Pre-elimination (17)

When Juin slowly sat himself down at the chair opposite Tucker, he could not help but be wary of this unpredictable teacher of him, who was sometimes kind and sometimes mean. He liked Tucker, who was the best teacher he ever had, but at this moment, he wanted to send a flaming arrow through this man's heart. 

"Juin, this," Tucker was about to say something when he saw Juin slowly pushing his chair back, creating a bigger distance between them. "I'm not going to punch you anymore. Sit still…"

"Not going to punch me…" Juin thought bitterly, "but I'm sure you'd have other ways to play tricks on me." 

And it seemed that his expression had reflected the thoughts in his mind because Tucker quickly took out a small red pouch from his pocket and tossed it at his student, who then caught it promptly before holding it far from his face with a look of distrust. 

"There you go. As my apology. Take a look; it's a very nice apology gift."