A Mother's Love [P3Final]{R18}

Qin Ruyan laid comfortably on her large bed, the only light that lit her bedroom was the soft glow from the moonlight that shone through her window.

Her body was covered in a silk nightgown that was thin and transparent which barely covered her voluptuous body.

She closed her eyes, her thoughts remained on the information her head attendant had given her a few hours ago.

Her son completed his body tempering in minutes! It filled her with joy knowing her son was such a heavenly talent.

"My little boy... I'm.. so.. proud."

As she drifted into deep sleep, dreams of her son growing up to be a peerless cultivator filled her unconscious mind. A satisfied smile slowly appearing.

While she was dreaming she began to feel an extremely comfortable sensation from below.

"Ahhn.. " A soft moan left her luscious red lips.

The sensation continued to grow stronger as her dream changed to an old memory of her and her husband making love.

"Husband.. a little more.. yes.. " She mumbled under a heated breath.

The pleasure was growing with every second, it was so intense that her bountiful chest had begun rising and lowing in tandem with the pleasure waves.

This caused her dream to crumble and her conscious mind to slowly awaken.

"Mmmm... what?" As she opened her eyes, she felt a wet, hot slippery thing entering her womanly area. The feeling it was giving made her body shiver in delight.

When she looked down she noticed that something was under her bed sheets, between her crotch. As her mind finally clicked with what was happening, insane anger flared in her eyes as she whispered in a furious voice. "Who dares.. "

She quickly removed the sheet that was covering her body, and when she saw who had intruded upon her bed and violated her while she was sleeping; her heart almost stopped as her eyes opened wide in disbelief.

Long glossy golden hair that shimmered in the moonlight came into view and she saw a face so beautiful that it would make angels weep rise from her crotch. His face was childish but seemed to have a hint growing masculinity and his mesmerizing golden eyes shone with a unfathomably deepness.

It was her own child Qin Tian! The very thought caused her mind to short circuit.

Her son was nude and had his soft red tongue buried deep into her moist hole, his little head bobbed up and down as he stared into her eyes with a soul piercing gaze. It was as if he were staring deep into her soul.


The waves of pleasure suddenly came back as an almost beast like moan left her lips.

"No-no son.. my child.. please.. don't.. it's wrong.. please.. " She begged her son to stop, her pleading hazel eyes became wet with tears.

Her son didn't listen, in fact he seemed to enjoy her reactions as his little lips curved into a faint smile.

It took all her might to thrust her hand forward and attempt to push her son away but her efforts were futile, he caught her hand easily and massaged it with his little fingers, it made her feel weak and limp; her body felt devoid of any strength.

As she felt the climax nearing, her mind began to slip. She could no longer hold any coherent thought as the primal desire for pleasure overwhelmed her.

He started to move his tongue more vigorously, exploring every inch of her causing Qin Ruyan to moan louder. Her jade hands latched onto her son's head as her slender legs spread wide open.


"AHHN!" Qin Ruyan screamed as her back arched upwards, her large breasts shook under her nightgown. Her essence squirted forth from her body and entered her son's mouth, an audible gulping sound came from his throat as he greedily drank not letting a drop escape.

A quivering weakness came from her lower body as flushes of heat rippled across her skin.

Her back slowly dropped as she sunk into the soft bed, she looked at her son with dazed eyes as he removed his tongue from her shivering hole.

As clarity came back to her, questions flooded her mind.

"Why?" She whispered weakly with a shaky voice.

"Lend me your body for a little bit okay." Her child said teasingly with a tone she recognized, it was the personality that never called her mother.

She watched as he got up from her crotch, kneeling, his naked body was revealed to her. Childish in appearance with a clear definition on his growing muscles, his rod was long, thick and pulsing with ridged veins. Not at all inferior to an adults, clearly his genetics were beyond peerless.

A forbidden desire welled up in Qin Ruyan's soul as she stared vacantly at her naked son, at his large male member. Her nipples erected as goosebumps covered her body. She knew it was immoral to have relations with her son, that it was the most sinful thing she could ever do but the thought grew bigger in her mind.

It was like it had rooted itself so deeply that she could never remove it. She would never be the same again if she took that final step, no longer would she see only her son; she would also see a man.

Unknowingly her eyes had misted over with an alluring gaze, her breathing had become heavy.

Her son gripped her nightgown and ripped it from her body, her curvaceous nude body was revealed in full as it glowed in the moonlight.

He stared at her with his golden eyes as he continued. "Your body, I demand it!"

Qin Ruyan's heart sped up, the insatiable desire that was growing within had reached a bottleneck. All it would take is a single push and she would be lost in it forever.

"C-call me mother." She whispered in a soft voice, the greatest desire in her heart still held strong. It was simple but the only thing she had wished for these recent years.

Her son looked at her amusedly, he smiled as he whispered. "Mother.. "

Once the words left his mouth, all her thoughts flew away. Something deep within her mind snapped. A warped forbidden desire had overflowed her entire being and taken complete hold of her.

