chapter 20 : A werewolf?

' Oh my, my lady! why did you get up? ' worried Mia when she look at Crystelle that was heading down from the stairs.

Crystelle chuckle.

' I am bored. beside, my body becomes light now. it feels like I can fly anywhere I wanted.' said Crystelle while raise her hand up to show she is okay. although it's still throb like crazy she try to hide it while act calmly.

' But still.. my lady, your bruise on your face still look dark and it will make everyone worried sick. ' sigh Mia. she look like she want to start her nagging.

' By the way, where's everyone? ' ask Crystelle suddenly to stop Mia from her nag.

Mia sigh again.

' The grand duke and duchess currently at the palace to discuss about yours engagement. Master Cassius still at the border and young Master Crystopher stayed at the west tower after he officially being the apprentice of the great leader of the west tower. ' inform Mia so long.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' So, I was the one without any work now? ' mumble her.

Mia lost in her thoughts. ' should I said it? '.

She's slowly get near Crystelle.

'Ermm.. my lady, about the other day..that the crown prince..' hesitate Mia try to talk.

Crystelle cut off Mia word.

' I know it already, he told everyone to keep their mouths shut, right? . that's better like that though. if not it will become diplomatic problems with the royalty. ' said Crystelle firmly.

Mia stunned.

' Bu, lady! he always act rudely like that toward you! how long do you want to sit still and endure it all alone! ' mad Mia.

Crystelle sigh.

' I know, that's why I annul our engagement. it's better now with the first prince, so don't mind it too much, Mia. ' persuade Crystelle.

Mia disturbed.

' But, but! my lady! ' hesitate Mia.

Crystelle glare at Mia.

' Don't make me repeat it again, Mia. and mind what you've just said, even though he's like that, he is still the crown prince of this empire. ' warning Crystelle.

Mia speechless.

' I, I am sorry, my lady. ' fear Mia.

Crystelle sigh.

' Just act like you always do, Mia. ' said Crystelle.

' Yes.. my lady. ' dejected Mia.

Crystelle head outside while smile brightly.

' Ah.. it's been a while! such a great day today. ' shout her happily.

' Should I go to my private garden and waste my time there? ' thought Crystelle.

She start her walk and head toward there.

Crystelle humming in her walk.

' It's been a week, I can get the fresh air at the outside freely now. ' grin Crystelle.

Crystelle looks around to make sure there's nobody look at her then she slowly get in the doghole that she herself made.

Suddenly it's like a whole new world.

There's an open space and a big giant tree in the middle. if someone were to look at this big tree from the resident view, everyone will sees it like it has a narrow space under this tree but it actually had this fascinating fresh view! I was just the only one to know about it existence while I was taking a walk.

' This is the secret place in this resident! even Mia doesn't know it exists! ' proud Crystelle.

Crystelle sit under that big tree.

' It's been a long time after I'm last comes here, right? ' ask her toward that big tree.

Crystelle lying on the ground and take a deep breath.

' Ah.. such a good weather today. ' mumble her alone.

' it makes me sleepy. '

Crystelle yawn and stare at the tree leaves.

' Hey! are you the owner here? ' ask a voice from nowhere.

Crystelle shock and quickly get up from her seat.

' Wh, whose there?! ' ask Crystelle.

She looks closer and find out there's a wriggle tail behind this big tree.

She slowly get close to that tail to find out what is that thing.

' Gyah! why are you heading towards here! ' mad a cute little wolf. it got shock because of Crystelle that sneaking behind it.

Crystelle fascinated by that wolf. such a beautiful pink fur! it's rare to seen it! so pretty!

' What are doing here, Mr wolf? what's your business? ' ask Crystelle excitedly.

' Excuse me? I was about to scare you while act as this big tree spirit but you just come here and greet me like it was nothing? ' annoy that wolf.

' Doesn't you scared at me? ' ask that wolf again while shown his angry face.

Crystelle chuckle. ' such a cute wolf! he just said his inner motive! '

' Why, why are you laughing so suddenly? ' ask the wolf.

