Two Negatives DO NOT Make A Positive


Mom and I finally made it down the mountain to the highway but we still have to lug this huge chunk of ice all the way to Nicky's to get it in the ice truck. By the time we got there, Nicky was already outside waiting for us, waving and smiling. " Boy you guys! every time I see y'all doing this it amazes me! You sure are strong." Once we put the ice in the truck Nicky wraps her arms around us and guides us inside her Bar. On the counter as usual sits a steamy mug of hot chocolate and a can of whip cream. I grin at her and rush over to the counter.

 "Thank you Nicky for letting us use your ice truck. It means alot." Mom smiles at Nicky, who's face was just as red as Mom's. I chuckle at Mom when she realizes how muddy she was from our trip down the mountain, she takes off her jacket and tugs at her clothes trying to apologise to Nicky. But that's not what caused my heart to sink, it was when she would pull on her shirt and you could see every rib in her chest. She gets thinner every month and she looks as though if you touch her the wrong way she would simply crumble and wither into dust. It's not hard to tell that she is exhausted from lack of sleep and even though her smile would light up a room there's always that glimmer of sadness just behind her eyes. "Ah it's no problem." 

'Uh oh. Poor Ice Queen.'  Mom's eyes narrow. 

"Adding two negatives DO NOT make a positive!!" Nicky laughs and takes a step closer to her.

"Oh I know hon. I just love hearing you put me in my place." She winks causing mom to turn as red as the apple given to snow white. 

" Uh-hmm I'm right here you guys." I laugh as they send daggers my way. 

" Yeah yeah and yet aren't you the one that's been pushing us to 'get a room' so to speak." Nicky crosses her arms as an attempt to be serious, which she failed to do.

"Hey when I do it it's cute and adorable!" We all laugh then. Nicky Pat's my back and gives me a hug.

" You're right. Now hurry and drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold." I smile and obey. Nicky turns to mom becoming genuinely serious. "We need to talk." My spine shivers sending goosebumps soaring throughout my body. I grip my mug like it's the only source of heat in the whole world.  'as cold as ever' I turn to look at Mom. She looks like a deer in headlights, finally coming back to her senses she nodded and followed Nicky to the back room.