"Are you sure you don't need my help?" I asked him one last time before I decided to leave. Once again he ignored me. Ok, I guess I'll take my leave then. I was about to stand up to leave but suddenly he draped his arm around my neck. He pulled my neck lower to his face and captured my lips. I struggled in his grip as he locked my lips with his so I couldn't free myself. Still trying to push him away as I heard some footsteps behind us. The person who approached us beamed his flashlight at me. That almost caused me to go blind. "Have you guys seen a wounded man around here?" That person asked me and another man followed him from behind. "So this is the bastard that they are looking for." I thought as I glared at the man who is still kissing me. His back was facing them so they couldn't see his face. I was about to speak up to lie for him but he pulled my face closer. I felt his tongue inside my mouth and he even had the nerve to bite my lower lip.
It's intriguing to read just perfect for suspense readers and not too romantic readers. It's not a slow burn but not fast either. It's a really nice book, everyone should indulge already and get to it.