chapter 49 : His confession.

' It's you.. '

The crown prince smirk at her while get out from the darkness.

' Glory to The Star of the Ophelia, your majesty. ' bow Crystelle at him.

' Oh, you still had some manner, Elly. '

Crystelle get annoyed with him.

' Pardon me for my rudeness before, I didn't want to offend you, your majesty. '

Airel smirk and touch Crystelle hair gently.

' It seem like you're lonely based on your expression, Elly. Should I accompany you for tonight ? ' seduce Airel.

Crystelle frown and bend her head politely.

' Pardon me but, unfortunately I need to get going now. please forgive me for now, your majesty. ' decline Crystelle in humble.

Airel laugh and nodded understand. ' Then, go away.'

Crystelle raise her eyebrow and quickly permit herself politely from there.

' It's kind of weird? he doesn't act like usual tonight. ' mumble Crystelle while heading toward the hall back.


Crystelle frown and look at the thing she bumped to.

' Your majesty..? ' freak Crystelle in blank.

' Just now, he was at the garden.. earlier..'

Airel look at her in an annoyed frown. ' What? don't you have any eyes? look what you've did to me! ' Said him while point at his suit that has get cover with some juice completely.

Crystelle grunted. ' He's back to his usual self? '

' I beg your pardon, your majesty. I didn't give so much attention toward my direction. I'm deeply sorry. '

Airel smirk. ' Then, you must to paid it back to me tonight. '

Crystelle tilt her head dumbfounded.

' Money? Oh yes, yes, just tell me the price, your majesty. '

Airel smirk and slowly close his face toward Crystelle.

He hold Crystelle waist and cares for her face.

' I mean with your body, Elle. ' whisper Airel on her ear.

Crystelle shudder in shock.

' Let me go! this will lead to a scandal, your majesty..! '

Airel ignore her warning and close his face toward her neck.

' I need you in my life. Don't I said that I will take you back from him, Elle? '

Crystelle get goosebumps and struggle to let her body go from his forces embraces.

' Let me go..! Ugh! '

Crystelle tremble in fear.

Airel greedily kissed her neck at the corner of the back hall like a beast.

' Elle.. ' call him gently and softly kiss her on neck.

Crystelle shudder and close her eyes. ' He's drunk? '

' What are you doing?! ' shout someone from afar.

Crystelle turn to look at that person. it's turn out to be a guy.

' Help me..! ' shout Crystelle in tremble.

That guy quickly run at them in shock.


' Oh gosh! ' shock Crystelle.

Airel fell to the ground with one punch from that guy from earlier.

' Are you alright, lady Elle?! ' ask that guy in worried.

Crystelle stunned and quickly hide behind him.

' Thank you, sir Allen... '

Her hand tremble while hold Allen suit in fear.

Allen frown and raise his fist again toward the crown prince to give him a punch more.

' This bastard..! '

Crystelle shock and hold Allen arm. ' Stop it. just get me out from here.. '

Allen stunned and clench his fist again.

' Please..! ' beg Crystelle.

Allen sigh and look at the crown prince in anger.

' You doesn't suit at all to be the crown prince of the empire! such a beast! '

Allen quickly pull Crystelle hand and head toward the hall in anger.

' Sit ' order Allen when they got in a resting room of the palace together.

Crystelle follow the order and sit on the sofa in silent.

' Does that guy always done that to you, lady Elle? ' ask him suddenly while kneel before Crystelle in worried.

Crystelle shake her head to deny it. ' He's drunk, sir Allen. He does it unconsciously. '

Allen frown. He pat Crystelle hand softly.

' Don't try to take his side. His underage but he still drink that wine. '

Crystelle turn her face away. Try not to face Allen directly.

Allen suddenly clench her hand tightly to make her look at him back.

' If I didn't found you earlier..! ' tremble Allen while place his forehead on Crystelle hand. He's mind full with a thought about her.

Crystelle stare at him. ' I'm okay now, sir Allen..'

Allen shake his head and look straight into her eyes in desperate.

' Elle..' call him gently while cares for her hand softly.

Crystelle frown. ' What's wrong with him so sudden..? '

' Why does it have to be him..? ' ask Allen while place his forehead on her hand again in disappointment.

Crystelle dumbfounded. ' Who? '

' ...the first prince. ' firm Allen while look at Crystelle rubies eyes that shine under the light of the room.

Allen slowly stroke Crystelle beautiful face gently.

' Why didn't you choose me instead of him..? ' honest Allen suddenly before her.

Crystelle grunted. ' Sir Allen? '

Allen smile in pain.

' He doesn't always by your side, Elle. I will be the one to protect you from now on. Give me a chance, Elle.. for this one, please. ' beg Allen before her.

