chapter 51 : Missing prince

A kingdom of Ru.

It been since ancient times that it's a land with a protection from a dragon. The dragon was a powerful and glorious king of the Ru Kingdom for generations. The name is, dragon Ru. it had a thick and sharp red scales all over his body and make everyone scared of him with his big and strong figure. No creature can defeat him and slowly.. his live in a sorrow for his lonely life.

But, one day, there appeared a strong man from nowhere that came to take the land from the mighty dragon Ru. The strong man dared to challenges the dragon Ru for a fight for his throne and power. And then, for the sake of power, the fight between those that take many times and souls began for a very long time.

One day, on a bright day without their battle, the dragon Ru knows the truth. The man who was fighting for his throne was actually a woman from the start. She's a really beautiful woman that can steal dragon Ru's heart at first sight. The dragon Ru can't help it but helplessly fall in love with her instead. Thus, the mighty dragon Ru find a witch and make a deal with her. He want to become a human just for a week. The witch agreed and help him. Then, he met the beautiful woman in his new form in confidence. As for his nice figure and kind personality, the woman fall in love in him and they deeply in love with each other from their first met.

But, unfortunately, this love is like a fairy tale for the two of them. The magic only lasted for a week. He need to leave the woman and become the dragon back but his dared to denied it and eventually get sworn by the witch as his punishment. He get cursed as a human with an ugly red scales all over his body and he will live like a mankind without any power to be proud of anymore. The woman feel sympathize on him and care for him as his wife for her whole life until her last breath, the dragon Ru who's in sorrows, bury her in a deep cave with the remaining power he had and devotes himself as a holy sword that stabbed on his wife's grave and turn out the grave hold the most divine power on it just to protect his wife. The grave eventually become the major power for Kingdom of Ru and then the kingdom get ruled by the dragon Ru and the woman's only son, The White Dragon after dragon Ru depart. As the white dragon gotten older, his first son who is just a normal human ascend the throne as the third king. the white dragon make himself as a dragon stone that protect the grave from all the greedy people who come to take the power his mother's grave hold until now. Then, all the next king also devotes their souls to the grave when their gotten older and it's become a tradition for every prince that will ascend to the throne to get ready for it in every generation of the kingdom of Ru.

The prophecy of Kingdom of Ru said, that one day, a descendant of the dragon Ru will come to claim his own power and become the master of holy sword Ru. When the prophecy decided 80 years ago, no one had becomes a man of prophecy until now. Everyone had tried their luck but eventually they rumored to be dead when they never get out from the cave in alive to tells the story about what inside the cave actually.

Hence, the kingdom of Ru becomes a mysterious land for generations until it's grave treasure become just a legend for the century.

Crystelle frown. ' Is this history book supposed to be a kind of romance? '

Crystelle shake her head try not to mind it. She's read the last page of the book again.

' Hmm.. a descendant of the dragon Ru..? a man of prophecy..? if you want to conquer their land, shouldn't you tried your luck by getting in the cave to become his descendants? it's the easiest way for our empire to get over the Ru Kingdom.. ' mumble Crystelle alone.

She look at her desk. There only her letter for Rigel without any reply from him, it's been one year already.

Crystelle suddenly thought something and quickly get up from her bed in shock.

' Wait! don't tell me..! Rigel..'

Knock Knock.

' My lady, it's evening. it's time for your sword lesson. ' inform Hyde at the door.

Crystelle sigh and nodded understand.

' Very well, I will get ready now. '

Hyde smile and slowly get near her bed. he take a look at the book on her bed.

' What is this? ' a love romance' ? did you read this kind of book too, Elle? ' tease Hyde.

Crystelle frown and quickly seize the book from his hand.

' ' A love romance '..? '

She read the title in speechless and open the book to read the content.

' It's change..? it's not the history book like the one back then.. ' mumble Crystelle in shock.

Hyde frown in anxious. ' Elle? are you alright? you look really pale. Just get the rest again today too, I will inform sir Roan about your absence. '

Crystelle nodded agreed and sit on her bed in exhausted.

' I think I need some rest too, please inform him, Hyde. '

Hyde bow and leave the room in instant.

Crystelle slowly get up and get near her desk.

' The last letter was a year ago. I need to investigate this matter immediately... '

Crystelle quickly find a plain clothes and slowly get out from her room in disguise.

She look around to make sure nobody sees her.

' Lady Crystelle..? ' ask someone from behind her.

Crystelle flinch and quickly cover her face.

' It's, it's not me.. go away! ' deny Crystelle in a low voice.

Altair chuckle and nodded understand with her cute action.

' Even though you've disguise yourself like that I still know that is your figure, lady Crystelle. '

Crystelle frown and look at her clothes.

' Even in this plain clothes? don't I look like a normal people? '

Altair laugh hardly and shake his head to deny it.

' Seriously? a normal people run around in a noble dorm? it's that even make sense, lady Crystelle? '

Crystelle blush and bend her head in embarrassment.

Altair look at her sullen face in wonder.

' I'm sorry.. I can't think straight right now.. Please excuse me, Altair. '

Altair let Crystelle head toward her room in disappointment.

' Want me to help you? '

Crystelle stunned and quickly turn to look at him.

' What? '

Altair grin and get close to her.

' I've skip the lesson just to accompany my lonely president but it turn out she want to run from academy. What should I do if my reason for skipping lesson is gone? '

Crystelle crossed her arm and smirk at him.

' You will get punish if you help me.. are you ready for it, Altair? '

Altair shrug in smile.

' I'm already getting a punishment when I skip the lesson, what's the difference it make if I help you get out from here, lady Crystelle? '

Crystelle slowly stand before him in firm.

