First blows

Claymore looks around studying his surroundings thinking to himself. What's goin? on why did a freaking dragon who seems to have endless power decided I'd be some kinda warrior like what the hell. He reaches into his pocket for his smartphone. No service of course. He says slowly walking the nervously. Ok let's see this place. He approaches s window n glances outside. His stomach cringes as he see the countless endless blood n corpses. No way! His head starts to hurt out of shock n fear the full gravity of his situation revealed. This is. Suddenly he hears footsteps Marchionne his direction. An attractive pink skinned alien with a tail wearing a kinda battle armor and a sword of some kind turns the corner. I'm spotted. Claymont prepares for a fight not knowing if he'd survive. The alien spots him not recognizing what he is she decides to try to capture him. If you move I'll kill you. His mind races for a solution. If I surrender without knowing my enemy right now it could end in death. He thinks. Ok I need answers. First you tell me what and who you are. She laughs. Your not in the position to be asking questions. Claymore grits his teeth. Ok then illustrated force you to tell me. He starts to run right at the alien. I don't care who or what you are i refuse to die. He says with intentions to kill. The alien shifts to the side dodge Claymore's blade. Cute try but now your gonna die. He feels a heavy sharp pain in his chest. No! He stumbles back blood leaks through his shirt. She doesn't intend to kill me she wants me alive. He thinks as he stands bleeding out. But how she hurt me i didn't see any kind of attack or weapon. His eyes widden. Ow! He says seeing a purple glow in her hands. Some kinda energy power blast. Ok what hidden powers do i got dragon. Claymore gets enraged his sword starts to spank yellow sparks around the blade. I'll tail you a trick. A long lizard like tail wraps around Claymores foot and pulls him to the floor. As he falls he swings his sword precise and lands a critical hit to the tail. Rahwwww!! The pink skinned alien screams out in pain gooey pinkish blood spills out of the half cut off tail. The end that was wrapped around Claymore now lays lifeless at his feet. A closer look at the alien Claymore sees the alien woman only looks to be a teenager younger than him. He puts the tip of the blade up to her throat it still sparking around the yellow blade. Tell me what you are and why are you here? The child speaks. If you don't know that why are here? I was summoned here by something. Claymore barks at her. Tell me what you are right now. He puts the blade to the aliens throat now poking her pink skin. I'm a Quienry we're here to kill all you nuisances to our kinda. Screw you if ur gonna kill me then do it my tails gone i no longer have the strengh to fight I'll die anyways Brenonous will claim this planet for our lords. What lords? Claymore now preparing for a worse case scenario. You'll never live to know. A pink glow shines through the Queinty's chest brighter and brighter till the light forces him backwards and claymore catches his ballance from the strange feeling of the light pushing to him. Its like a heat wave that has a field of some kind. He thinks before realizing something.

He stares at the lifeless body of his enemy. So the tail is a weakness? But why did she revert it that way. I guess that light energy thing was a life source like a soul exploring or something. I better move and find a place to lay low till i have a plan. Claymore thinks then suddenly he hears more Marchionne foot steps moving threw the halls. Ok I'll take this too. Claymore grabs the show off of the dead body and moves forward down the halls till he finds a door. Finally! He whispers in relief under his breath. He listens closely. I don't hear any movement or anything i think its clear. He opens the door quietly and sees buckets and tools of some kind. Seems to be a closet i doubt those things will search in here. He goes inside the small room and locks the door inside is a small window with a metal like shutter door. At least I'll be able to see them coming if more search this place. He thinks as he locks the door with a weird looking sliding latch. Ok there's a planetary invasion by these Quientry alien creatures they have lords what ever that means they somehow know English and this planet is already destroyed and void of life. YOU RETARDED DRAGON!! He thinks enraged in fear and anxiety. Why did you send me to this hopeless situation?

He hears womans voices outside. As he peaks through the rounded window he see's 2 more Quientrys marching outside in search of something. Dammit please go away I got lucky last time but 2 of those things I'd die surly out matched here.