Something bad happened

They talked a little more, with Warlock doing most of the talking as he warned Juin of some of the people and creatures that he would be seeing once he fully stepped into the supernatural world, as well as the dangers that might be facing in the other world.

After that, they took a rest, and when Juin and Wesley woke up a couple hours later, Warlock was already gone, having left only some money on the chair he was last seen on for the two of them to use. 

"Well, guess he left…" Juin said as he stared at the money, which was enough to cover a cab ride home and probably lunch as well. He was fully recovered now, and other than his clothes, which were no longer salvageable, there was not even a hint of a fight. 

Thankfully, Warlock had left behind a set of clothes for him along with the money.

It was a muscle shirt that hung off his still-thin frame, a leather jacket, and a pair of black underwear and jeans.