Ties that Bind [P3Final]{Volume 1 END}

//Back at the Silent Valley Sect~//

Of what used to be Wusheng Mountain, numerous scavenges picked amongst the remains of the destroyed sect like a bunch of vultures.

At the center of the large crater, a lone scavenger was slowly inching his was towards the dead body of Zuo Ning using various protective talismans to protect himself from the remnant power radiating from the corpse.

"Just a little closer.." The scavenger gulped as he eyed the bag on Zuo Ning's waist. [I'm gonna be filthy rich!]

When he finally reached the corpse and was seconds away from grabbing the precious spatial bag, Zuo Ning's remaining arm grabbed at the scavenger's throat.


Zuo Ning opened his eyes, they were cloudy with the aura of death.

[That's odd... I thought I died.. ]

[No.. I did die..]

[I.. I feel..]

Zuo Ning looked at the scavenger struggling to free himself from his grip, his cloudy eyes began to glow red as his mouth slowly opened.

[So hungry..]

Bringing the scavenger's head towards his mouth opened wider causing his jaw to tear, sharp black teeth sprouted from his bleeding gums.

[Just a bite..]


The scavenger's head completely disappeared into the mouth of Zuo Ning and with a loud gulp, it disapeared down his throat. Zuo Ning closed his eyes as he felt a euphoric feeling as the scavenger's lifeforce dispersed into his dead body.

In the next moment something happened. The horrified face of the scavenger appeared on Zuo Ning's charred chest, squirming like it wanted to escape from his skin.

[More.. I.. am.. still.. HUNGRY!]

Zuo Ning's eyes gleamed as he stared at the scavengers at the edges of the crater, with a leap he had already began a massacre.

In the distance, on top of a large broken piece of Mount Wusheng was an old beggar with missing teeth.

In his hand was a gourd filled with the sweet scent of alcohol.

After taking a swig, he muttered with sharp eyes. "Something has happened to the underworld. The dead are no longer staying dead.. do they have nowhere to go? How could that be possible?"

The beggar chuckled. "Well, things are about to get interesting.."

//Qin Manor, two days later~//

It was noon as the sun had reached it's zenith. It's bright light shone down on Qin Manor revealing the numerous festive decorations that covered it.

In front of the Manor, there was a long red carpet which went from the front gate all the way to the main door.

On each side of the carpet their were a vast group of people. A vast majority of them were disciples of the Martial Fist sect, even the martial fist Headmaster Lu Meng was in attendance. His rosy face had been covered in bandages and he was sitting in a wheel chair with a splint on his leg.

Behind Lu Meng was Sun Xi who had his hands on the wheelchair. He had been one of the lucky few to escape the terrifying Mistress of the Qin Manor unscathed. Beside him was the quivering hermit Bat Manlou whose gaze seemed to be constantly shifting as if he were afraid of being discovered.

Lu Meng looked at Bat Manlou and snorted hatefully. "You owe me this after running away like that.."

"I already told you to haul ass and get out of there Headmaster Lu! Why do you have to drag me here!?" Bat Manlou defended himself as he hid behind Sun Xi trying to make himself as small as possible.

"You should have tried harder to convince me! How was I supposed to know that some crazy woman would come along and destroy everything? I even got blamed!"

Lu Meng replied in a bitter voice. "And now we have to wish her son a happy marriage under threat of death! Ah.. there's no justice in the world."

"Shhh, the bride is coming." Sun Xi quickly said as he signaled to a few disciples in the crowd.

Instantly a loud orchestra of music begun playing and several fireworks shot into the air leaving trails of glittering sparks. Loud cheers instantly followed as everyone clapped their hands joyfully.

At the gate there came a large golden sedan being carried by several strong men with bulging muscles. In front of the sedan was Jiang Jie, his skin was pale as if he had suffered a major illness. On his face was a somewhat forced smile.

As the sedan passed the crowd, people threw white blossoms on the sedan making for a mesmerizing sight. When the sedan reached the front door of the Qin Manor, Rong Xiaoman, Qin Zhenzhen, Qin Ruyan and several servants including Qin Fei and Qin Chen had come out to receive the bride.

Rong Xiaoman was dressed in a crimson red robe that had golden dragons etched onto it. Her long golden hair was tied back by blue band.

