Enough to knock her out

Ari smiled as she approached them, her hips swaying from side to side. 

She looked entirely different from what she looked like every day coming to work. No one would imagine that she had such a hot body hidden under those office clothes. 

Zac forced his eyes from her legs to her face; 

''Hey, '' Ari greeted when she reached where he was standing. Zac took her hand in his for a friendly shake and unintentionally held it a little longer, as he was still mesmerized by her look.

''You look… different,'' he said, a smile spreading across his lips. The female staff whom he was speaking to, all forgotten. 

''Well, '' Ari took a glance at herself and the other ladies. Although they weren't dressed to kill, they weren't as naked as she was. ''the occasion calls for it, doesn't it?'' 

Her words were caught short by Xavier's footsteps. His phone was held to his ear, but he brought it down to his side, the moment he saw her.