All shades of wrong

 ''The Charles you know, Elizabeth's husband. '' She was no longer ashamed of anything; worse things had already happened to her, so this was nothing.

''Mom… how could you? '' Richard was disappointed. Even if she wanted to cheat on her husband, she could have done it with any other person, why would she cheat on him with Charles! It was all shades of wrong and besides, Elizabeth was a very nice person; he didn't even want to think about how broken she would be when she hears the news.

''I know it's wrong, I regret it, but I can't change a thing, it has already happened. He was the one I was supposed to marry, but; '' she paused, remembering how her parents forced her into this sick marriage, ''your grandparents wouldn't hear of it, they wanted a Howells' in-law, I think they should be glad now, they have gotten exactly what they wanted. I wish I followed my heart, I wish I didn't listen to them. ''