Their Families...

At school, Juin met with his friends, including Ashton. 

"Hey…" Ashton said softly when Juin suddenly hugged him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Juin said with a smile as he released him. He then looked at Ashton up and down and said, "You grew up well…" 

"Err…" Ashton raised a brow, but he soon dismissed the awkwardness and said, "Hey, some girls asked me to pass these to you." 

He then took out some heart-shaped boxes out of his backpack. "I think these are chocolates."

"Why are they giving these to me?" 

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Stop humblebragging. I know you're happy that girls are always going after you. Anyway, please tell them to just talk to you directly. I don't like to be the messenger." 

"Do you want the chocolates?" Juin asked with a chuckle. "You can have them if you want."