chapter 44 : A spy

' He sent you a gift, my lady. '

Crystelle flinch. ' A gift? who? '

Hyde bend his head to whisper at Crystelle ear.

' Young master Konrad, my lady. '

Crystelle shock and quickly get up from her bed.

Because of her coming of age ceremony was around the corner, she was currently at her family residence as to prepare for the ball.

' What did he give me? '

Hyde frown. ' it's a yellow little bird, it's famous to be a bird message if you give it a training. '

Crystelle nodded. ' Well then, it might have been useful for me. send him my regards, Hyde , as a thank for the gift. '

Hyde nodded and bow. ' As you wish. '

When Hyde turn to leave the room, Crystelle suddenly tug his arm.

' What is it, Lady Elle? ' blush him.

' Who knews about the gift except of you? '

Hyde tilt his head. ' it's only me and a maid who brings the bird in , Lady Elle. '

Crystelle nodded. ' Make sure to shut that maid mouth up, don't inform anyone about this matter, especially Crystopher. Do you understand what I mean, Hyde? '

Hyde raise his eyebrow and slowly nodded.

' Understood, Lady Elle. I will treat this matter like it's never happened. '

Crystelle smile. ' Very well. you can head out now. '

Hyde nodded and leave her alone in her room.

Crystelle frown as she look at the bird.

' Such a cheesy move. '

Crystelle look at the window and slowly head toward the balcony. She sigh in disappointment as she looks at the view.

' He doesn't remember...' mumble her alone.

' Ah.. who I'm kidding? he busy with his wars! of course he might forget about it! you even didn't get in his mind at all, Crystelle! don't ever dream about it! '

Crystelle sigh again hardly.

' Such a damn guy..! don't ever come back and just die at there! you stupid creature! ' shout her in anger.


Rigel feels like someone was cursing at him somewhere.

' What's wrong, captain? ' ask Oscar.

Rigel shrug his shoulder. ' Don't know. Just an anxious feelings I got from somewhere..'

Oscar frown. ' it's maybe because of the cold weather, I will heat the heater for you. '

Rigel nodded and continue to read his document again.

' Hmm. it may be unnecessary, but can I ask something, my prince? '

Rigel glance at him. ' What is it? '

' Erm.. are your highness really not going to do anything at all..? ' hesitate Oscar.

Rigel look at him in his eyes. ' What? '

Oscar flinch. ' Well.. um. doesn't your highness's fiancée coming of age ceremony is approaching? don't you want to do anything for her or anything, my prince..? '

Rigel frown and ignore him. He continue to read again.

' Your highness..! ' call Oscar in flustered.

Rigel sigh and lean on his chair.

' She's doesn't needed me anymore, It's unworthy to get her attention again. I will just break the engagement with her when I get back. ' annoyed Rigel.

Oscar shock. ' Bu, but..! your highness...! '

Rigel glare at him with his menacing aura.

' Stop this bullshit and get out from my sight now! '

Oscar flinch and quickly bow at him. ' My, my apologize, my prince. I will get going now. '

Oscar quickly head out from the office.

Rigel sigh and lean back.

He close his eyes to stop thinking about someone.

' Arghh! this damn headache again..! ' Rigel pinch his head as to withstand the pain he felt.

' Crystelle..? she even didn't had me in her mind! why should I do or give something for her if she will not appreciate it at all? '

Rigel frown and slowly continue to read his paperwork again.

' I need to make my mind full with my work as to forget that..'

' .... '

' .... Rigel.. ' call a sound.

' Ugh. stop it! ' Rigel knock his desk in anger.

Oscar quickly open the door when he heard a loud sounds from the office.

' Cap, captain? are you alright? ' fear Oscar.

Rigel pinch his head. ' I can't get her out from my mind..! ' anger Rigel in her head.

' Get something, anything simple.. just give her anything that simple, make me look bad on her eyes! ' shout Rigel.

Oscar nodded in fear.

' Yes, yes..!. as you wish, my prince. '

Oscar quickly get out to done his work.

Rigel frown and sit on his chair back.

