's the child?"

Qin Ruyan snorted and replied in a cold voice. "He's hidden away where you'll never find him. If you even think about looking, I'll detonate my heavenly star!"

"Tsk! Fine then, come along Miss Ruyan; Master Hai would like to have a chat with you." The black cloaked man replied with a chuckle, there was a hint of regret in his eyes. If he could have caught the child, he would have gained a hefty reward from the clan master.

While Qin Ruyan was talking to the black robed men, Rong Xiaoman was focused on something else.

"Mistress, some black robed men are about to take your incarnation's mother away." Rong Xiaoman thought in her mind.

"Oh? Wait! I've seen this before!" Ariel's voice sounded in her mind.

Rong Xiaoman listened intently as she heard the pages of a book flipping.

"Aha!" Ariel's excited voice sounded.

"Let's see here... A traumatic event or dire circumstance causes the protagonist's parents to be separated from them early in life. The protagonist grows up with a clear goal in mind of finally meeting said parents and on the way he will defeat the enemy who caused the whole situation in the first place... " Ariel read out with a focused voice.

Rong Xioaman's baby-like brow could only raise in confusion.

"Not happening! Hahahaha!" Rong Xiaoman heard Ariel laughing in a creepy manner.

Back at the mountaintop.

Qin Ruyan sighed as she replied. "I'm coming...remember what I said."

The black robed man nodded impatiently, as he was about to reply; a loud boom came from above.

Looking up curiously his eyes opened wide in fear, he stuttered with a frightened voice. "W-w-what t-the hell is that!!" The surrounding black guards all cried out and whimpered in terror.



Qin Ruyan also had her eyes locked above, her body faintly trembling.

Up high in the sky, there was a gigantic circular portal that stretched for thousands of miles. It blotted out the sky hiding the stars from sight.

Everyone watched in horror as a colossal jade hand reached out from the portal, it's beautiful fingers were larger than mountains and the palm itself seemed as big as a continent.

The jade hand pointed at the black robed men standing atop one of the two mountain peaks. A glowing ball gathered at the tip of it's finger, it was so bright that it lit up the surrounding lands like a miniature sun.

The black robed man shook in fear as he wet his pants. His mind was in chaos and the only sound that could leave his mouth was the chattering of his of his teeth.

The surrounding black guards were in similar or worse conditions, they were all rooted to the ground as their legs would not respond as an immense pressure bore down upon them.

The black robed man stared absentmindedly as the fiery star left the jade finger and shot directly at them, his final thoughts as he and the black guard were swallowed by the ball of fire was. [What God have I offended?]

Qin Ruyan watched in complete amazement as the fiery ball ran over the opposite mountain before flying high into the sky leaving a miles wide chasm that burned with fire.

[The father of my child?] Qin Ruyan stared as the jade hand returned into the portal, her eyes were filled with worship.

As she was in a daze, a bright light lit up the skies.

Qin Ruyan looked up and her mouth opened wide in shock, the moon was hit by that mysterious fireball and it had been obliterated in a blinding light!

It was like a brilliant firework that covered the limitless sky.