The Project Pass Or Fail Two

I get up from bed to get dressed and I decided to wear a dress for the first day of school. The dress is red with long to mid knees and has sparkles all over it but I also packed a pair of leggings and shirt just in case I had Physical Education. I got a text from my friend Mya Sullivan saying that she would be there to pick me up and not even 10 minutes later she is out front of my house. I get inside her Lamborghini that is pink and she smiles at me.

" And here I thought you were gonna be in a stupid outfit" she laughs at the expression on my face. She always makes a statement about my outfit every morning and now it's time for her first statement of the whole year and I don't get a "you look great". She drives thru traffic and we arrive at the school 12 minutes early. We head into the cafeteria for breakfast and I sit down next to her while she talks with her girls from the cheer squad. I am not that popular in school but I am friends with the captain of the cheerleading team. We have been friends since freshman year. She looks over at me and smiles and I smile back at her.

" Why are you so tense?" she asks and I think hard before answering her.

" This is the first day of junior year and I don't want to screw it up for myself or you" I say

She smiles at me and Pat's my back just as her boyfriend who is the head basketball player on the basketball team. His name is Brandon DeJesus and they have been together for a year or so. I always was the third wheel when we went to the movies or to the mall. We head to our classes and as I look on my schedule I notice that I have Gym for first period and I get nervous because I am not used to exercising so early in the morning. The gym teachers name is Mr Scott. We have 2 gym teachers who are married. Mr and Mrs Scott. I've been their favorite kid since day one year one of being in this school. As soon as class starts Mr Scott comes up to us which there is about 30 kids in this one class besides the 10 new kids who just got in to this school.

" We have assigned you to partners and we will be doing a project for 2 weeks of this term and you'll be graded for your participation in it" he smiles as the freshman all groan and complain to their companions. I smile and think about all the possible people I could get paired up with but when he gets to my name I swear to myself.

"Evelyn G. You'll be paired with Carlos Andrews" he says and I stand stock still as I lock eyes with who I assume is Carlos. He has brown eyes and black and brown hair and is about 5 feet 6 inches exactly. I smile to him and he smiles back.