The Emotions

The resources available in a pocket world were fourfold; the populace, the natural resources, the power system, and relics.

I would massacre the populace of this realm. These pocket realm denizens were not very appealing to me. I saw no need to keep such a race around.

The Knights would become the forefathers of my new sphinx slave race. They would execute the rest to improve my Slaughter Dao.

I needed to do some research to see what natural resources were useful in this realm. I ordered Azon to look into it.

Azon was the most experienced person I had brought with me. He should be able to tell what is valuable in this realm. I told him to collect anything he found useful.

Plants, animals, and minerals; whatever we could sell, we would take. The Air and Earth Nations should have records listing valuable resources.

I also took the power system. A powerful force requires many Dao Arts. This world had 4 types of Dao Arts that lead to the Knight realm. It was a significant find.

[Listen! Add the Arts of this world to the Codex library. It will standardize them for you.]

Wow, the Codex has such an amazing function? I thought standardizing Dao Arts was a laborious process. Normally a devil would have to pay a researcher to convert them. The laws in every world were different. In pocket worlds, the laws were incomplete, so the Arts had deficiencies.

[Meow, that's why it gave you the library function. Taking in new arts and souls is how the Codex improves itself. These Arts are only at the Knight level so they are easy to standardize.]

I added the Earth and Air Arts within the two nations to the Codex library.

[260 Earth Arts and 213 Air Arts added to James' library.]

[Compiling Arts… Standardizing data… Outputting Optimal Art for each Dao…]

[Earth Knight Art and Air Knight Art added to James' library]

This Codex was amazing. I could practice these two arts! After being sent into the Codex, the Arts became standardized and usable with all cultivation systems.

The Elementalist system was unique. However, the Codex converted their system into Knight Arts. These Arts focused on the Elemental Daos and were usable by any cultivator. Even the dark elves could use these!

Libra would now have three Arts up to the Knight realm to offer its followers. I was well on my way to becoming a strong young noble… No, an influential young lord!

I don't practice the Earth or Air Dao but just having plenty of Arts to offer my followers strengthens my organization's foundation.

Finding the resources and relics of this realm would take time. I now had to create a proper play to deal with the Fire & Water Nations. The invite and trap strategy would only work once. The Fire & Water Nation elites had bunkered together.

They would not fall into the trap I used for the Earth Nation. This is difficult. I guess we need to fish them out.

"We will just have to slaughter their population! I don't believe the leaders will stand idle as we slaughter their citizens," I said.

"Use guerilla tactics. Air Elementalists are the fastest moving cultivators in this world."

"Wanfang, lead my sphinx slaves to deal with the other nations. Strike them hard and fast at major food supply warehouses."

"We might as well slaughter them with famine. You have 6 months to deal with these nations. I want this entire world at my beck and call!"

"My lord, may your will be done," said Wanfang.

Wanfang had never committed such atrocities before. To save his skin, he slaughtered the entire Earth Nation. He had ridden this devil tiger and there was no getting off now.

Something in him was changing, by embracing the teachings of the devil. Wanfang vowed to serve his young lord well.

I headed back to my beautiful castle. Leaving that up to Wanfang was for the best. Even if none of the slaves return the Fire and Water Nations will be easy for me to capture.

I cared nothing about the sphinx slaves. They were weak and useless to me in the Xertzul Abyss. The only talented person I had found in this entire world was Wanfang. I doubt he's stupid enough to get himself killed.

He should easily be able to keep himself alive with his battle strength. Slave troops are to fight and die for their master. I couldn't send my loyal dark elf followers to die again. They had already sacrificed enough for this young noble.

It's time I delve into the [Soul Refining Scripture], finding the resources and relics and eliminating the other nations will take some time. What's most important is my devilry. I went into closed-door devilry, fully immersing myself into the [Soul Refining Scripture].

The Electric Dao was much more complicated than the Fire Dao. I had learned about electromagnetism in elementary school. Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge.

What has any of this got to do with the Soul Dao? I began reading the Scripture's notes.

The electromagnetic force is one of the four known fundamental forces. The others being weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravitational force.

There is also an illusionary fifth force. And that fifth force is Soulforce!

For me to touch Soulforce, I would have to learn the four other forces?

This seems way too esoteric.

[Meow, you're getting way above your head reading those notes.]

[Listen! The book tricked you.]

[Electromagnetic Dao is a Grand Supreme Dao that governs the very fabric of the universe.]