Altair grin and bow at her. ' This humble man has ready to serve you, my lady. said the destination and I will take you there in a flash with my power. '

' The border '

Altair grunted and look at her in anxiety. ' excuses me, lady Crystelle? '

Crystelle stare at him in her still position.

' The border, it's the destination I want to go. '

Altair speechless. ' But, it's a place of war, we can't go there, lady Crystelle. It's dangerous.. although..'

' That's right. '

Crystelle and Altair flinch and turn to look at a person behind them in flustered.

' Hyde.. ' mumble Crystelle in a low voice.

Hyde sigh and stand before her in firm.

' What you want to do, kid? are you really wanted to died at the border? '

Crystelle flinch and bend her head in guilty.

' But.. he.. '

Hyde sigh and hold her hand to pursue her.

' He's going to be okay. He's not a person that will break their promises. He's not that kind of jerk, Elle. please believe on him. '

Crystelle close her eyes and nodded understand obediently.

' I'm sorry, Altair.. ' bow Crystelle at him.

Altair smile in relief. ' No big deal, lady Crystelle. it sure make me shock for a second there. '

Hyde sigh and bow at Altair to permit themselves from there.

He slowly pull Crystelle hand and head toward her room in disappointment.

' Are you angry at me, Hyde..? ' ask Crystelle in a low voice when Hyde just silently pull her hand.

Hyde glance at her and sigh hardly.

' The next week, it's a academy break holiday. I've talk with the queen already. We can get back home and we will investigate this matter together, Elle. '

Crystelle look at him in hope.

' it's true, Hyde? '

Hyde nod and suddenly stop his walk. he face Crystelle and pat her head gently like a brother always does toward his own sister.

' When you had a problem, tell me. I can feel you feelings and pain too, Elle. don't forget ever again and make me worries like this. '

Crystelle teary and nod.

When Crystopher was not at the academy anymore and Cassius was at the border, Crystelle had become more dependent on Hyde especially when she's had a big problem like now.

' I will.. '

Hyde sigh and look at her gently.

' Let's go. '


The night is getting more dark. No star to be seen in a clear sky night. Only a sound of owls and crickets singing in the forest came to ear.

Crystelle sit on her balcony, waiting for someone while look up to the skies.

' My lady. '

Crystelle quickly get up and get near the tree beside her balcony.

' Report ' firm her in front the tree.

A guy came out from the darkness on the tree and slowly open his cloak to look at Crystelle.

Crystelle look at him. ' How about him, Zen? '

Zen nodded and sit on the tree comfortably.

' Here. ' Zen shove a paper toward Crystelle.

Crystelle took it and quickly read the content in patience.

' What's this mean? ' ask Crystelle.

Zen smirk and point at the paper.

' It's a report about him volunteering get in the cave even though we hardly opposed it, my lady. it's been a week already but he doesn't get out from them yet until now. '

Crystelle frown and crumple the paper, she toss it toward Zen in anger.

' You think this thing is funny? a week already? Why don't you report it to me early than now! do you really want to get fired, Zen? '

Zen nodded understand. ' I know you're mad, but, it's kind of difficult to sneak out when they are busy looking for a missing prince in the cave. This is the best I can to came here after a week. They didn't permit anyone to go anywhere until the prince come out from the cave, my lady. '

Crystelle sigh. ' Then, are they looking for him yet still now? '

Zen nod.

' How about Cassius? He's looking for him too? '

Zen nod again. ' Captain Cassius has been standing before the entrance of the cave in anxiety for a week already, my lady. He's waiting for a right time, if the prince still didn't get out until next week, he will get in alone to find the prince by himself.'

Crystelle speechless and nodded understand.

' Then, how about..'

Knock Knock. ' My lady, this is Hyde. '

Crystelle flinch and look at Zen. ' Anyway, inform me again next week at the Soleil mansion. If he doesn't get out from the cave yet that time, I will be the one to barge in without any permission only just to see him in a safe condition, understood? deliver this message toward Cassius too, Zen. '

Zen frown. '..Captain Cassius? '

Crystelle nod. ' He's already know about you, now. go. '

' Elle? ' call Hyde at the balcony door.

Crystelle turn and smile sweetly at him.

Zen already disappear from there like usual.

' Elle, what are you doing out here in this late of night? it's cold tonight. it might rain, let's go in. ' nag Hyde while gently push Crystelle shoulder to head in her room.

Crystelle slowly sit on her bed and look at Hyde.

' Can you do me a favor, Hyde? ' ask Crystelle suddenly.

Hyde that was preparing her bed look at her while raise his eyebrow in wonder.

' What it is? '

Crystelle slowly lay on her bed and stare at him.

' Use your power to look for Rigel.. please.'

Hyde sigh and sit beside her. He slowly pat her hand gently.

' I will do anything if that will make you happy, Elle. but for now, just get enough rest and I promise you I will use my power to find him no matter what even if I need to use all my mana for it, Elle. Just for now please, just sleep and get enough rest, you need to focus with your education. '

Crystelle force a smile and nod. ' I hate when I'm weak like this.. ' mumble Crystelle in teary.

Hyde smile and pat her head gently again.

' You look like my little sister whenever you act like this..' mumble Hyde in a low voice.

Crystelle frown. ' You had a little sister, Hyde? '

Hyde flinch and cover his mouth. He suddenly get up from the bed and bow at Crystelle politely.

' It's getting late, my lady. Good night. '

Crystelle just stare at him as he goes out from the room in hurried.

' Hyde had a little sister? Why didn't he talk about her before, I wonder. '

Crystelle stare at the window from her bed.

' It's become complicated day by day.. ' .