Chapter 15: Foundations

James looked on in bewilderment and fear as the woman who just mauled an officer to death called him brother in a voice that was clearly not hers. He thought furiously about what was going on, what he should, and what was going to happen next as he was now out of ammo. It's not like he couldn't drop his current empty clip and reload using his spare he kept on his waist but the woman who just took his whole clip looked as if she was going to be unfazed by it too.

Just as he was about to try his luck he glanced at her glowing hazy blue eyes and remembered they were exactly how Alice and her group described the dead woman in front of the alley and the supposed walking corpses that the four survivors from the graveyard saw. Both events helped James realized that they were connected to each other and the evidence was in the words of the survivors. His current predicament and the last events had one thing in common which was his brother.

The first event at the graveyard had survivors that told their tale of being ambushed by near unstoppable wilds dogs and witnessing a talking skeleton bring all of the dead within the area back to life and disappearing like magic. The second, which was earlier, which Alexia and Alice explained how the dead woman and the people attacking the alley dwellers were being controlled by John. Lastly the third with the woman in front of him having taken so many bullets now talking like she's John.

It was now clear as day as he put his gun down and looked on at the woman with teary eyes and said, "John? What.. Whats happened to you?"

Candice looked at James and back at the bloody woman who looked as if she could barely stand and said with a wavering voice, "James... I don't what your seeing but she is not John. Shoot!"

"Ouch Candice, words hurt too you know. Well, probably not as much as it hurts whatever this zombie's name is, but yea ouch." John said as he jerked the zombie's head to look at Candice.

Candice's eyes widened at the mention of her name and the word zombies. Unlike her husband, she was a firm believer in the supernatural and loved to tease James for his see it to believe it view on life so when she heard this she immediately went silent.

"Hmmm your silence speaks for its self what you both think, but anyway I have a proposal for you brother that I believe you would like," John said as he looked behind him hearing the approaching footsteps of the other officer that had gone into the woods past the broken fence he had made his other zombie breakthrough.

Looking back at his brother through the eyes of his zombie he said, "Imma have to leave this zombie here to die at the hands of the incoming officer, but don't worry I'll make sure you won't be attacked by this one or the others. For now, I'll see you again soon brother for now look frightened."

After a second the zombie woman goes back to acting like she had before John took possession of her and snarled at James and Candice while turning around to see the other officer running into the hallway. For a moment the officer looked at his dead partner and towards James and his wife who were looking scared and confused after their little conversation with John.

"Get down," the officer yelled, and Matthews knew instinctively that he was talking about them so he hurriedly grabbed the confused and scared Candice and dropped like dead weight to the wooden floor. Just as they dropped below waist level the zombie woman bolted toward the officer who quickly whipped out his gun and rapidly pulled the trigger in quick succession.

Each bullet hit the intended target just about everywhere except where it needed too in order to make her drop for good. Knowing he'd wouldn't be able to reload in time he braced for what he could tell was going to be a pounce attack by the zombified woman. As she pounce he duck and extended his forearm and caught hold of her collar on her blood-drenched clothes before being pushed toward the ground. Using the momentum of her charging force and her lighting quick pounce the officer put his left foot to her abdomen and rolled on his back and kicked her through the door he had just enter.

Quickly getting back to his feet he hurried and reloaded his gun and pointed it toward the door he had just kicked the zombie through. Past the door, he could hear the growls and grunts made the zombie woman he just threw making him prepare as he knew it wasn't over yet.

A few moments of deafening silence wash over the house before yell could be heard from beyond the broken door and out came the bolting woman with her arms stiffened behind her and her teeth leading the way to the officer. The officer shot 5 times hitting her in the chest three times, missing one shot the hit the door frame behind her and the final one hitting her in the head right above he left eyebrow.

The zombie woman hit the floor like a bag of potatoes that had been slung from across the hallway. After a moment of silence and waiting to see if she moves a growling noise comes from behind the officer and he turns and sees the now glowing and hazy blue eyes that were similar to the zombie woman on the eyes of his partner who was still laying on the ground. Without a word, the officer quickly shot his former partner in the head and noted how he died instantly unlike the woman laying behind him. The officer looked from his now-dead partner to both James and Candice as they stood shaking like jello when lightly touched.

Looking angry and confused and say, "The fuck you guys didn't help for?"