chapter 16 : Get back home

'Dear lady, I am delighted that we were able to serve you for the entire week. It is a pleasure for us to serve a member of the Soleil family.' Rachel and Sir Ferdy both bowed.

Crystelle smiles, but why don't Atter and Larissa send me back?

"Why aren't the princess and fourth prince here today?" Crystelle inquires.

They had their first outing in the capital today, so they couldn't afford to miss it. Her and his highness have just offered you their best wishes and farewell. Rachel maintained her composure.

Crystelle softly nods her head. 'It can't be helped then,' Crystelle understood.

"My lady, why don't you remain here a bit longer?" whimpers Sir Ferdy.

Crystelle bursts out laughing. 'Just like a dog! very adorable!

"Oh, sir Ferdy, don't be like that." "I know you simply want to get away from your work by serving me here," Crystelle chuckles.

Sir Ferdy was startled; she hit the target!

"B, but still, my lady," whimpers Sir Ferdy once again.

Crystelle smiles as she observes his movements.

She laughs, then notices Rigel waving at her as he walks towards them from behind Rachel.

"Rachel, Sir Ferdy, would you mind to leave me with the prince for a moment?" asks Crystelle.

Rachel turned her head to face Rigel.

"As you wish, Lady Elle." "Farewell," Rachel murmured as she bowed and walked away, pulling Sir Ferdy with her.

'Oh, my lady, Lady Elle," exclaimed Sir Ferdy as Rachel dragged him out.

Quit whining. Would you mind giving them some space? Rachel was furious.

Sir Ferdy whimpers even more as he is led away.

Crystelle bursts out laughing.

' Ah! Greetings to Prince Rigel, Ophelia's star. Crystelle greeted him while bowing.

'Greetings, Elly,'. Greet Rigel as well.

' Ermm..'

Awkward silence...

' Oh, well..! We shall be engaged the day after tomorrow. The emperor will send you a letter about it soon. Just keep an eye out for that, Elly.' Rigel gently smiles as he speaks.

Crystelle bursts out giggling. ' I see.. it's appearing like my family may throw a tantrum over it tomorrow therefore I need to get ready for it. ' I hope you're getting prepared for the forthcoming outcomes too, your highness.' Crystelle chuckled.

"I'll do as you wish, Elly," Rigel answered.

Back quietly, awkwardly...

'Erm...about yesterday...' Rigel paused.

"It's a secret," Rigel remarked.

Crystelle bursts out chuckling. 'Yes, your highness,' Crystelle continues, "between us.

Rigel is speechless and laughs with Crystelle.

"You know the path to my heart, Elly," Rigel replied again.

Crystelle was taken aback.

'Oh, no, don't begin!' It's really harmful to my heart! Maybe I'll die of a heart attack before we become formally engaged.' Crystelle was enraged.

Rigel chuckles. "Don't worry; I'll see to it that you don't die." I'll go as slowly as I can to get to your heart, Elly. Rigel stated this while bowing and kissing Crystelle's hand.

Crystelle is frozen.

"You just did it again!" I can't believe it! Crystelle became enraged and repeatedly slapped Rigel's back.

' Ouch..! okay! okay! I'm not going to do that again! sigh! You are such a strong young lady.' Rigel had given up.

Crystelle makes a happy face.

"I won!" she thought as she clenched her hand to her chest and posed like a winner.

Rigel laughs. ' look at her. Just one tiny thing may make her so happy. 'Cute,' Rigel thought.

' You know, Elly. You're the first person to smack me and hurt me in this way. You truly know how to get my attention. When Crystelle covers Rigel's lips, his speech is cut off.

'Stop it right now. I beg you to stop it already! 'I can't stand hearing it anymore,' said Crystelle.

Rigel chuckles. He softly squeezes Crystelle's hand, allowing his lips to close.

"As you want, this boy will put a stop to it," Rigel remarked, flashing his dazzling smile.

Crystelle makes a disgusted expression.

'Are you serious?" ' Even your looks are enticing me right now!' Crystelle said in her thoughts:

Rigel continues speaking as Crystelle remains silent. 'But for today, I'll convey it to you directly because I won't be able to meet you until the day after tomorrow,' Rigel smiles.

Crystelle raises a brow. ' what? '

' Chu! '

Crystelle comes to a halt and covers her cheek.

Rigel kissed her on the cheek!

"That's for your departure, my lovely betrothed." "It's a gift from me to guard what's mine." Rigel remarked with a kind smile.

Crystelle is still frozen. Her cheeks turned very crimson.

'What did you just do...?" Crystelle wonders.

Rigel suddenly caresses her gleaming purple hair.

"As I have stated, it is a gift." "You'll know when the moment comes," Rigel remarked.

This time, Rigel bows and kisses Crystelle's hair.

Crystelle was taken aback.

Then Rigel gently backed away from her, still winking at Crystelle.

"Goodbye, Elly, my lovely fiance," he said, leaving Crystelle frozen in front of her family's carriage.

Crystelle sighs and gently shakes her head. 'That boy will always act like that, no matter what I say,' she mumbles.

'Don't get carried away, Crystelle!" Crystelle slapped her across the face.

"Should we go home now?" she asks when she's calm.

The carriage begins its journey.

"My lady!" "Welcome back!" remarked Soleil's butler, Mr. Aaron, as he opened the door.

"Oh my! "My daughter!" exclaims Grand Duchess Aria Jane.

She promptly hugged and kissed Crystelle several times.

Crystelle laughs. 'Mom, it's ticklish!" I say. avoid Crystelle.

"She is correct, sweetie. Let her go," Grand Duke Harrison murmured from her mother's side.

Crystelle makes a happy face. My rescuer has arrived!

'Good day, father. 'Do you want to go somewhere?' Crystelle asks, looking at her father's outfit. He is dressed in his cloak, which has our Soleil crest. That indicates that there is something going on with the royalty.

' Oh? Elle hasn't heard yet? "The crown prince will return to the capital today," Grand Duke Harrison stated.

Crystelle is taken aback.

'Did he return today?' Rigel's behavior is understandable! He even dressed up for the occasion! I believe it is for me, but! That makes no difference right now! 'I hope I make it through tomorrow," says Crystelle.

"I'm pleased I got back home today," Crystelle says, relieved.

She had no idea that the coming week would be difficult for her.