Daily life

Max woke up and got ready to go out of the house.

As he got out of the house he saw that Arya was sitting there on the ground and it seemed like she had been there for some time since he had started nodding off.

Max shook her and woke her up. Arya woke up in a shook and started yelling who is this, who dares to wake me up.

Max was amused by this and said, "It's me, John, what are you doing sleeping outside my quarters"

"Well you didn't tell me by what time I should come by so I decided to get here as soon I could," said Arya

Max did remember that he hadn't given her a specific time, so he said " But still it is way too early to train, lets first have something to eat and after that we will start your training"

"Ok" replied Arya

Both of them then had their breakfast.

After which Max took Arya to the training grounds for soldiers. In the past whenever Arya had come secretly in the training grounds her mother would instantly yell at her and then would take her to her room. But nowadays she was busy with Bran thus now Arya had a lot more freedom.Max taught Arya what he had learned from the system, Ayra practiced diligently but due to howMax had acquired her knowledge whenever she would ask her a question about something he was unable to answer, this was mainly because the system had just planted the memories in his brain, and he had not learned them. It was like how shitty teachers on earth would just read from the textbook and because they didn't know anything themselves were unable to answer the student's questions.

But Arya was not much bothered by this, and constantly practiced what Max taught her. Unlike many women of this era, Arya seemed to have gotten a hard work ethic and wanted to learn how to do something instead of just lazing around like the noble ladies.

After some while they were done with the lesson and the seemingly unlimited energy of Arya finally seemed exhausted. John was very pleased by how hard Arya had worked and thus accepted her offer of training her for some more later. Max promised to train her the day after tomorrow since he had some work he needs to do tomorrow.

They both ten said goodbye and Max went to meet with Bran, after he sat with Bran for some while, he also bid goodbye to him and left.

After Max was done with this he started the actual task he had decided on for the day, he started observing the number of troops Winterfell had. After observing till noon he estimated that Winterfell had at least 2,000 well trained and well-equipped troops and had the capacity of raising 5,000 troops more if they called on all the houses under their banner.

This was a decent military strength for the current size of House Stark and this was just an estimation the real strength they had was probably much more than this.

Therefore any kind of war with Winterfell must be avoided at any cost, at least for some time. The next day Max went to Reinhardt, he first asked Chanakya about what happened to his body after he transported, Chanakya answered that he had not paid any attention till now to this matter. So Max said to observe him while he transported, Max pressed the virtual map button and transported.

After he was in the virtual town, he roamed around for 5 minutes and then transported back to the real world.

"So what happens to my body when I transport" asked Max to Chanakya

"My lord, when you transported you touched your device, I didn't see any difference, in fact after a little while I was confused what you were trying to do since you just sat down in the chair and didn't say anything even after I asked you a lot more times, and then you came back. To me it seems that when you transport your body goes into some kind of vegetative state that is like sleeping and you don't respond to anything done to you" replied Chanakya

"Ok," said Max this was an acceptable outcome, after all this was logical he couldn't be at two places at the same time, could he.

"You must be very careful when transporting since from what I can see you are left completely defenseless in this kind of situation. From now on you must try to transport in a location that is as safe as possible," said Chanakya

Max agreed with this and nodded

Then he went out of the city center and started observing the state of Reinhardt, there was hardly anybody around in the city, the only people were the ones making food for the entire city and the garrison soldiers that were patrolling in the city.

When he compared this to Winterfell he found it sorely lacking, in fact the difference so staunch that it was like comparing a begger to a lord. But it was also true that when compared to the Reinhardt 10 days ago to now, it had grown a lot and Max knew this. If he could keep it growing it as fast as this it would be soon when it would become bigger than Winterfell.

Max then went to check out the university., when he had built the university he had a lot of work to do and he had forgotten to check it out but today he decided to check it out. As he went inside the university he saw that this was just like a university on earth. It was divided into five sections each with different subjects, which were Blacksmithing, Reading and writing, Medicine, Architecture, and Trade.

He opened the system and checked the information regarding the university in the system. There he read-This is the university where your citizens can learn new skills and contribute towards your city. Currently, five subjects can be learned in the university, they are taught by 5 different teachers, each of them can only teach 3 students at once. However, remember that these teachers cannot go out of the university and help the host in the city. The citizen who are placed under these teachers cannot be used for anything else and there is no time limit fixed on how fast they learn, the teaching speed will depend on the ability of the student to comprehend and there is no limit to how much they can learn if they are placed under these teachers for a long period they might even learn as far the information host had on earth. But that would take centuries.

Max read all the information, after this, he called Chanakya and told him to choose 12 citizens with the most potential and place them in the university as fast as he can. And then choose 2 men and 1 woman from the people who display some leadership quality or who have the trust of a lot of people and enroll them in the reading and writing class.

Max wanted people to start learning new things as fast they can, meanwhile he had something different planned with the reading and writing class. He wanted these people to serve as moe supervisor role and then in the bureaucracy. So e first went to the woman who would teach reading and writing to the citizens, he told her to also include some legends that he had created about himself to the citizens at the end of each class and also told all the other teachers to promote his legend too.

By this Max realized that two goals could be accomplished first the fact that citizens would start believing in him more and would become more loyal to him and also the fact that they would be more adaptable to change which he planned to introduce. After all the citizens had already started worshipping him to some extent but their faith would become more established if they were told about it every day.

After this Max went to the War academy and saw the information regarding this in the system. The war academy served as a research building for military technology, the host had to assign a daily budget to the academy to the academy which would establish the speed at which the academy would research new technologies. The host can choose technologies from a list of technologies and once the host finishes researching a technology he can use it for any purpose he likes.Max opened the technology list and saw all the technologies that were available for research. Max was a little overwhelmed by this and thus choose to select the technology which could be researched the quickest which was the crossbow technology. As Max clicked the crossbow technology he saw, the box asking to set the budget, after some thinking Max set the daily budget of the academy to 500 gold coins. Under this budget the technology would be researched in 4 days.

Max was pleased by this and left. Then, Max meet with Alexander and asked him if he had anything to report. There Alexander told Max about the man that had tried to escape on 22nd and how he had dealt with it.

He told that Max that they had burned his body and then the next told the citizens that the man decided to leave the city and you in all your glory decided to leave. The citizens were surprised at first but the man who lived with him told them that he saw him sneak in the middle of the night with all the food he had and how he had tried to get him to run to, then some more citizens started telling how he had also tried to convince them to run to, the other citizens slowly they started getting angry at the man, calling him traitorous and all kinds of things, were yelling how could he betray your trust like that, and then they started praising Max for his nature and how no other lord would allow this.

Max was saddened by this but he knew that this was the only thing he could do, well at least he believed it was.

Then after he had taken care of all the other tasks, he decided to leave the city and went to Winterfell.


Date- 25th November

Day- 25

City- Reinhardt


Food- 1200 units

Wood- 7,000 units

Gold- 6,000 coins

Daily Maintenance- 800 gold coins (200 Military units, 100 Lord's Staff, Research Budget)

Citizens- 30

Troops- 31(7 Infantry, 8 Archer,3Raiders,2 Ballista,10 Cavalry and 1 General)