Take me to him

''Alright, let's have breakfast now. '' Tiana nodded and they went to the dining. After eating she followed him outside and waved him goodbye as he left.

The next day was his birthday, she didn't know what she would give him as a birthday gift; he had almost everything money could buy. She figured she would just bake a cake and organize a little party in the house with the workers and the guards for a surprise and get him his favorite perfume brand.

Tiana nodded to herself and went back into the house, she called the chef and told him her plans, thankfully there were cake items in the house and she accompanied him as they did the baking. She told him what to write on it and when they were done, it looked wonderful. They put it in the fridge, after which she cleaned up and went upstairs to order the perfume.

When she was done she logged in to WhatsApp and texted Nicklaus; it was past two, so she wanted to know what he was doing.