Escape [P2]

A vein popped on Lord Zhao's forehead as an unfathomable power radiated from his body. His power wrapped around the orphanage like a blanket as the city began to quake, the shouts and screams of the devils were drowned out by the tsunami-like wave of crushed rock and fire heading towards them.

"Brace yourselves!!" Lord Zhao shouted alerting everyone in the building.


Everything within the visions of the three had been completely obscured. The city before them had disappeared as the only thing that was visible was a river of black ash and smoke that flowed over the orphanage, not leaving any damage whatsoever.

As the shockwave passed, Celestial Qiao's vision became clear. What was once a prospering city had become an endlessly flat plain covered in smoke, fire and glowing red rocks.

The orphanage stood alone in eerie silence, the ground around it had been peeled away leaving it on what looked to be a pillar of rock.

"Celestial Qiao! Tell me you've found our escape route!" Lord Zhao relaxed his body causing the barrier surrounding the orphanage to disappear. The moment it did, the stifling heat hit their faces. Luckily the orphanage was built with sturdy materials otherwise it would burst into flame.

"Yes I have." Celestial Qiao nodded his head urgently.

He condensed the information into a jade crystal before passing it to Lord Zhao.

"I see.. the light of the Violet star has not been completely concealed.." Lord Zhao stared again towards the outside before muttering. "We need to leave right now."

The two Celestials followed his gaze and noticed something rising in the distance, like a sun which rose over the horizon.

Both Celestial Qiao and Celestial Xue were shocked, the bodies shaking slightly.

A gigantic being of fire slowly stood up, dispersing the cloud of smoke with his movements.

Lord Zhao lept out of the window, flew into the pitch black sky and shouted. "Throne! Come to me!"

His body shook as a soft blue light engulfed his figure. From the doorway, the rest of the Celestial's appeared.

The old Celestial Yi's eyes lit up as he mumbled. "Celestial Throne, I was able to see it in my lifetime."

Many of the Celestial's focused their sights on Lord Zhao who grew larger and larger, eventually reaching a staggering thirty thousand kilometers tall.

Behind him materialized a giant throne made of silver crystals, Celestial dragons made of gold coiled upwards as the armrests of throne were held by their heads.

The throne itself was built into the face of a planet which was green and full of vitality, countless spirit beasts roamed it's forests and mountains.

The giant Lord Zhao sat himself on the throne like a heavenly emperor as illusionary blossoms surrounded him. His hand reached downwards and plucked the orphanage from the ground after which he gently placed it on his left arm rest.

This was the Celestial Throne! Also known as the Celestial King realm for when one ascends to the throne, they would be a king above all.

Celestial Qiao watched in awe at Lord Zhao's might. He himself and the other Celestial's were still far away from the Celestial Throne.

"The resources needed to craft a throne are unimaginable... I wonder were he got them from?" Celestial Lingqi, the beautiful devil in the purple dress muttered in envy.

"Lord Zhao is from one of the Celestial devil clans, because of his high cultivation he was only disowned for his radical views... anyone else would have been killed." Celestial Bing said solemnly as her robe fluttered in the breeze.

Celestial Xue looked towards the fiery giant in the distance fearfully. Even at their current height, all they could see was it's legs, hands and a small part of it's waist. The rest disappeared into the void of space.

"Where does it come from?" She asked with an audible swallow.

"It has to be from beyond the golden gate.." Lord Zhao's powerful voice boomed like thunder from above.

The Celestial's collectively gasped at the revelation.

"The legendary golden gate!?" Celestial Qiao shouted uncontrollably. He had heard of this mysterious gate from his many travels and had heard many legends about it.

The Golden gate laid at the center of the universe at it's highest point, far above even the Celestial realm. It had existed since the beginning of time, since before the first races.

For countless eons, the most powerful beings of every race had all meditated beneath the Golden gate in an attempt to uncover it's secrets, many had tried to open it, yet all failed unquestionably. It was believed that beyond the gate was true godhood, eternal life and the next realms in the path of cultivation.

The fire giant began to raise it's hand which disappeared through the cloud layer.

Seeing this, Lord Zhao's eyes narrowed. "Hold on!" His shout shook the heavens as his throne glowed an imperial grey.

The Celestial's felt the throne tremble as it began to move. The planet sized Throne turned away from the fire giant causing thunderous gales and hurricanes on the land below.

Using their immense Qi to hold their legs in place, the Celestials felt their vision blur as the Throne became a streak of light speeding across the landscape at blistering speeds.

Behind them came a brief flash of light followed by a towering pillar of flame which shot into space. The continent beneath them began to crack as deep fissures spread across it's surface.