[You are only learning the Electric Dao, a minor Dao dealing with electric current]

"There are different levels to Daos? What the heck?"

[Meow, you will learn about different levels of Daos as you grow stronger.]

[You can see from your status that you are only learning minor Daos now.]

I see, so to use the [Soul Refining Scripture] I need to understand a bit about electromagnetism to create a Resentment Filter.

Souls that pass through this filter will have their resentment cleansed. It would be much faster than slowly burning away resentment with Soulflame qi.

Resentment is a byproduct of soul depravity. I must slowly study the difference between resentment and souls to create a filter.

Resentment contains all the negative emotions a soul feels upon death. This includes Grief, Sorrow, Sadness, Depression, Heartache, Regret, Misery, Pain, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Panic, Worry, and Fright.

To counteract that I must create something holding positive emotions such as Laughter, Peace, Trust, Bliss, Delight, Happiness, Pleasure, Joy, Ease, Fulfillment, Hope, Passion, Love, and Optimism.

Our emotions make us who we are as humanoids. Souls are an acclimation of emotions. To understand souls, I must understand emotions.

Resentment makes the best weapons because negative emotions are so powerful. Positive emotions are as powerful, however harder to change into a weapon.

'Positivity flows through my Soul qi creating Positive Soul qi.'

'Negativity flows through my Soul qi creating Negative Soul qi.'

With these two newly formed qis as the material, I can forge a Soul filter.

My understanding of Soul Dao has reached a breakthrough.

Now I see why learning other Daos can help your Dao. If I didn't investigate the Electric Dao I would never understand so much about Soul Dao.

First, I forged the Electric Turtle Soul.

Yes, this new Electric Turtle Soul is amazing it has the battle power of an Initial Knight. It is stronger than the Fire Serpent Soul.

Then, I formed an Electrosoul filter with my materials on hand and began filtering all the souls. I forged the Electrosoul filter without rest. My closed-door devilry would encounter no bottlenecks.

The souls were filled to the brim with resentment! Poor sphinx race. All this resentment will make Lokkar powerful.

I turned Lokkar into a true resentment weapon filled with the resentment of thousands of departed souls. Lokkar now had a true resentment weapon aura. I even scared myself looking at it.

I could turn all these souls into fel shards with the Abyss ritual. This young noble would be rich!

"What do you think?"

[Meow, why give the Xertzul Abyss all your hard work.]

[Listen! Create skeleton soldiers with the souls. They could tend this world for you]

To create a skeleton soldier, I had to attach a soul to a corpse. I had plenty of corpses to work with. The strength of the soul determined the strength of the soldier.

Skeleton soldiers were the lowest level of necromancy. They have the intelligence of a dog, able to take simple commands.

[Meow dogs are dumb!]

As I started creating skeleton soldiers my understanding of the Soul Dao reached another breakthrough. My skeleton army will be the perfect farmers. They are weak in combat, but skeletons need no rest.

Forging the Esquire and mortal skeletons was hard work. Mortal ones were simple, but Esquire ones were much harder. After six months of closed-door cultivation, I had a fresh skeleton army to tend my new world.

They will relentlessly generate fel shards for this young noble. The Tutan World now had a new race!

[New tribe skeleton added to Libra]

[25 Esquire and 1431 mortal skeletons added to Libra]

Slaughtering an entire world and turning them into loyal risen dead. That is how Soul Dao practitioners roll! Who said Soul Dao was useless? Eat your heart out.


"Young lord, I have finished your request to find the best resources of this world and interesting relics."

"Thank you, Azon, please update me."

"The materials of note from this world are Firesuede, Firegold, Waternylon, Waterzinc, Airsteel, Airsand, Earthbrick, and Earthsoil."

"All these materials will sell well in the Xertzul Abyss as they are premium Tier-2 Resources."

"Thank you Azon, I will send my skeleton army to evacuate the sites you have listed."

"As far as relics, there is only one of note. It is the Tutankhamen Relic. It seems to involve Curse Dao."

"Someone can only complete the trial of this relic when under 20. You will be on your own should you attempt to get this relic, young lord."

"Thank you, Azon, if I go after the relic inheritance I will inform you. How is Wanfang's progress with the other nations?"

"He is doing well, young lord. Everything is on schedule."

"We have made excellent time in this world, young lord. My ladyship will be proud."

"Thank you, Azon. You are dismissed."