Crystelle shock and shove his hand away.

' What's wrong with you, sir Allen? '

Allen frown in pain.

' How can I love you, '

He stop for a second and stare at Crystelle face intensely.

'.. To make you fall in love with me, how should I love you, Elle..? ' desperate Allen while hold Crystelle hand tightly.

Crystelle stunned and bend her head in dumbfounded.

' I've had a fiancée, Allen. '

Allen nodded understand.

' I know, I ask you to ditch him and choose me instead, Elle. I doesn't have any strength when that guy touched you earlier, Elle. Please.. hold my hand and be together with me forever.. I'm promise to take care of you for my whole life, Elle.'

Crystelle close her eyes and turn away from him.

' How about lady Zoeana? won't she's get hurt about this? '

Allen smile. ' Our engaged get broke when she's study abroad to catch her own dream. She's the one to break our engagement. '

Crystelle shock and quickly get up from her seat.

' I'm sorry, I can't reply for your feelings now, Allen. I will take my leave now. '

Allen sigh in disappointment.

' I knew, I will wait for your reply even it takes forever, Elle. '

Crystelle stunned in front the door.

' I'm sorry, Allen. '

Crystelle head toward her family carriage in a disruptive thoughts in her mind.

' I can't. ' mumble Crystelle in tremble.

' I can't reply for it, Allen... '


' My lady? you didn't get back with young master Cryst ? ' ask Mia in front the door of her room.

Crystelle has been shut herself in her room for a while after she get back from the palace.

' She didn't respond again? ' ask the grand duchess in worried.

Mia nodded.

The grand duke pat his wife back to make her calm.

' Let me talk with her first, honey. You must take some rest tonight, tomorrow we had some audiences with the emperor. '

The grand duchess Aria sigh and nodded agreed.

She kiss her husband cheek then heading toward their room in disturbed.

' Mia, go and take the key for this door on my desk. '

Mia nodded and goes to his office in hurried.

' Here, my Lord.'

The grand duke Harrison quickly take the key from Mia and slowly open the door.

' My daughter.. ' call him while get near Crystelle bed.

She was hiding herself on her blanket.

Harrison sit beside her.

' Want to talk with daddy, Elle? ' ask him gently.

Crystelle suddenly get out from her blanket and quickly embrace her father tightly.

She's begin to tear.

Harrison smile and pat her head.

' What's wrong, honey? ' ask him worried.

Crystelle just silently cries on his chest.

' My dear daughter.. ' call him again while stroke Crystelle shining purple hair.

' I'm here, so stop crying. I will accompany you until you asleep, okay? '

Crystelle just silently nodded and place her head on her pillow.

' I love you, daddy. More than everything in this world..' mumble Crystelle toward her father.

Harrison chuckle and slowly kiss her on her forehead.

' Whoever made my daughter cries, I'm sure that person is not suit to be with you, Elle. '

Crystelle force a smile. ' Mm. '

Harrison smile. ' You didn't have to get married, I'm here to support you with your dream, Elle. whatever it is, I will take your side in every decision you would made. '

Crystelle nodded. ' Should I marry father instead? '

Harrison chuckle. ' Oh.. you can, but you need to fight with your mother first to get to marry me, Elle. ' pat Harrison.

Crystelle grin. ' Then, I rather not to. '

Harrison laugh and lay beside Crystelle on her bed. He hold Crystelle in his embrace and slowly pat her back.

Crystelle smile.

' Thank you, daddy. '

Harrison nodded and kiss her head gently.

' Good night and sweet dream, my dear daughter. '

Crystelle nodded and falls asleep in his warm embrace.

' She's asleep? ' ask someone from behind Harrison.

Harrison get up from the bed and glare at him.

' You shouldn't come here, If the emperor know, you will get punished. '

Harrison intensely look at him.

'... First prince, your highness Rigel. '

Rigel smirk. ' Well, I'm kind of miss her though. '

He slowly get near Crystelle bed and stroke her face gently.

' She's become more beautiful than the last time we met.. '

Harrison get annoyed and head before him.

' When you act to be the crown prince at the palace, did you saw anything? ' firm Harrison toward Rigel.

Rigel raise his eyebrow and look at Crystelle.

' Absolutely. I'm sure I will punish them myself, you don't have to worry and act like usual, grand duke. '

Harrison nodded and look at him.

' I need to leave the room now, I'm sure you must too, first prince. '

Rigel chuckle and cares for Crystelle head gently for the last time.

' Then, good night, my sweet Elly. '

Rigel suddenly disappeared from the room in an instant.

Harrison sigh and stare at his daughter face dearly.

' Why did you must to get involved with that guy Elle. ' dissapointed Harrison. He slowly get out from the room and leave Crystelle in her sweet sleep alone.