Qin Zhenzhen clapped her hands happily as she cheekily eyed Qin Ruyan. "Such a happy occasion isn't it mother?"

Qin Ruyan grit her teeth as she held back her boiling jealousy, in response she gave Qin Zhenzhen a small glare before harrumphing loudly.

The loud cheers came to a halt as the bride, Jiang Ying stepped out from the sedan.

She wore a brilliant red wedding dress, her jet black hair had a myriad of golden ornaments carefully placed in it. On her slender neck there was a beautiful pearl necklace that shimmered in the sunlight.

Her father led her to where Rong Xiaoman was standing and they exchanged greetings. Jiang Jie had a rather fearful look the whole time which puzzled Jiang Ying greatly, though she threw those thoughts to the back of her mind the moment she held hands with her husband.

Together in unison, Rong Xiaoman and Jiang Ying kowtowed three times to worship the heaven, their parents and each other. They had finally officially sealed their marriage with solemn vows.

Jiang Ying observed her handsome husband, an extremely beautiful smile adorning her face. This was one of the happiest moments in her life and the sheer bliss she was feeling at that moment was absolutely intoxicating.

She gave Rong Xiaoman a coy look and said shyly. "Big brother...you know what's next right?"

Rong Xiaoman who was enjoying the festive atmosphere looked at Jiang Ying with curious look and replied. "Um.. there's a feast?", She smiled and rubbed her belly while remarking. "I'm feeling quite peckish right now and you're probably hungry too right? Don't worry Little Ying, I'll feed you personally."

Jiang Ying shook her head and said with a quieter voice. "No big brother, next we both go to the bridal chamber."

"Bridal chamber? Why would we go there? There's no food there." Rong Xiaoman said with a raised eyebrow, looking at Jiang Ying in doubt.

"Y-you know.. t-to do things.. the things men and w-women do!" Jiang Ying squeezed out a reply with an extreme blush on her cheeks, she buried her head into Rong Xiaoman's arm to hide her embarrassment.

Rong Xiaoman seemed to be slowly processing what Jiang Ying said as if she couldn't quite understand, though after a while her eyes seem to light up in understanding after which her face blazed red in embarrassment.

She laughed awkwardly and pinched Jiang Ying's cheek. "Don't be silly Little Ying, we're both girls.. how could we do that!?"

Although Rong Xiaoman had been living in the body of a male for many years now, she still thought herself as a pure girl through and through. Before her death, she had never had any relations with a man let alone another woman as the mere thought of it was shameful and embarrassing for her.

She was a true cultivation maniac and focused most of her time on such things. Even when she met a few interested males or females with similar cultivation to her, she merely took their advances as being friendly, or in other cases having ulterior motives.

In truth, Rong Xiaoman was truly and airhead on matters of the heart.

Black lines appeared on Jiang Ying's smooth forehead, she gave Rong Xiaoman a double take with her mouth wide open in bafflement. After what seemed to be an eternity, her eyes narrowed as they focused intensely on Rong Xiaoman causing her to flinch.

"Big Brother.. no excuses.. you won't be escaping your duties so easily!" Jiang Ying licked her lips as she eyes her prey with hungry eyes.

"W-what!? What's with that look?" Rong Xiaoman stepped back fearfully but her arm was caught in Jiang Ying's vice grip.

"We're going to the bridal chamber right now!" Jiang Ying dragged the helpless Rong Xiaoman into Qin Manor which caused a burst of cheers from the crowd.

//Somewhere in the void of space~//

A bright light traveled through darkness like a comet heading towards destinations unknown.

Lord Zhao looked ahead at the endless stars with a troubled gaze. Celestial Qiao was currently resting on his shoulder.

"What are we gonna do now Lord? The devil emperor is powerless before those beings.." Celestial Qiao said with a helpless tone, his curious eyes had long lost their light.

"We must inform the higher powers.."

Celestial Qiao gasped. "You mean!?"

Lord Zhao nodded his gigantic head solemnly. "Yes.. they who are the strongest of every race and have lived countless years, those who watch over the golden gate eternally free from the dust that is the mortal and celestial worlds... we must inform the Assembly of Ancients!"