Stalker [P1]

Bat Manlou, a name that every person with ill intent in Fallen Leaves city trembled fearfully at the mere mention of.

A vigilante that prowled the city day and night looking for unsuspecting criminals, troublemakers, corrupt officials and sinister young masters. His unfathomable stealth techniques kept him well hidden from the prying eyes of ancestor level characters and his immense strength and mysterious tactics allowed him to escape numerous dangerous situations.

He was easily identifiable from his clothes as he wore a black robe with black leather gloves and boots and a black cape which hung from his back. The mask that hid his face was made from black wood and carved into the shape of a dragon.

No one knows his where he came from. Some say he was the child of a rich merchant who saw his parents killed by a thief on the way back home from the local play, others say he was abandoned in the wilderness then found and raised by a pack of grey mist wolves.

No matter the origins of this strange man, there was one thing for certain.. he will not stand for injustice.


It was the beginning of the day. The morning birds were chirping and the clouds parted for the rising sun.

Bat Manlou appeared from the shadow of a nearby tree. His silhouette was cloaked in darkness with only his shining grey eyes standing out. At night time, he would be an invisible ghost but in the daytime he stood out like a sore thumb.

He inspected the courtyard with narrowed eyes. Loose stones covered the pathways and a overgrown bodhi tree lay in the center of the courtyard.

"Give it up Yun Zhulin you vile harpy! Release the child at once!!" His deep gruff voice resounded throughout an abandoned courtyard surrounded by several wooden buildings.

"Oh!" A voice came from the one of the buildings, the sliding door opened and a bulbous woman walked out. Her steps caused the ground to shake.

Yun Zhulin inspected the black robed man before her and exhaled in surprise. "I've heard about you! Bat Manlou right?" She chuckled. " think such a small city has such an eccentric character as you."

As soon as Bat Manlou saw the woman, he gasped in fright as his eyes became watery. Her appearance was truly too hideous, so much so that it had become a weapon itself.

"Here for the boy? You're too late Bat Manlou." Yun Zhulin sighed as she shook her head. "He was a good little sport but in the end.. he failed to satiate me, not like my Little Lee." Once she mentioned the mysterious "Little Lee" her fat body shook as her thick eyelashes fluttered in emotion, tears left her beady eyes that were hidden between the folds of her facial fat.

Her sickly sweet voice made Bat Manlou flinch.

"It's so sad that Little Lee ran away and left me behind! He left our child behind too!" Yun Zhulin lamented as more tears rolled down her fat cheeks. "I had to leave my little boy back home so I could go find his irresponsible father!"

"What does that got to do with kidnapping children and tormenting them?" Bat Manlou replied with anger in his voice.

"Tormenting?" Yun Zhulin shook her head and giggled coquettishly. "I'm just teaching them a little about the birds and the bees, there's no torment at all. Ever since little lee "attacked" me, he awakened my unending desires." She peered at Bat Manlou which made him a little uncomfortable. "You see, no man had ever seen me as a woman. They saw me as an ugly freak to be avoided. Little lee was the first who treated me as a normal person, never judging me for my appearance.. ahn..he was so cute when he was young but as he grew older; he became more distant."

As Yun Zhulin reminisce her past memories she continued. "I was scared that he would leave me alone...that is until that day where he poured all his love into me." She wrapped her arms around herself and spun from side to side in glee.

"I felt what it was like to be a real woman, to be wanted!" Yun Zhulin cried out in happiness but then her expression became sullen. "But Little Lee.. he had disappeared shortly after. He left me with these budding womanly desires! I almost can't stand it!" Her eyes became bloodshot.

"These cute little boys are helpful in curbing those least until I find Little Lee again.. " Yun Zhulin's eyes sparkled. "When I do, I'll force him to take up his duties as a father and-" She licked her thick lips. "A husband."

Bat Manlou shivered at the thought, a deep pity for this "Little Lee" filled his heart. [I can see why you ran away boy...make sure to stay hidden otherwise a fate worse than death awaits you.]

"Where is the boy?" Bat Manlou asked demandingly as he glared at the peerlessly ugly woman.

"The cutie? He's just behind me." Yun Zhulin smiled as she stepped to the side. The sliding door she was blocking with her huge figure was revealed and inside, in the dark was a naked boy sitting on the ground. He rocked back and forth with dead, lifeless eyes.

Bat Manlou growled furiously as he pointed at the woman. "You despicable..." He took a deep breath. "Your reputation proceeds you... Rafflesia Demoness.." A name she had gotten herself from the many cities she had terrorized.

He positioned himself in a battle ready stance as his eyes locked onto Yun Zhulin. "I will mete out justice upon you, prepare yourself for death!"

"You want to play Bat Manlou?" Yun Zhulin's eyes danced playfully. "Witness me!" She opened her robe up revealing her naked body to Bat Manlou.

"Gahhhhhh!" Bat Manlou covered his face as blood began to drip from his eyes. With his eyes closed he shouted loudly in a deep resentful voice. "Shameless!!"

What Bat Manlou had just scene would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Although I'd like to stay and chat, I've got someone to find..ta ta."

He heard Yun Zhulin's voice traveling further and further away until it disappeared.

Opening his eyes, he saw no trace at all of Yun Zhulin. "Dammit!"

Bat Manlou looked around and let out a sigh of regret. He whispered under a forlorn tone. "She escaped, it's likely she's already left the city..I pity the souls who cross her path."

He walked into the building and stopped next to the boy. The smelled like the stench of vile body odor. Unknown liquids covered the floor and the boy.

"Boy." Bat Manlou stretched out his hand and touched the boy's shoulder.

"No-no! Please! No more!" The young boy cried out in fear.

Bat Manlou knocked the boy out and lifted him up onto his shoulder.

"I'll take you home." He muttered as he disappeared into black smoke.