Chapter 37: Home Sweet Home

(James pov)

After a while of driving and putting up with the assholes' complaints in the back, we finally were able to make it to Black Site 38 better as The Farm to those with high enough authorization.

The Black Sites were originally for the use of the CIA for when they needed to house high ranking terrorist leaders or people who knew too much, but eventually, as terrorism died down and the need for them decreased, they handed a few over to the FBI as a hand me down of sorts. Of course, we didn't want to be seen as a second-hand agency, so we turned them into massive underground bunkers in case we began to lose a war or a disease decided to wipe its ass with us. Of course, the Pentagon has many precautionary measures in place if something like that was to occur. Still, I guess they didn't have a plan or precautionary plan for John seeing how quickly he's fucked the world into oblivion.