Moving Fast

'You can't trust your neighbours.' Dave just dropped this news bomb on me.

'What do you mean?'

'Do you know that your dear Christian has installed a parabolic bionic sound amplifier aimed towards your window?'

At my questioning look he explained, 'It's basically a device for you to spy on people's conversation.'

'So you're trying to tell me that my neighbour is spending time and money trying to listen to me snore at night? Do you realise, how preposterous this is?' I asked with disbelief. I started pacing up and down the hallway leading to my bedroom. I was actually hesitant to enter my own room now. 'Ever since I met you I've been questioning everything. Nothing holds anymore. And now you want me to lose trust in my neighbors' as well?'

Dave reached out trying to catch hold of my arms, but I evaded his move. I was feeling too wound up and I knew that if he took me in his arms I would just cave in to whatever he had to offer me.

'It could be a toy, it could be for the kids' school project,' I went on, but the more I rambled on, the more I realized I was kidding myself. Even I had not missed the suspicious way Christian had been looking at us. There was a lot of incoherence in his story. If ever the two werewolves had not found what they had been looking for, why did they not come back again? Why did they not enter the bedrooms when they felt free to go across all the house. It wasn't that they did not want to hurt them, they were ready to attack me in an open area, what would stop them in a closed house with no witnesses. No, something just didn't add up.

I turned to face Dave, discouragement written all over me. 'What do we do next?'

He knew the turmoil I was going through and that I would not welcome his touch before I calmed down, so he remained standing where he was and looked at me with compassion.

'We play his game.'

'What do you mean?'

'I saw the delivery receipt next to the apparatus, the sound amplifier was delivered early this morning, which means that he hasn't had time to use it yet. The wires were not yet connected.'

'Why would he leave the receipt next to the amplifier?' I answered the question myself, 'Of course he wasn't expecting anyone to snoop so there was no need to hide.'

Then I looked at Dave warily, 'Did I just read your thought aloud?'

He shrugged, 'You will bite my head off if I tell you that you just did.'

I laughed in derision. He was right, as usual.

'What's the next step then?' I asked after taking a few calming breaths.

'We let him hear us.'

'You mean I just let him intrude in our privacy? Let him listen to our talks about the werewolves and vampires.' I actually found myself whispering the last 3 words. How ridiculous that I could not even talk openly in my own house now.

'No. He wants to listen to us, so tonight we'll give him something worth listening to. We'll let him think that his plan is working, then we'll use the same strategy that he's using on us against him.' In theory it sounded like a good plan, but 'Where will we get a sound amplifier too?'

Dave finally cracked a smile and sauntered to me. He pointed to his ears. 'Ash, you have one of the best amplifiers in town in front of you.'

So the plan was straight-forward. We would act normally in the bedroom and not let Christian know we were on to him.

'So what do we talk about if we can't talk about you-know-what? And how do we even know that he's listening to us now?' I whispered once we were done with our lunch. We had had a mixed vegetable soup as it was one of the other meals Dave could prepare. He just peeled and threw carrots, potatoes, peas, spinachs, onions and some stock, which he said to have brought from Bhuvar, in the pressure cooker. Salt and pepper. And that was it, lunch was ready in 20 minutes.

'Believe me, he is. I saw the curtains in the room, where he had installed the device, moving a few minutes ago. So we do what couples usually do in the bedroom.'

'And what do they do at 13 hrs of the afternoon?'

'Just follow my lead,' he said confidently.

'It's a complete waste of time,' I huffed, but he simply went in the bedroom and I went in after him,closing the door behind me.

Dave suddenly moaned loudly. 'Oh honey, I love it when you touch me like that.'

I looked at him with eyes big like saucers. He winked at me and went on, 'Yes, yes Ash, keep doing what you are doing. Kiss me here. Yes, here.' And he moaned again.

I understood hat he wanted to do, he wanted Christian to think that we were anormal couple getting intimate. But I had no plan to play along in this ridiculous game. I moved my head from side to side vigorously to indicate that I was not going to participate.

'NO, don't talk Ash. Just feel. Close your eyes and feel my tongue on you.'

I rolled my eyes at his wit. But no, I wasn't going to give in.

Dave's eyes lit at that moment. 'You won't give in Ash? Is that a challenge?'

No, no, my eyes cried out and I waved my hands frantically. I was not challenging him, but too late. In the blink of an eye, Dave was by my side. Bending until his mouth was almost touching my eralobe, he whispered, 'Are you going to moan on your own or do I have to?'

I felt a tremor go through me. Was he going to make me moan? What would he do? But I was too proud to give in or was it that I also wanted to play at another game?

'One last chance baby.'

I smiled at his 'baby' and pulled out my tongue at him, turning to move to the bathroom. But he beat me to the door and pushed me on the bed instead. He moaned another time and it was so near that I felt my own excitement building.

He then reached out his hands towards my chest. Just a little more and he would be touching the side of my breasts. My breath started quickening in anticipation, and as he touched me, I squealed...

The brat, he had reached for my armpit and was tickling me mercilessly.

'I want you to beg me Ash,' he said loudly.

It was hard to think straight with that teasing and I finally had to give up.

'Mmmmm,' I moaned, but it was so phoney that I cracked and couldn't continue.

'Here, put this in your mouth. You'll likethe size baby.' Once again, my eyes opened wide at his shamelessness.

'Oh, it is so big Dave. Will it go in?'

His eyes twinkled merrily, 'oh yes, yes, yes.' And he started humping the bed so energetically that the springs started creaking. I took my pillow and placed it over my mouth so as to smother my laughter. It was indeed amusing, but at the back of my mind, I wondered what it would take to make this become real.

'So, you think we fooled him,' I finally asked Dave once we had left the bedroom after 15 minutes of additional humping.

'Yes, I heard him. He was thoroughly enjoying my performance.'

I met his remark with a grimace. Even if the sex hadn't been real, it still felt like an intrusion. To think that there was someone listening to us made me feel sick at my stomach.

'Now, we wait for him to trip and we'll be ready.'

We didn't have to wait long. Christian made a call a few minutes later. Dave installed himself in the bedroom in silence and motioned me to stay quiet. His frown of concentration showed that the call was the one we had been waiting for. Once he was done, he beckoned me to the kitchen.

'It was Guy on the phone.'