Crystelle smile.

' I am sorry.. it's rude of me. I will stop laughing at you if you introduce yourself to me. so what's your name, Mr wolf? ' ask Crystelle.

That wolf smirk.

' My name is Hyde. I am the greatest werewolf of the Ophelia Empire! ' introduce that wolf proudly.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' So what's the greatest werewolf wander around here for, then? shouldn't you been busy trying to show off your skill? ' ask Crystelle doubt.

Hyde flinch.

' I, I run away.. ' mumble Hyde.

Crystelle feels doubt more. ' run away? '.

That pink wolf slowly nodded.

' That witch woman haunted me again and again and she even curse me in this form until I got my master to be serve at. Once I get one, I will make sure that woman ask for my forgiveness! ' story Hyde with determination.

' Uhuk! Before I got stuck in this weak form, I was the most bigger and strongest werewolf in our territory! if I want to goes back, I must to collect a big amount of mana from my master! ' dejected that pink wolf while whimpers for his life.

Crystelle raise her eyebrow.

' Then, take me. ' said Crystelle confidently.

Hyde flinch and shock.

' What did you have to make you confidently wanted to be my master, young girl? did you have a big amount of mana? ' mock Hyde.

' Such an innocent girl you are, kid. ' smirk Hyde.

Crystelle smile.

' I am sorry to not introduce myself, sir Hyde. '

Crystelle bow a little.

' My name is Crystelle Elera la Soleil. the only daughter of the Soleil. pleased to make your acquaintance, sir Hyde. ' Crystelle greet politely.

Hyde stunned.

' Ohoh! Crystelle of Soleil? so you're the one with the power that can predict someone future, huh? interesting.. you must had so much mana in your body to be able to see someone future.' interested Hyde.

' You will be a rare master for me but this is a form of agreement with a werewolf so once I support you, you will be my strength and if you get hurt it will hurts me too, it's the same goes to you. ' warning Hyde.

Crystelle nodded.

' With your power, I will get more strength and I can protect myself as well you too. ' confident Crystelle.

Sir Hyde laugh.

' What an interesting girl you are, kid! don't you fear at all? ' compliment Hyde while laughing.

' By the way, what's wrong with you face, young girl? ' ask Hyde suddenly. he had been disturbed by it this whole time.

Crystelle flinch.

' Erm.. how to explain..?' hesitate Crystelle.

' Well, I just got a slap and a kicked from a trash that I had already tossed it a long time ago but it comes back and trow a tantrum at me?. ' explain Crystelle without taking a break.

Hyde make a face full of confusion.

' Erm.. well like a beast that if you make him angry, he will eat you alive? it's a relief that I am still alive right now. ' said Crystelle again.

Hyde become more confused.

' Wait! wait..! So you mean, you just made a person(trash) get angry( trow a tantrum) and then that person(beast) hurt you until this extent(eat you alive) ?.' said Hyde try to understand it.

Crystelle nodded.

Hyde blinks his eyes many time.

' What nonsense just I heard now?! ' mumble Hyde.

' Well then nevermind that, kid. are you really sure you're ready for it? ' ask Hyde to confirm. Time to get serious now.

Crystelle nodded.

' Wait.. but what's your specialty, sir Hyde? if I were to have your power, shouldn't I know what kind of strength it is, right?. ' ask Crystelle wondering.

' Ohoh! good question, kid! ' laugh Hyde.

' I am good at sword! if you get my strength, you will be on par with the holy sword master! you can become the most greatest swordwoman in this world! ' proud Hyde.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' On par with my brother? ' ask her disbelief.

' Ah! that guy is your brother, right? yes! on par with him. you can even be more stronger than him! ' said Hyde.

' Ah! but you must to learn how to wield a sword first, so what do you say, kid? still want it? it's such a hard task, you know? ' remind Hyde. He try to provoke Crystelle.

Crystelle lost in her thoughts.

