Don't make me miss you

The next morning was always awkward…

Tiana had been awake for twenty minutes now, but she didn't want to open her eyes.

She could still feel his arms around her, and his breath fanning her face; and she was well aware that they were stark naked beneath the sheets and his member was poking against her tummy.

Her mind went over the events of the previous night, her face reddening as she remembered what she had done.

Did she really take off her clothes herself?

Now she thought about it, that was top tier shamelessness! She never thought she could be able to take off her clothes for a man! Was she that man deprived?

Her thoughts were cut short when she felt Nicklaus kiss her lips;

''Beautiful, you can wake up now; I know you're not sleeping. ''

He whispered in her ear before nibbling on it with his tongue; Tiana held back a moan, shyness washing through her; she couldn't bear to open her eyes after the rigorous night they just had.