The King

"You have two weeks to rest before you must attempt the last trial or leave this relic. Be warned challengers, none has ever survived the last trial!" said the Illusionary humanoid figure.

We rested well then for two weeks then headed to the last trial. This would be our last hurdle to complete this relic.

As we walked into the last trial we entered a crypt. In the middle of the crypt lay a bejeweled sarcophagus. The crypt was well maintained.

Nothing like the previous run-down areas. The sarcophagus opened as we entered the room. A deep gritty voice reverberated around the halls.

"I was the first you know. For me, the wheel of death has spun many times. So much time has passed… I have a lot of catching up to do." said an aged crackling voice.

Out of the sarcophagus walked a decrepit armored figure. On his head laid a mask with two serpents.

"For this last challenge, you must learn to craft a cursed runed weapon. The cursed runed weapon is the signature skill of God-King Tutankhamen."

The decrepit armored figure brought out a bejeweled sword.

"Within this cursed sword lays my soul. My soul is cursed to never know rest, even in death. This feeble body is merely a vessel," said the decrepit figure.

"The instructions on how to form a cursed rune weapon are within this blade. Take it and you shall learn God-King Tutankhamen's greatest art!"

The decrepit armored figured knelled offering the blade. Wanfang moved in to grab it.

"Wait! This is a trap Wanfang. Do not touch that weapon!" I said.

"You question the God-King Tutankhamen's inheritance?" said the decrepit figure.

"You must be the God-King Tutankhamen, why are you trying to trick us?" I said.

The decrepit figure soon got up and looked at me. He was no longer kneeling but exuding an air of divinity. He was a god overlooking his subjects now.

"Come, James, let's reason together. It would be nothing short of madness for you brave devil and your valiant hand to perish all because of a simple misunderstanding," said God-King Tutankhamen.

"Theirs much our culture can share."

"Yours is a fascinating race, even now you are defiant in the face of annihilation, in the presence of a God."

"All those skeletons you faced were remnants of my fallen kingdom."

"Imagine what fate awaits you when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory."

"And I would die for any one of mine," I said.

"You devils take pride in your logic. I suggest you apply it," said God-King Tutankhamen.

"I'm a generous god, I can make you rich beyond measure. I will make a warlord of you. Your rivals will kneel at your feet. If you will but kneel at mine."

"You are generous, as you are divine. It is an offer only a madman would refuse." I said.

"You see, slaughtering all the sphinxes in this world has left a nasty kink in my leg. So kneeling will be hard for me."

"There will be no glory in your sacrifice," said God-King Tutankhamen.

"When I recover my power, I shall erase your Xertzul Abyss from the map. The Endless Abyss will never know you existed at all."

"Why uttering the very name of Xertzul Abyss will be punishable by death. The world will never know you existed at all!"

"Before this battle is over, the world will know even a god can bleed," I said.

I prepared my weapon Lokkar, and Wanfang got his staff out.

"Ha, I should have known better than to recruit a devil," said God-King Tutankhamen.

The situation completely changed. The kneeling armored figure unleashed his full aura. It was a Baron level aura! This world was only supposed to house Knights!

"The last challenge doesn't exist! Ever since I recovered to the Rising Sun realm, this entire world has been my feeding ground!"

{Challengers! Defeat the God-King Tutankhamen!}

{Challengers! Your Daos have been unlocked.}

"Cat lord, can you hear me? Is the Codex no longer suppressed? Can you turn him into a dog?" I said.

[Tutankhamen relic grounds did not suppress the Codex]

[Meow, it is better if you experience the trial.]

[Listen! Throw the book at him!]

I trusted Sybil. She was much more reliable than the mischievous cat.

"I will slaughter you!" said God-King Tutankhamen as he prepared an attack.

I readied myself.

My devil wraps were stifling. It narrowed my vision. I must see far. I tossed them aside.

My resentment weapon was heavy. It threw me off balance. My target is far away. I threw it on the ground.

I aimed true and hurled my Codex at the decrepit figure! It whistled through the air!

God-King Tutankhamen countered with his attack.

The old ones say we devils are descendants of Asmodeus himself. I give testament to our bloodline. My roar is long and loud.

"Ahhhhh," I said.

"My lord!" said Wanfang.

"It is an honor, to die at your side."

"It's an honor to live by yours," I said.

"My Libra... My Fel Shards... Ahh... My Love…" I said.

I looked at the coming light as a torrent of skeletal arrows rained down on them.

The book hurled valiantly through the air. It was a stunning flying book, majestic and proud. A premium lexicon of pure knowledge.

The demonic figure looked at his cheek as the book whizzed past him. It gave him a bloody paper cut!

He looked sharply at me.

"What's this?" said God-King Tutankhamen.

The armored figure flaunted his Baron level aura and knocked the book to the side.

I began sweating; I figured Sybil wouldn't be wrong telling me to throw the book at it. However, the book did nothing!

Now Wanfang and I had countless holes piercing our bodies from the arrow rain. We were on our last breath. Our hopes extinguished. I would die here.

Just as I gave up hope. Mystical greyish white chains extended from the Codex into the armored figure. A bright greyish-white light then consumed the armored figure, and he was no more.

[Chain quest "Investigate the Tutan World" complete!]

[Delaying rewards…]

{Challengers! You have completed the relic!}

"Listen! Codex of Souls, my true salvation, please grant me your audience. Guide me so I may lighten encumbrance," said Sybil.

"I beg this you as your faithful child, o divine shepherd. Support me with your divine power!"

Sybil used her ability to heal! Wanfang and I had our wounds recover immediately.

"Hey! I have to rest for a while," said Sybil as she disappeared into the Codex.

"That was a wild ride. Let's go back to the central area to receive our ultimate reward Wanfang." I said.

Wanfang and I headed back to the central area. It was time for our reward!