Go with me

''Shit! It's late,'' Ari said when she saw the time on her phone. ''I have to go now. ''

She said with a smile;  ''Thank you for today. I had so much fun. ''

Xavier stood up; ''You're welcome. You can come over anytime. ''

Ari nodded and turned to leave; he didn't want her to leave, but he could not tell her to stay since it would sound like he was looking for something else, but he just wanted to be around her. 

Ari turned around when she saw Xavier following her across the street; 

''My house is just there. I can go by myself. '' she said and Xavier smiled;  ''I know. I just want to see you go into your house. ''

Ari smiled awkwardly as she crossed the street, Xavier still following behind. Xavier watched her go in, and he waved her goodnight before going back to his house. 

Ari showered and retired to bed. She picked up her phone to check if he texted, but he didn't. She pouted her lips and turned her phone over and slept.