High Up above flashes of gold revealed more titanic beings descending upon the world.

"Heavens... there's more of them.." Celestial Yi stroked his long white beard nervously, pulling out a few hairs in the process.

Just ahead of Lord Zhao's throne, a blue giantess collided with the ground sending large chunks of earth and rock flying outwards from the impact.

Her skin was pale blue and covered in a faint charged aura that caused the air around her crackle and explode into sparks.

The outline of her perfect face was shrouded in an electric fog and her locks of hair were all colossal dragons made of black lightning. She was the Titaness of thunder, lightning and the heavenly tribulation, Iona.

The shockwave rattled Lord Zhao's Throne world causing various natural disasters on it's surface, only the Celestials and the orphanage were spared the brunt of it.

"Lord Zhao! Our escape route is above it's head!" Celestial Qiao shouted fearfully.

"I know... this is going to get rough! Protect the orphange!" Lord Zhao's voice resounded in the Celestial's ears.

With Celestial Bing keeping the children safe inside the orphanage, the other Celestials quickly set up a perimeter around the orphanage

Feeling a sudden shift in the Throne world, it began moving even faster as it narrowly evaded the largest masses of rock and earth falling from the sky. What it could not dodge, it weathered with several asteroid sized rocks colliding with it making the surface tremble terribly as if a world ending earthquake were occurring.

Iona the Titaness had already raised her hand, the movement of which caused the weather to change. Above in the sky, lightning stronger than the tribulation of a Celestial formed and struck the landscape like a heavenly hammer dealing out divine punishment.

As the Throne world came closer to the giant lightning goddess, the terrifying size between the two was revealed in full. Even though the Throne World was massive by itself, compared to the Titaness before them they were merely the size of a grain of sand.

"Hah!!" Celestial Yi struck a boulder into pieces with a powerful punch. He no longer had the look of an old man with one foot in the grave, his body had grown to a tremendous size of three thousand meters with rippling muscles that had shredded his upper robe. His wrinkled face had become that of a handsome middle aged devil with a vibrant purple beard that was no longer white.

Celestial Yi looked upwards and saw that another larger rock was heading towards him. With the orphanage just below him he had no choice but to take it head on.


Gritting his teeth, Celestial Yi caught the rock ten times his size. He held the rock like a god carrying a world on his shoulders.


His bones creaked and his muscles tore under it's immense weight. Just as he was about to buckle, a streak of light passed by Celestial Yi slicing the rock into smaller pieces.

Celestial Yi let out a sigh of relief as the smaller rocks fell to the side harmlessly, he turned his head to the woman who had landed on his shoulder. "Than you Celestial Xue."

Celestial Xue nodded and flew off to help other struggling Celestials.

While the Celestials were desperately protecting the orphanage, Lord Zhao had begun flying higher while using his hands to protect the throne world from the terrifying lightning strikes.

His Throne World had just reached the elbows of the Titaness when she finally raised her hand just behind her slender shoulder. In the palm of her hand an immeasurably huge bolt of lightning condensed into a spear. Like a javelin thrower, she threw the bolt of lightning into the distance striking the earth below.

The moment the bolt touched the ground, it exploded into a storm of lightning which tore through the continent leaving abyssal chasms of bottomless depth. Just her throwing motion made a powerful gust of wind which threatened to blow Lord Zhao's throne world away, though using his strong cultivation he managed to tear a way through the gales.

"We're almost there." Lord Zhao said with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Celestial Qiao sat tiredly on the remains of a massive boulder, looking around he saw that the others were in similar ragged shape. Celestial Yi had returned to being an old man as he coughed and gasped for breath. Celestial Lingqi had her gorgeous hair all frizzled from lightning strikes and Celestial Xue looked like a beggar with her ripped robe and chipped sword.

Turning his gaze towards Nraka, he let out a despairing sigh. Although Nraka wasn't the prettiest of the earth realm primordial continents, it was still the ancestral grounds from which the devil race spawned and now it looked like the very vision of an apocalypse.

Lord Zhao could already see the vast blackness of space as his Throne World left the atmosphere of Nraka. Before him was the gigantic head of the Titaness Iona, her face now covered by a thick net of lightning.

She didn't see the seemingly insignificant spec that was Lord Zhao's Throne World and continued her spree of destruction. Seeing that she didn't notice him, Lord Zhao wiped a sweat from his brow and continued onward. As he flew deeper into the black void of space he noticed a shimmering aurora light that seemed to be escaping from a long curved crack that stretched on beyond his mighty sight.

"There it is Lord Zhao! The hole in the net!" Celestial Qiao cheered loudly.