' I need to make her hate me if she's really wants to be with someone else instead of me. I will make myself the bad one as the reason for you to break the engagement with me, Elly. That's what I could do, to show my gratitude for you, the one to raise your hand toward me first...'

Rigel smile in pain.

' Yes, that's what I could do for her..'

He closes his eyes and clench his hand as strong as he could.

' Damn it..! '

Crystelle frown as she look at the gift.

' Just this..? ' thought her.

Hyde slowly stare at it in disbelief.

Mia in her shock and speechless.

' What is this? should I wear it or not..? ' ask Crystelle in a low voice.

Hyde shake his head hardly as the response.

Mia shock and quickly take the gift to hide it from Crystelle.

' It might be some misunderstand somewhere.. How could his highness give you this, my lady..? I couldn't believe it at all! '

Crystelle frown and take the gift back from Mia hand.

' But, he personally choose it for me. I need to appreciate it at least. just let me wear it. '

Mia shake her head in shock.

' No, no! you can't! it will make your families finances get question with this kind of thing, my lady. '

Crystelle sigh and touch the broken purple jewel in disappointed.

' It's a shame that this necklace had it purple diamond shattered in must get broken when it get deliver to here..'

Mia smile in disappointment and gently cares for her hand.

' I will ask for them to repair it for you before the ceremony, my lady. '

Crystelle shake her head slowly.

' No, let it be like this. I will just take a good look of it. ' smile Crystelle.

Mia nodded understand.

' Very well, I will make the grand duke and duchess know it as a perfect jewelry, my lady. '

Crystelle smile. ' That's will be good then, you can leave now. '

Mia get up and bow at her.

Hyde look at Mia that slowly head out.

He quickly change his attitude and hold the necklace to see it clearly.

' I think there's something wrong with that child. This necklace thing, it was done in purposely by him. '

Crystelle frown. ' In purpose? what did you mean? '

Hyde lean in a bored position.

He will be like this in front of her everytime there's nobody to interrupted them alone.

' Well, that boy was mad at you or something?. I can feel something odd about this jewel, Elle. '

Crystelle speechless. ' I know you can sense any emotional simply from looking at the necklace, but we didn't fight or something, how could that be, Hyde? '

Hyde shrug his shoulder. ' How would I know? ask him yourself. You might have done something that make his anger rise like this. '

Crystelle shock. ' but, I didn't do anything though..?'

Hyde shrug again.

' Try asked him, you wouldn't know until you ask the person yourself, Elle. ' advice Hyde.

Crystelle frown and slowly nodded in doubted.

' I will try then. '

Hyde look at the necklace again in disgust.

' Even he was angry at you, how could he give you this thing when it's your coming of age present? that guy is out of his mind because he stayed at the border for too long.'

Crystelle sigh as she look at the outside from the window.

' I hope what you said is some nonsense, I couldn't understand him if he really does this toward me... '

Hyde nodded. ' Well, I will take my leave for now then. Sir Aaron might scold me if he knows my attitude are like this toward you. Just take it easy, Elle. It must be some misunderstanding like madam Mia said. '

Crystelle nodded and smile. ' then I will not think about it that much and don't worry, Hyde, such thing might not happen. I will scold sir Aaron if he dare to mad at you. '

Hyde chuckle and bow politely at her. ' very well

.Thank you, Lady Elle. '

Crystelle look at Hyde that slowly head out from the room with smile .

When she make sure there's nobody in her room anymore..

Crystelle suddenly become serious as she lean at her chair with a cross arm.

' Your report? '

Suddenly a guy in a black cloak appeared from the balcony and stand behind her.

' It's true that he was angry with you, my lady. '

Crystelle frown and take a glance at him.

' What you mean? '

That guy raise his head and open his cloak to look at her clearly.

Crystelle glare at him.

' .....Zen.'

Zen smile. ' Yes, my lady. '

P/s : For all my readers, please support my work and vote for me, please? I'm still new and still learning how to make a good novel. Please leave a comment and rate for my chapters. I need some advice as to improve my work. I would really appreciate it if you hand me some of your thoughts, Thank you.