재검토 - Reconsidering

"Taehyung calm down, I know what's happening.. all of you sit down, and I'll explain.." Lisa said as Taehyung and everyone else sat beside him.

Almost passing out from the intensity of his scent, so they sat a little far from him.

Still admiring the beauty that sat across them.

"So you already know your a Supreme Royal Divine Galaxy Omega... but you have another part of you.." Lisa started as they looked at her for her to continue.

"Tae.. you have Queen bloodline... Which means you have Goddess blood." Lisa explained as Taehyung's eyes widened, but he now understood.

"Everything about you transformed into your real form, but since your beauty and power is limitless, your beauty and power will keep growing... which means this is only the beginning." Lisa said.

"Your personality is the only part of you that hasn't transformed yet. When we put that necklace on you, it also made your personality less confident and more shy and less talkative. But in a few hours, the effect will fully ware off and we'll see how you really act. Because we don't know how you will act, but I hope it isn't bad.." Lisa said with a slight smile.

Everyone stayed quiet until Taehyung spoke..

"Ok I understand, but I met my mates..." Taehyung said making them all widen they're eyes.

"You did?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Jennie asked as Taehyung looked down in guilt.

"I'm sorry, I'm still contemplating weather I actually want one. One part of me wants them so bad! But the other just wants to live life without anybody by my side." Taehyung said as his mother's smiled.

"Well, being independent and free is good. But being with your destined mate is even better. The one you are meant to be with for the rest of your life. The one who will care for you when times get hard. The one who will be there to kick someone's ass if some boy or girl hurts you. The one who will love you endlessly no matter what you do to them. The one who won't let you go, not even if you want them too.." Jennie said making Taehyung's eyes water.

What she said struck Taehyung's heart, like an arrow had woke him up from his delusional dream.

She right! I do need my mate. My Mates! - Taehyung

The End