The Tropics

Core formation was a tricky process. Right now a rainbow winged demon was secluded in a cave meditating. This demon was Wanfang.

Wanfang had gotten closer to nature to better commune with the elements. Wanfang filled his dantain to the brim with Elemental qi. Now it was time for him to form his Core!

Wanfang would connect a core to his meridians. It would act as a much stronger power source than his qi filled dantain.

It is the difference between mountain dew or red bull; Wanfang thought. Soon Wanfang planned to be fully charged, red bull gives you wings!

Everyone formed a core differently according to the scripture. It was a personal choice, unique to the individual, that lead to forming a Core. It would determine how Wanfang performed while in the Core Formation realm.

To form the elemental core Wanfang wanted, Wanfang needed to reach a perfect balance with the four elements. The scripture was comprehensive and listed several types of elemental cores that Wanfang could form. A single elemental core was the simplest.

To forge a single elemental core Wanfang would have to take his Elemental qi and condense it into that single element forming the core. This core would allow a stronger connection to the element Wanfang chose. It would generate elemental essence. A stage higher than qi.

If Wanfang formed this core, for access to the other elements Wanfang would have to always convert his essence. This was not ideal and would hamper Wanfang's battle strength. Wanfang would be strong in a single element but weak in other elements if he choose this path.

Wanfang was used to having command of all four of the elements. He would never choose such a simple path. Wanfang shot for the moon!

Wanfang wished to form the most complex core. A four-elemental core!

With this core Wanfang would create four distinct types of elemental essence. An elemental essence for each of the four elemental Daos Wanfang practiced!

To reach perfect balance in the four elements, Wanfang meditated day and night contemplating his usage of the elements. From time to time Wanfang would practice techniques hoping to reach a balance. After meditating for a time, Wanfang felt something was missing.

In China, in his previous life, they taught him the five elements! The Western four elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air were not the Eastern five elements of Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, and Metal. This was the source of Wanfang's unease.

Wanfang's Dao heart would not let him reach a balance with these four elements. Internally Wanfang felt they were wrong. Not necessarily wrong in a literal sense, but a philosophical sense. The Western four elements were not Wanfang's path!

Wanfang felt his Dao path was wrong. Since this was a wuxia world Wanfang would take a risk. The Classic elements scripture had detailed information on how to commune with all the elements. Wanfang could use it to connect to the Eastern elements.

The Chinese celebrated Yin-Yang and the five elements. Wanfang would do something unthinkable. Wanfang would inject his Eastern philosophy into this technique. But this was his Dao! It had to conform to him.

'The Moon is Yin, The Sun is Yang… Generating elements Wood feeds fire, Fire creates earth, Earth bears metal, Metal collects water, Water nourishes wood… Overcoming elements Wood parts earth, Earth absorbs water, Water quenches fire, Fire melts metal, Metal chops wood… The balance of Ying and Yang creates a cycle'

Wanfang connected with Metal and Wood Dao and formed a Ying-Yang cycle core! It felt perfect when Wanfang created it. Though it differed from the four-elemental core described in the scripture, this core was ideal for him!

Wanfang felt enlightened and his cultivation was growing. Ying and Yang with the five elements in balance. Wanfang had gained a glimpse of the path he should pursue.

Wanfang was talented. He had cleanly broken through the Baron realm in the six months he had allowed himself. Even creating his personal Ying-Yang cycle core.

Though his connection with Wood and Metal was still weak, they still allowed his core to reach a balance with his understanding of Chinese philosophy. Wanfang exited his seclusion brimming with vigor and looking towards the future.

The mansion and the training grounds had been built now. Kyle provided Wanfang with servants and maids for the war base. It would be up to their young lord to give this base a name, but everything was now in order. Wanfang was ready to take on the recruits!

Wanfang moved the stable transfer portal to the Tutan World inside the war base. This had now become ground zero for [Libra].

Stable portals to pocket worlds were much cheaper to operate than breaching. The resources still transported to a repository at the Young Noble Lounge, however, the ascenders would find themselves here.

Wanfang believed Wesser Forest would be the staging ground for most training. As an organization under a Hudson clan member, they gave [Libra] discounted services in the Wesser forest.

Wanfang decided that he would bring the recruits adventuring in a Baron camp. The Knight camps only had demon beasts up to the high-Knight realm.

Since the ascenders would seek a breakthrough to the completion-Knight realm, they would have to find their fix in a Baron camp. Wanfang sat off for the Hudson camping authority to set up arraignments in a Baron camp.

"How can I help you today?" said the bright-eyed attendant.

"Yes, I'm looking to set up lodging within a Baron camp for a small group," Wanfang said.

"How many members are in your group?" she asked.

"There shouldn't be over ten," Wanfang said.

"Are you looking to hunt a particular demon beast or are you just going there for the experience?" she asked.

"We are a Hudson clan organization," Wanfang said.

Wanfang flashed his devil mark for [Libra].

"I see," she said.

Her tone changed now that she knew Wanfang was with the Hudson clan.

"If it's your first time adventuring as an organization in the Wesser Forest I would suggest the Dancing Bird Tropic Baron camp," she said.

"It is our largest Baron camp, but also the most visited. It has a wonderful mix of wildlife with amazing scenery,"

"Dancing Bird Tropic is a tropical destination. Here are a few pictures and a map of the camp," she said.

Wanfang was astonished when he looked at what the Dancing Bird Tropic Baron camp offered!