' if I had his power, I will get a strength to fight the crown prince. so what's the problem with it? if it about sword training, I will get brother Cass to teach me. should I aim to be a knight, then? '

Crystelle nodded her head after she got a conclusion.

' I want it! I will be a knight! ' firm Crystelle.

Hyde laugh.

' Very well, from now on you will be my lady. so shall we form an agreement now? ' ask Hyde while raise his paw toward Crystelle.

' Hold my hand and we will become one, my lady. ' said Hyde. His face become serious.

Crystelle slowly hold Hyde paw and suddenly a bright light comes from her hand.

' From now on, this lady.. said your name, kid.' ask Hyde.

Crystelle flinch.

' Crystelle Elera la Soleil. '

Hyde continue his speech. ' Will be my master and I will only devoted myself, werewolf Hyde Wayn just to her, serve her and protect her with my own life at any cost. '

Hyde silent for a minute.

' There. it's done, my lady. ' Hyde let go of Crystelle hand.

' Pleased to serve you from now on, my lady. ' Hyde bow politely toward Crystelle.

Crystelle smile.

' You can call me lady Elle just like the others does. ' said Crystelle confidently.

Hyde nodded.

' As you wish, Lady Elle. ' smile Hyde.

' Now, please permit me to goes back to my original form, Lady Elle. '

Hyde suddenly silent again.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' Hyde? '


Crystelle shock and stunned!

Hyde flustered by it.

' Wh, what's wrong, Lady Elle? why did you seem so shock? Is it weird because I was in the same age as you? it's in the agreement that we will be in the same age as our master once we devoted ourselves to them. ' explain Hyde when he look at Crystelle that suddenly freeze while stare at him.

' This body is so small even though I was a 10 years old boy! well, as long as I was bigger and tall than Crystelle, maybe it's okay though..' mind Hyde while look at his body.

Crystelle got blanks.

' Another stunning creature has exist! why is there so many people with a beautiful face like him?! ' cries Crystelle when she look at Hyde human form.

Such a great body! he even had a beautiful pink hair pair with a shining red eyes just like me! well, mine is a rubies pupils that had been symbolise the Soleil. but still! his is super pretty! it shining like a rare germ. maybe that's why there a rumors said, if we sold their pupils we will get a billion, million gold coins even with just one eyes of werewolf!

Crystelle fascinated by his look.

' My lady, please stop staring at me. it disturbs me.' said Hyde embarrassed.

Crystelle flinch.

' Well!, let's introduce you to my family but before that..' Crystelle lost in her thoughts.

Hyde tilt his head.

' Before that, Lady Elle? ' ask Hyde wonder.

Crystelle clap her hand loudly.

Hyde shock.

' That's it! ' shout Crystelle.

' Turn back to your wolf form, Hyde! ' order Crystelle.

' Pa, pardon, Lady Elle? ' ask Hyde disbelief.

Crystelle grin.

' I can't bring you, a boy that I barely known toward this resident. so if you act as my pet before my maids, it will make it easy to sneak you in. ' plan Crystelle.

Hyde stunned.

' So how can I serve you if I was your pet, Lady Elle? ' wonder Hyde.

Crystelle smile.

' I will ask father myself to take you officially as my personal butler but they are not home now, so it's hard for me to get you in, Hyde. just for now, please..' said Crystelle try to persuade.

Hyde frown.

' Just until they get back, okay? ' firm Hyde.

Crystelle nodded.

' I promise. so turn back now. '

Hyde sigh.

' As you wish, Lady Elle. '


' Satisfied? ' sulk Hyde.

Crystelle chuckle.

' Very much! '. Crystelle hold Hyde up and bring him out from her secret place.

Hyde feels weird when Crystelle get out from the doghole.

' Why did go out from there? ' ask him.

Crystelle looks around and then she's whispers.

' That's my secret place in this resident so keep it a secret! That will be your first task as my personal butler, Hyde. ' order Crystelle.

Hyde frown.

' That's my first task? ' ask Hyde disbelief.

Crystelle nodded hardly.

' Yes! because it's important to run away when there's a ruckus in this mansion. ' said Crystelle with determination.

