World 1.1

Jianyu : Baby can you tell me my present situation?

[A/N : System will be referred as baby from now]

Baby : [ Host you are currently in the hospital due to drug overdosage and Male lead & you haven't met the female lead ]

After knowing the situation, Jianyu slowly got off from the bed and went to the bathroom.He suddenly froze after watching himself in the mirror. In the real world, Jianyu is considered as average in looks but now mirror reflected an image of 15-16 year old boy with milky white skin, light blue eyes and silky black hair but the boy appeared pale with huge dark circles under his eyes because of drugs usage and his body is so thin that he can fly when there is heavy wind.

Baby : [ Host you can buy body strengthing medicine and charm pill from baby store ]

Jianyu : Can you tell me their cost?

Baby : Body strengthing pill -500 points

charm pill -500 points

Jianyu : (︺︹︺) So costly !!!!Anyway give me them

Baby : OK Host

After few seconds, two pills appeared in jianyu hands. After he consumed two pills, he suddenly felt pain in his body for few sec, later he felt his body becoming some what fat but there is no change in appearance.

Jianyu : ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ hey baby are you cheating me? Knowing about you I should not given you my points. Return my points back.

Baby : (。•́︿•̀。) calm down host charm pill will show its effect slowly after few days your face will Increase its charm

Jianyu : You should have told me at the beginning.

Baby : (๑-﹏-๑)

When jianyu came out from bathroom there is a person sitting on the sofa.When that person saw jianyu, he instantly helped jianyu to the bed and softly patted his head.

Baby : Host he is your father

Jianyu : Instead of that older brother he is so sweet (´∀`)♡

[ A/N : Jianyu will be referred as Xavier in this world ]

Ben looked at Xavier for a while and spoke in a soft voice " My little baby, please stop these things it almost costed your life "

" Okay father, I promise you that I will try my best to stop my addiction " Xavier replied while slowly rising his head.

Ben felt so happy because his younger son never promised to stop his addiction and immediately hugged his younger son.

" Good ,very good. I hope you can fulfill your promise and doctor said you can discharge from the hospital" saying this Ben lifted Xavier from bed and took him to private lift.

Jianyu( Xavier) blushed because he never received this type of affection

[Host you are blushing ^ω^, so cutee ]

Jianyu neglected system words and focused on surroundings while travelling in car

[ Host, don't neglect me 〒_〒 ]