
You have fears, each of us is afraid of something.

I fear of failing.

I am really not an average person, I have skills.

Skills that is considered useful.

I can sew

I can make dresses for dolls

I can repair stuff, like computers and cellphones. I can even repair my old electric fan.

Some people have hidden talents, I can do a handstand. I can bend my finger and fold it the other way around, and touch my forearm. I am pretty flexible.

Why am I failing then?

I think the answer lies from my childhood. I was born, on a Tuesday. People born on that day are impatient people, we need constant push, imperative motivations, we are determined to achieve something in our life.

What is great about Tuesdays?

Well for many countries Tuesday is considered unlucky.

But In history Tuesday is the most productive day of the week, people gets things done on Tuesdays.

People eat healthier on Tuesdays, because Mondays they are usually late for work, no one eats breakfast on Mondays.

Aside from eating breakfast, on Tuesdays, people exercise. After a slump on the most hectic day of the week which is Monday, people get back in their usual routines on Tuesday. They plan their week, thinking that Weekend is just around the corner.

Work is picked up from where you left it, since Mondays are full of calls, meetings, site visits, a word with your boss, and if you are lucky, get home early. But no, You can get some sleep on Tuesdays.

I truly hate Mondays.

Wednesday is the worst. You put focus on your relation ships on Wednesdays, you go out after work, you have sex at night, then in the morning, people pretend their life is so great. Since 1987, Wednesday is the third productive day.

Thursday is your lucky day. People usually gets promotion on Thursdays, so by the time you go to work on Friday, everyone gives you cake and applause. No on gets fired on Thursdays.

Friday it is a different story.

If get you get fired on a friday, the HR will plan your day ahead for you. You come in later than usual because you got drunk, on a party on Thursday. Then boom!, your boss fired you, in the afternoon, and HR will swoop in, gets your documents for termination, and because they already gave out paychecks, they won't need to do yours after a week. They move on quickly. By Monday they'll be hiring for your replacement.

So which day are you fired or been let go?, me it was on a Tuesday.

By Friday I drank all of my liquors hiding in the cabinet. I drank tequila on the very first night, Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic, and got wasted eating flamin hot cheetos, and to drown my sorrows, I slept on the floor where I eventually woke up in my own pool of vomit.

I hate Tuesdays, but I hate Wednesdays more. I don't have anyone to wash my hair after the night before. I don't have someone to cook me breakfast. I don't even have someone to blame me for being out of a job.

All I got is my damn dog.

I got her from a shelter, on a Saturday. And Saturdays are the best.