Bayfront Coast (19)

When Juin got back to Mrs. Martin's house in the middle of the night, he received a thorough scolding from the middle-aged woman. He thought that everyone would be asleep by then, since the entire house was dark, but when he walked into the house and about to creep up the floor, the light was suddenly turned on, and Mrs. Martin was standing at the entrance to the living room and looking at him with a furious expression.

"Do you know how worried I was? How can you be so irresponsible? Going off with just a simple word like that?" Mrs. Martin snapped as she tightened the belt of her black bathrobe. "Mr. Smithson called earlier, and he was so mad that you went to visit him unannounced, and what's this about you luring his son out and placing the poor boy in danger? And what the hell happened at the neighbor's house?!"