밤 시간 - Night Time

"Time for bed tiger." Jennie said kissing his cheeks.

"Goodnight, baby beauty." Tzuyu said kissing his forehead and cheeks.

"Goodnight, my beautiful future queen." Lisa said kissing him everywhere.

"Goodnight eomma's!! Luv ya!!" Taehyung said kissing all they're cheeks.

Before they all left, Taehyung called out to one particular Eomma.

"Eomma Lisa! Come back! You said you would tell me something about what my mates are!!" Taehyung said seeing his Eomma come back and smile, sitting on his Bing bag.

"Well, I don't know which one of them is which but I know they're two ranks and special gifts of them." Lisa said as Taehyung listened, interested in what his mates are.

"One of them is a Royal Fire Alpha with Pure Blood, and the other is a Gifted Royal Posion Beta." Lisa said as Taehyung sat up in his bed intrigued.

"The alpha had an unique ability to hold and bend fire at will. He created hell fire and was unaffected by it's heat. He couldn't feel the pain of Fire, and actually felt contented in it. And along with that, he has King Blood.

"The beta had the poison gift, making him equally dangerous. He's immune to any other poisons that could have harmed him if he was a normal wolf, his finger tips were poisonous by touch and if triggered, his eyes were enough poison. Overall, he would be deadly to touch or even look at.

And ofc the beta is also a king, but he also has half queen blood too. Which means when they fully turn into their real form, The beta would be dominated by the alpha, and the alpha and beta would dominate the Omega. Which is you. And that is all, make sure to help them find they're center King." Lisa explained, seeing Taehyung listening with sleepy eyes, but he was listening very well.

"Goodnight Beauty.." Lisa said kissing his forehead.

"Night Eomma." Taehyung Said with a sleepy and cute voice, and pulled the covers over him and effortlessly fell asleep.

The End