I'll wait for you

''What are we going to do? '' she asked, her eyes deep with emotions. Leo was quiet, not saying a word. It scared her.

''Please say something… Anything, please! '' She pleaded as she fisted his shirt in her hands. Her eyes watered and she buried her face in his chest, her lips trembling.

Leo's head fell and he held her head up to look at him; his eyes drowned in her crystal ones and the pain in them broke him.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed;

''I thought about it over and over and no matter how I want to look at it, the answer was still the same.'' He paused, pushing the strands of her hair away from her face;

''I wanted to tell you that it would be fine, I wanted to say that it would be okay to leave you, I wanted to tell you that it would be fine being with another person, that I would get over it, but I couldn't because it's actually not fine.