Hyde nodded.

' Then, your wish is my command, Lady Elle. ' said him politely.

' Oh my! Lady Elle! ' shout Mia from the front door of the mansion.

' It's evening and you just got back now?! ' ask Mia worriedly.

' and what's wrong with that fluffy pink thing in your embrace, my lady? ' ask Mia again.

Crystelle smile.

' This puppy got sick earlier because he sneakily eat my sweets you made for me. so I was thinking if I can pet him until he fully recover. Mia.. can I? ' persuade Crystelle with a cute face.

Mia stunned. ' you can't! and what's wrong with this puppy colours? it's pink! it looks weird to me! ' angry Mia.

' Mia.. doesn't you think he is cute? and it's a rare colour! it's pretty pink! ' persuade Crystelle again while shove Hyde toward Mia to make her look at it even closer.

Mia sigh.

' You're so stubborn, my lady. Sigh..very well.. I will inform the grand duke about it as your pet when he gets back. ' tired Mia. she had given up.

Crystelle shake her head.

' You don't need to! I will inform about it to him myself. Thank you, Mia! ' Crystelle smile cutely.

Mia sigh while smile. she just got love struck.

' Why are so cute, Lady Elle? it can't be help then.. ' Mia lose herself toward Crystelle sweet face.

' hehe.. ' shy Crystelle.

Mia freeze suddenly. She just realized something.

Crystelle frown.

' What's wrong, Mia? you look like you've just seen a ghost. ' scared Crystelle.

' You,your wounds, my lady! the bruise on your face! ' tremble Mia. she shock with what she just seen.

Crystelle frown again. ' My wounds..? '

She look at her hand and shock.

' All the bruises! it's disappear! that's why my body had been so light than this morning!. ' thought Crystelle she just realize that all of her injuries just get heal and disappear without any scar!

' No wonder Mia is so shock. what just happened? ' fear Crystelle.

Crystelle flustered.

' By, bye Mia! I will head toward my room now. please inform me if father, mother and brothers get back, I want to greet them myself. ' smile Crystelle then she goes to her room in flustered.

She gets in her room then quickly lock it.

Crystelle took Hyde on her bed.

' What just happened, Hyde? ' ask Crystelle disbelief.

Her body can move around without any throb to feels at! such a miracle!

Crystelle raise her arm and shake it. she punch her body slowly and slap her face that had been slap by the crown prince.

' It's doesn't hurt anymore! what a miracle! even the scars was gone now! ' excited Crystelle.

Hyde laugh at her actions. he just turn back to his human form and sit comfortably on the bed.

' It's because our agreement, remember? you had my physical body so if you hurt, I hurt but if I am healthy and strong, you must be the same too. ' explain Hyde.

Crystelle nodded.

' It's that so? uwah! I feel like crying now! ' excited Crystelle.

Hyde laugh.

' You've just made an agreement with the strongest werewolf so you will barely get hurt, my lady. ' proud Hyde.

Crystelle smile.

' You will be my treasure from now on, Hyde! '

Crystelle suddenly embrace Hyde tightly.

Hyde get embarrassed. he blushed with Crystelle action.

' let, let me go! ' struggle Hyde in shy.

' Aww.. don't be like that! you're my person now so please take care of me from now on, Hyde Wayn. '

Crystelle let go of Hyde and then bow politely.

Hyde flustered.

' Her actions nobody can predict it! '

' Sa, same goes to you, my lady. please take care of me too from now on. ' bow Hyde back.

Crystelle smile.

' I really want to show you at Rigel now. He always gets worried about me but if you were here, he will stop his weird action toward me and act like he use to. ' complain Crystelle.

Hyde tilt his head.

' Rigel? is he a boy? ' ask him.

Crystelle nodded her head.

' He is the first prince of this Ophelia empire. he is currently my fiance now. I will introduce him to you when he comes here in the near future, Hyde.'

Hyde frown.

' You already had a fiance? '

Crystelle smile and nodded.

' Yes, I am. '