You suck!

"Shush!" Juin murmured when he saw Max waving at him from a distance. He then jogged over to her. "Morning, Max." He smiled at her as he stopped a few meters in front of her.

He then leaned slightly to his left to greet Max's father, who had just come out of the house. "Morning, Mr. Thompson."

Mr. Thompson looked at Juin and nodded gruffly. His perfectly combed blonde hair and sharp eyes somewhat terrified Juin a little, and the latter kept his eyes down.

Mr. Thompson then looked at his daughter and said in a gentle voice, "Let's go, hun."

Max nodded. She then signaled Juin to get into the car first, which Juin obliged. Both of them sat at the backseat, and once they put on their seatbelts, Mr. Thompson started to back out of his driveway.

"Are you excited?" Max asked. "I've been to the private school once. Dad wanted to enroll me there previously, but I don't like the snobbish kids. Also, my cousin is there. Let's face it. Any school that accepts that guy is not a good school."

"Max…" Mr. Thompson called out. "Don't talk that way about your older cousin."

"Dad, this is a private conversation!" Max frowned and folded her arms. She then looked at Juin and asked in a low voice, "You remember Logan?"

Juin nodded. He saw him a few years back. Logan was their age, and he was kind of a bully. He used to visit Max frequently until Ashton beat him up for pushing Juin around. It was also probably around the same time that Max's parents told her not to play with them so much anymore.

"He's still a jerk," Max said with a sigh. "Anyway, if he bothers you, let me know. I'll tell Thomas to beat him up."

"Max…" Mr. Thompson warned. He then glared at Juin through the rearview mirror.

When Juin saw Mr. Thompson's gaze, he immediately looked away. He could never understand why the guy didn't like him. It wasn't like it was his fault that he was an orphan.

Juin sighed and looked at Max, who signaled him to ignore her father. He then chuckled awkwardly as he thought, "If Logan picks on me, Thomas would probably cheer for him, Max..."

When they finally arrived at St. Xavier Private School, as the car slowed down, Juin could see a clear distinction between kids from the private school and those from theirs. Without the preppy uniforms, the kids from St. Dexter stood out like a sore thumb.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight, Maxine…" Mr. Thompson said as the kids got out of the car. "Go straight to your aunt's house after school. Don't dally around. I'll call her."

"Yes, Dad…" Max replied with a smile before closing the door. She then walked into the school with Juin next to her. "Sorry about that…"

"It's fine. I'm used to it," Juin said with a shrug. "Anyway, we are supposed to gather at a…"

He then went through his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded paper. Once he unfolded the paper that Mrs. Martin gave him, he said, "A Red Hall. Maybe we should ask around."

"I know where it's at," Max said with a grin. She then pointed at a sign that was on the wall left to them. "Look up, Juin. You can't find anything by looking at the floor constantly."

"Yeah, listen to her. Why can't she be my vessel?" Lucifer mocked Juin as he floated behind them. "What's the point of looking at your shoes? You won't be able to see the chicks!"

Juin ignored him as he kept walking until he reached the Red Hall, where the students from his school were slowly gathering. They were supposed to receive a briefing before heading to their respective classrooms.

"Hey, Thomas is here…" Max said when she saw her boyfriend across the hall. "Let's go join him…"

Juin glanced at Thomas and his friends, who were all basketball players, and he felt uncomfortable, so he smiled and pointed to the chairs as he said, "You go ahead. I'm a little sleepy, so I think I will rest here for a while."

Max looked at Juin for a few seconds before nodding. "Well, I'll just be there."

She then ran off to join her boyfriend.

"You know… Once you get stronger, you can just fight her boyfriend for her. Kill him or something," Lucifer suggested.

"This is not your world…" Juin sighed. "Besides, she's not an item. I can't just take her like that."

"Wuss…" Lucifer mocked. His eyes suddenly saw a few familiar figures, and an idea popped up in his head. "Look, those two are here."

Juin looked up at the direction that Lucifer was pointing in and saw Patrick and John talking to their friends.


"You can make them your underlings first. They seem kind of popular, so they probably know more things than you. Plus, they are supernatural beings as well."


Lucifer sighed. "Use your brain."

Juin thought about it and realized that they were afraid of him the last time he saw them. "Their fear!"


"I need to get them to somewhere quiet then."

Lucifer nodded. "You need to act fast. They aren't the only supernatural beings here."

"What do you mean?"

"I can feel more of them when you walked around just now. People with stronger bloodlines." Lucifer then nodded to himself, as if applauding his own intelligence. The less diluted the bloodline, the stronger their auras would be; hence, it would also be easier for him to sense most of them. Plus, at this age, those teenage beings would have a hard time controlling their auras, especially if their supernatural side was stronger.

Lucifer looked at Juin and continued to explain, "It makes sense. Think about it. Supernatural beings are stronger, faster, and mostly smarter than humans. They are probably richer as well, thus it would make sense that there are more of them in private schools than public schools."

There might be a few more in Juin's school, but those were probably people like Patrick and John, supernatural beings whose blood had been diluted to be more like humans than supernatural creatures. Perhaps with one more generation, they would no longer exhibit supernatural traits.

Lucifer frowned and murmured, "I think maybe some of the adults here might be supernatural as well… Someone has to keep an eye on these kids to make sure that they don't expose themselves."

Juin had to stop himself from laughing as he thought, "Don't expose themselves? Are you sure you should be the one saying that?"

It was a stupid thought, but Juin could only make fun of Lucifer in his mind for now, so whenever he could, he would think of stupid things that could make Lucifer less scary.

"Either way, you have to be careful when you approached those two idiots. They are at the bottom of the food chain now," Lucifer said, completely ignoring the way Juin's eyes were twitching from holding back his laughter. When he saw Juin's lips twitched, however, he added, "Don't think you're any better. They are at the bottom of the supernatural beings' food chain while you are at the bottom of humans' food chain. Conclusion, you suck!"

Upon hearing the insult in Lucifer's words, Juin's mood turned sour again. He then closed his eyes and tried to think of ways to get near those two.