She spread her legs open as she bit her lip, expression was absolutely amorous as her eyes shone with lust. "Come my child.. come to me.. " She whispered in a tone full of desire and wanting.

Her son wasted no time at all before he guided his rod to her slit and pierced through with a thrust.


Qin Ruyan felt her wet hole forcefully separated by her son's throbbing hot member. Her folds wrapped tightly around his member in an attempt to crush it.

In the missionary position, he began to shake his hips as he pushed himself into her deep embrace. His thrusts were slow at first but gradually increased in speed.

The bed shook from their movements.

"My son! Ahhn! My little boy!" Qin Ruyan cried out as he rammed her moist hole repeatedly, he was reaching the deepest parts of her being. His golden eyes glazed as he felt the newfound pleasure.

She wrapped her curvy legs around his small waist and he reacted by gripping her ample bottom and lifting her up, she sat on his knees and moved in rhythm with his thrusts.

Although she was much taller and larger than her son, he lifted her up as if she were as light as a feather.

Looking into his eyes, she kissed her son deeply. Her tongue skillfully sliding into his mouth as their two tongues wrapped around each other.

Obscene sounds resounded throughout the room as she slapped her round and perky bottom onto her son's thighs, his rod gliding along her wet inner depths.

"Ahhan! Ahhn! Faster!"

As the pleasure increased, the mother and son pair became faster with their movements. The sweat which covered their bodies glistened in the light.

The room became thick with their combined scents creating a lewd atmosphere that drove Qin Ruyan and her son into a frenzy of passionate lovemaking.

Each time the head of his rod rubbed against her core, she cried out loudly. It took her son no time at all to locate her G-spot and rub it his member.

As her most sensitive inner spot was stimulated, Qin Ruyan felt her womb descend and tightly suck on the head of her son's member, her climax was near.

"My child! Faster! I'm almost there!" Qin Ruyan sucked her son's lips as her eyes shone with a primal desire.

He flicked her erect buds as he made a final powerful thrust.

"Ahhhhhhh! I love youu!!"

Her legs wrapped tighter around her son as the feeling of climax exploded from her wet slit, liquids gushed forth from her hole like a river as drenched her son's lower body.

Her little child buried his head into her bosom as he moaned. "Mother! So good! Ahh!"

She felt a pulsing from her son's member and then a fluid which shot forth and hit the top of her womb. She was too consumed by pleasure to notice the impossibility of such a thing coming from someone so young.

The two collapsed onto the sweat drenched bed, Qin Ruyan cradled her son in her embrace as he rested his head on her breasts.

She felt strange as she drifted off to a blissful sleep, it was a feeling she couldn't fathom but one thing she did know is that her heart felt content like never before.


Morning came, the waking sun shone through the windows illuminating the room. The smell of sex permeated the air.

Qin Ruyan slowly opened her eyes, the memories of last night still buried deeply in her mind.

"To do such a thing.. with my son.." There was no remorse or regret in her eyes, only a faint smile and eagerness in her brilliant hazel eyes.

She sat up and noticed that her son was no where to be found.

"Son?" She looked around curiously for his location but found no trace.

"Big brother, I'm here!" A cute voice sounded from outside.

Qin Ruyan's brows knitted as she got up from the bed, wrapping a robe around her nude body she walked over to the window.

Below, a young girl could be seen waiting. She looked to be around eight years of age had long black hair, her face was exquisite and doll like. She radiated a vivacious aura.

"You came little Ying? Well let's play!" Qin Ruyan saw her son leaving the manor.

Jiang Ying nodded with a smile. "Big brother, lets go play in the park! The black orchids are in bloom, they're sooo pretty!"

Her son patted Jiang Ying's head as he chuckled. "Come on then."

Jiang Ying giggled, the two left the manor grounds and entered the street; leaving Qin Ruyan's sight.


Qin Ruyan's eyes were bloodshot, a endless jealousy filled her mind. Unknowingly, she had gripped a nearby ornamental vase and crushed it to dust.

"That little slut.. how dare she be so close to my son.. " She mumbled with tone that had a tinge of insanity in it.

Behind her came a knock. The door to her room opened as Qin Chen came in holding a bucket of water and a towel.

"Mistress, I've come with your morning accessories." Qin Chen said before stopping and sniffing the room curiously. "It smells funny in here.. " She muttered as her eyes darted around the room.

"Mistress?" Qin Chen spotted Qin Ruyan standing beside the window, the vase next to her broken.

"Tell me Qin Chen.. who was it that arranged the marriage with that Jiang girl?" Qin Ruyan asked as she stared vacantly out the window.

Qin Chen shivered, the tone of voice coming from Qin Ruyan was full of murderousness. "I-It was y-you M-Mistress." She stuttered in a frightened voice.

"Oh.. That's right.. hehehehehe." Qin Ruyan laughed creepily leaving poor Qin Chen shaking in fear.